rhythmdevils modded orthos

Discussion in 'Headphones' started by rhythmdevils, Nov 16, 2021.

  1. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    @purr1n you're measuring the modded version with the super soft pleather pads right? Not the leather pads? the leather pad version is not the finished mod. the finished mod on the V1 and V2 use the soft pleather pads.

    And if you can would you mind posting the distortion figures for the stock HE6SEv2? I put a huge amount of time and effort into making the cup inert and super rigid right where the drivers screw into the sup, so it's attached to a very solid base, which should help and I'd love to see if it is or not.

    Thanks for the measurements!
  2. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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  3. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    So all my work making the cups more rigid and inert right where the driver attaches to the cups accomplished nothing. HA! how is that possible?

    Yes the one with the suspension headband is the modded HE6SEv1

    I expect them to be similar.

    can you confirm that you measured the V2 with the soft pleather pads not the leather pads? That treble bump surprises me.
  4. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    Not exactly the same, better and worse. But how much could be just measurement to measurement variation? Different positioning, environment noise, earpads, other mods, driver variances etc.

    What’s more obvious is the difference in CSDs. Modded looks to be a nice improvement. How audible? Need more info like burst response and subjectives etc

    Patience @rhythmdevils
    Faster @purr1n edit: kidding
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Distortion doesn't tend to change with mods. I'd say the results are a wash and within tolerance given that these are two different samples. The CSDs are quite different with much better damping on the modded one.
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  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Last HE6. This is the SE V1 modded and equipped with super squishy pads . The V1 is the one with the suspension headband.

    HE6seV1 (stock, not modded)
    Frequency Response
    FPC compensated
  7. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    No rush at all but are these on the GitHub repository? Can't seem to find em, but yeah low priority ask.
  8. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    FPC HE6se V1 mod L.jpg
    FPC HE6se V1 mod R.jpg
  9. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Nope. I'll update the Git once every few months.
  10. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    @rhythmdevils Another nice improvement on CSD. Good job.

    @purr1n All your CSDs in this thread are a bit livelier on the right channel. Is that fault of your rig or environment or headphone?

    Also purr1n, you said distortion doesnt change much with mods. Is that a planar or HFM thing? Ive seen measurements of distortion lowering with acoustic impedance increase in electodynamics, see @Hands before/after Emu Walnut mods for example. And Ive seen distortion change from resonance control see THX00 variants and 6XX KISS for example.

    Any subjective impressions of stock vs modded? @both of you. Particularly bass macro dynamics and impact which to me seem to suffer the most when “overdamped”. Or lack of subjectives one of those read between the lines things.
  11. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Could be the rig and how the HPs mounted. Could be coincidence too. Planars from HFM and Audze are very dependent upon getting a good seal to push down those ortho walls. Those sharp walls - those are specific to planars. People tend to hear them in different ways. Some people hear this is orthos being underdamped (smoothing over fine detail). Others hear them as actual peaks. I tend to hear them as the former - underdamped - not as actual peaks or ringing at the frequencies.

    The modded versions are smoother in the upper mids and highs and more focused / refined / detailed sounding. It's kind of hard to explain with words.
  12. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    Audeze LCD2C. Care to compare stock vs modded please @rhythmdevils ? Have you heard LCD2C with 2021 Audeze pads @anybody and can compare to old version? Any reason why one should consider Voldemort over LCD2C aside from the small price difference when on discount.
  13. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    I haven't modded an LCD-2C with my current mods. But I have just finished an LCD-2F and can imagine it's similar.

    More open, more resolving, more dynamic, much more spacious and airy. Flat FR, no dips or recession. Better bass response with extension all the way down.

    Really good tone. Not as resolving as my LCD-X or LCD-4 but not bad at all, and the tone is just perfect IMO. I'll have to let others say more than that.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2021
  14. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    I just did a bit more digging and the LCD-2 Classic uses the same driver as the LCD-2F but has no fazors and has metal rings instead of wood. So my modded LCD-2 Classic and LCD-2F should sound the same since I remove the fazors. I would go with the LCD-2 Classic. The black metal looks nicer and is more sturdy and they're cheaper for the same final sound after mods. I'm not sure I'll buy one to mod knowing that they are the same.
  15. CEE TEE


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    Auditioning the RD-modded HE6SE!

