Galvanically Isolated Dildos messed up my iFI and they don't care enough about my butt

Discussion in 'Headphone Amplifiers and Combo (DAC/Amp) Units' started by docentore, Mar 3, 2022.

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  1. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    word on advice on ifi customer service and warranty repairs.
    OG xDSD I owned developed USB interface fault caused by fault in their other davice - iGalvanic.
    ifi is not only denying this, claiming that their devices never go faulty and calling me liar.

    In my long life I had exposure to so many audio, IT and other gadgets to know that statement is ridiculous.

    Be careful when choosing your next amp/dac.
  2. Erroneous

    Erroneous Friend

    May 15, 2016
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    Dude if you're going to call people out, at least post the whole convo so we have an idea of exactly what's going on (and not just the part where you throw a hissy fit because you didn't get your way.)
  3. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    II @iFi audio you want to clarify this situation, you can send me a pm and I'll post whatever is going on here so people know.
  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    LOL, I don't think it's iFI's responsibility. OP has axe to grind, already threatens to tell the rest of the world of his perceived injustice, and posts random barely intelligible partial thoughts instead of explaining the situation from beginning to end. What the heck is iFi supposed to do when an irate customer lacks basic literacy skills? The OP couldn't even link to a post on HF to give us context.

    For all we know, the OP plugged in the iGalvanic into a USB powered vibrating dildo. I don't even know what an "USB interface fault" means. As I said, literacy is people's friend.
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    Last edited: Mar 3, 2022
  5. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    haha yes true. iFI just doesn't seem like a company with bad customer service and the thread is locked,, so I thought I'd give them a way to be heard.

    Can you hook me up with one of those dildos BTW?
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  6. SoupRKnowva

    SoupRKnowva Official SBAF South Korean Ambassador

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    Wonder how many other forums were joined just to incomprehensibly bitch about ifi
  7. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Just get one on Amazon. Galvanic isolation makes the vibrating action smoother.

    Unlocked the thread for entertainment purposes. :cool:
  8. Ksaurav402

    Ksaurav402 Friend

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    Nice idea of using galvanic isolation btw. You don't want EMI/RFI to go there
  9. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    I'll admit bias since I mostly like their stuff and have received great aftersales service for a device I bought used but to be fair it's understandable that someone who feels they got shafted by a company make an account on multiple audio sites just to spread word of the perceived slighting, crass and crochety as it might be.

    If the OP didn't do a dunderhead and try plugging a USB-B cable into a microUSB port then it's not implausible that faults may not necessarily be user error. I agree that this isn't necessarily iFi's responsibility... yet. If @docentore can furnish evidence that there was fault with the iGalvanic (wtf how many products does @iFi audio have???? :p) and that it WAS the cause of damage downstream then sure, but barring that this is in pretty bad taste. Send the unit(s) to whatever local distributor/dealer/authorised repair centre is available for validation, see what results are.

    I've worked in a couple of positions where I've learned that, shocker, customers might sometimes make stuff up to get freebies or look better than they have any right to. Sorry if that sounds cynical or mean-spirited, @docentore, but casually tossing around accusations like this is a dangerous game.

    Hey no kink shaming ;)

    ... unless there's a pacemaker involved in which case uhhhh yeah no to interference.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2022
  10. Gazny

    Gazny MOT: ETA Audio

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    I once blew up an Ifi power supply by feeding it AC, sent a request to RMA and it was fully covered. I had to sell the item out of shame.
  11. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    hey all,

    Let's clear some air here.
    @SoupRKnowva - just this forum, I'm member of most audio forums.

    The whole issue is not with ifi not fixing it for free, I was never looking for free stuff. Problem is that ifi denied it is possible that iGalvanic when developed fault could take the next device that is connected.

    Only thing I was asking ifi is some guidance and I have asked to sell me programmed xmos chip that I could replace myself. This ask was ignored instead of that ifi claims that they're waiting for my response while it is oposite - no reply for my ask was received.
    Only solution I was offered is to replace the xDSD mainboard for the price that is more than new whole device in shop.
  12. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    USB interface fault means that xDSD is not recognised since it was fried by broken iGalvanic. It works with spdif and over BT.
    I have asked ifi to sell me just the XMOS chip, I can replace it myself.

    The whole discussion was done over support ticket which I dont have access to as I was blocked by ifi. Post on HF was made due to that.
    But here you go, I have asked for help, got blanked by ifi

    PS. No dildo are being used with my audio devices, I dont even use dildos, you know I'm heterosexual male. Thank you for suggestion, not going to use it ;)
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2022
  13. Riotvan

    Riotvan Snoofer in the Woofer

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Regardless you seem to have something up your ass.
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  14. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    Are you for real? Manfacturer calls me liar and I have something up my ass?
  15. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    TBH I wanted to blank the issue and use the xDSD as BT device only after I was ignored by ifi when I asked for help on this. Paid help. I was offered brand new board for xDSD which was quoted more than device itself.
    I have asked them as gesture of good will to sell me just the XMOS chip as I can replace it myself and I was completely ignored and my access to my tickets on their support portal blocked.

    Then they posted that lie that they were waiting for my reply for couple of weeks - this is the only reason I started this case. And yes, I have posted this on few forums and FB groups (this is only new account, never had one account here, was just lurker).

    It is not shit posting, this is warning that ifi has 0/null respect to their customers once the warranty is over. No after sales support.
    Say whatever you want, think whatever you want - I dont care. I know some folks don't give 2 sh!ts about bad business practives (examples: CFA, IMR etc), but some do.
  16. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    If one branch of iFi said that they were waiting on a response from you when another representative (is this first or third party support?) already answered then sure that's on them for having some fragmentation in hierarchy— that is common for larger companies. Do you have references to prove the communications with different leads?