    DAC used was Pi2AES > PS Audio PWD II via AES
    Amps: modded Super 7, Black Widow, and Mjolnir 1

    • MJ1: grips these tighter for more impact, more muscular/more hitting, clean.
    • Black Widow: more laid back, but still nice attack/leading edge in upper region(percussion for example). BW may be my sweet spot with modded HE6SE (but have not yet tried with Balancing Act w/EML PX4 tubes).
    • Super 7: coming from the MJ1 and BW, S7 seems too laid back...kinda slow/dragging sounding. Too sleepy!
    Amp conclusion: I would probably enjoy them 60% out of the BW and 40% out of the MJ1.

    Have not heard the stock HE6SE (neither V1 nor V2).
    My recollection of HE-6 was huge bass capability + sharp upper mids peak (too much).
    So, I was expecting a tamed upper mids peak and more linearity from RD…but still a <BIG> low end.
    The neutrality of these has surprised me and after doing the amp comparison I actually think the closest competitor is the OG HE-500.


    Modded HE6SE vs my OG HE500 (with HE-4XX angled pads)

    HE6SE imaging a bit more precise and localized, bit more resolving/tighter/cleaner.
    HD6SE bass a little tighter/cleaner.

    HE500 bass a little looser and so the quantity seems a little bit more/warmer at times? (Not 100% consistent track to track.)
    HE500 headstaging a bit more in the center of the head with a bit less depth and precise localization (vocals in between the ears basically on same plane as the ears, where HE6SE has just a little more layering front to back and tigher imaging of vocals and instruments).

    HD6SE slight, subtle improvements across the board. More refined. Resolution, control, localization.
    HE6SE does need more volume on the dial than HE500.

    Putting the HE500 on the MJ1 and the HE6SE on the Black Widow makes them more comparable by tightening up the 500 and loosening up the 6SE a touch.

    I think modded HD6SE is like a more refined, slightly less warm OG HE500.

    Modded HE6SE is much more neutral than I remember the OG HE-6.
    If you missed HE500 and wish you had gotten one…this is the improved replacement.
    I now feel like I can sell my HE-500, no problem. If I want a better one, I can hire RD to mod an HE6SE for me!

    EDIT: I tested the HE6SE V1 mod.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2021
  16. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Attack and decay envelopes for 10 cycle burst
    B1696 HE6seV2 stock.wav_burst.jpg

    B1696 HE6seV2 mod.wav_burst.jpg

    B1696 HE6seV1 mod.wav_burst.jpg
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  17. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    For trying to interpret burst response measurements here is some reference.
  18. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    V2mod Im guessing is more damped than V1mod based on measurements. (pontification of the ass):

    In comparison to v1mod or stock, v2mod frequency response is a bit leaner. Damping / tightening up driver movement which leads to less warmth overall but allows driver to swing faster increasing transients, and improves ability for bass extension and highs. All this can be tuned to taste and combined with other mods (like pads) to achieve certain tone, soundstage, bass decay, etc.

    In comparison, v2mod CSD is much more controlled due to more damping. What causes planar ringing?

    In electrodynamics distortion improving by damping driver has a strong correlation but with planars its different for some reason. How do you improve distortion with planars then? Improve cup resonance and reverb, bigger diaphragms, and stronget magnets?

    And burst response, v2mod has much quicker attack/rise, with improved decay (start/stop) which appears to mean faster transients. v2stock is really slow on the uptake @4800. Oddly v1mod decays quicker in the highs than v2. What are the physical differences between v1 and v2 (i guess that would be MOT secret). v2mod bass has a little less overshoot, very prompt to correct amplitude, and much quicker decay. Subjectively this bass is best?
  19. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    Just noticed that the v1 ortho walls are shifted down vs v2 (stock or modded). Does the v1 HE6se have a different driver? Would explain why v1 and v2 mods measure a little differently even though they may use the same mods?
  20. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    After months trying different mods on both models, I wound up arriving at the same mod for both the V1 and the V2. It just works the best. the differences you see are becaue the V1 and V2 don't use the same driver.

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