    Later in the headfi thread you linked:

    ... it was said that because you bought a used product they are under no legal (or moral) obligation to help you out of pocket and I'm inclined to agree. This is a risk that comes with buying used gear; basically everything I have in audio is bought used because it's much cheaper even accounting for international shipping (local taxes suck buttocks), but if anything does go wrong with a purchase the lack of OEM support is the price I pay for saving. Same goes for this.

    I'm an idiot as far as engineering concepts and design go but based on internal shots of the iGalvanic (this name REALLY reminds me of Digimon) I'm curious whether anyone better-informed here might be able to pinpoint how a device like this might cause damage to connected components.

    Didn't say that you were shitposting, but I understand that this is an amazingly stressful time for you given the things you've lost so far and electronic components looking to be significantly pricier in the future for myriad reasons. You just have to try and cover your ground as best you can by providing evidence and analysing what might have actually happened as opposed to making what you want to have happened be the truth, which honestly this looks like what's happening.

    I've got no horse in this race, just think it sucks when someone loses something valuable to them. Best of luck finding an amenable resolution.
  17. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    I have bought xDSD knowing that it was faulty (USB part, spdif and bt are fine). My friend explained it this way some time later:

    "I came back home from work and noticed that iGalvanic was red hot (he leaves his PC constantly on) while xDSD was connected to iGalvanic. Immediately disconnected both devices and tried to connect the xDSD directly to PC - it was not recognised. ifi replaced the iGalvaniser but denied the xDSD fault as it was 1 month (!) after warranty"

    So that is his story. He left that as is. I have decided to point this in support ticket with ifi that if that was case (and obviously was) they should offer some kind of help. I do understand that xDSD was out of warranty but the fact it was damaged by another ifi hardware should make them offer some help instead of offering new board for ~300GBP, which is more than new device over here.

    I have opened ticket after obtaining the xDSD and pointed the whole situation and asked nicely for help and guidance. Instead of that I was told that it was impossible that iGalvanic, even that it went with flames, would damage xDSD.
    And that was end of conversation by ifi, nothing more, apart my ask for XMOS to be sold to me.
    Saying that they were waiting for my input is pure lie.

    Only one who was waiting for anyone input was me waiting for ifi as I asked to make exception in this case to sell me just the XMOS chip programmed with their firmware, I have possibility to replace BGA chips.
    This time I lost access to my tickets, seems that ifi support blocked it for me.

    As I mentioned before - I knew the device is faulty and I was fine with it, using it as BT receiver. But after hearing how this happened I've asked ifi for help, instead I was told lies and later ignored. This is main reason why I started this - just to point that their CS is shady. It wasnt like that before, I got wonderful support 3-4 years back when I had issues with their another device.

    This is full story, I hope it was literate enough for all users that said Im not literate. For all who says I have something in my ass - please do not project your sexual fantasies onto me.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2022
  18. RestoredSparda

    RestoredSparda Friend

    Jan 7, 2021
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    I understand your frustration. It sucks.

    However, you bought a used, defective, product from your friend that is out of warranty. I can't think of any company (short of the DIY scene) that would handle this the way you want. Sending you chips to install yourself on a product they most likely don't want you to open?

    So what happens when you try and replace what you think is the problem and it doesn't work? Open up another support ticket and round and round we go?

    I don't see an issue with how they handled this.
  19. rlow

    rlow A happy woofer

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    Dude you are the worst type of customer. The sad thing is, in this case, you’re not even the customer - you bought this second hand with the defect, out of warranty. At that point, it’s game over. No warranty, no original purchase. They gave you a price for a replacement board. Yeah, I don’t know why it’s so high, but even if it was 65% of the price of new, you still wouldn’t have purchased it.

    No one is going to sell you a preprogrammed chip to install yourself, outside of maybe some boutique shop. Ifi manufacture their shit in Asia- they probably don’t even have a chip to sell you. Even if they did, it’s a business and legal decision if they want to sell you a part or not. Legal because what if they sell it to you and you damage your other gear, electrocute yourself, or burn down your house. They do not owe this to you, in fact, in this case, they owe you nothing.

    So what is left to complain about exactly? You had a bit of a less than ideal customer service interaction. It happens. Get over it. Customer service staff turn over all the time, and keeping them completely smiley and friendly and helpful and willing to go over and above all of the time is hard. Especially with idiot customers that come looking for special treatment with second hand units, outside of warranty. They have other actual customers with warranty issues they need to get to, in order to meet their targets. I don’t care if the iGalvanic opened up a giant mallet and smashed your iDsd - it’s out of warranty and you bought it second hand. It had a fault already and you knew that and bought it like that. They owe you nothing, sorry. Whether the iGalvanic caused the fault originally in the iDSD is completely moot and whether they are right or you are is moot as well.

    You need to stop whining about your terrible mistreatment. At this point you are out nothing because you bought the unit as-is and it still works as it did when you bought it. Enjoy it as it is, and stop your righteous Internet crusade.
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    Last edited: Mar 4, 2022
  20. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    I just don't like to be called liar by anyone. Not ifi, not some random dude on net.
    Like I said I would leave it as is, dont care too much. Asked for help got denied - fine.
    But lyinhg that they are tryin to help and most important waiting for my reply - this is the issue. Yeah right, waiting few weeks for my reply after blocking my account from viewwing or amending any tickets on the support page.

    I dont care too much about this device, its just cheap amp/dac at the end of the day. I can afford new one, not the point.

    Point is that ifi support lied - If they just ignored me I wouldnt be moaining and whining, I don't care of lack of support in this case, I get that. Problem is their attitude and lies that they are waiting for my reply weeks while they blocked my account on the support page.

    You get it now?
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