Galvanically Isolated Dildos messed up my iFI and they don't care enough about my butt

Discussion in 'Headphone Amplifiers and Combo (DAC/Amp) Units' started by docentore, Mar 3, 2022.

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  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Wut? You of your own accord knowingly purchased a defective unit and expect iFi to sell you an XMOS chip at near or close to cost and acknowledge that it was the iGalvanic that cause this unit to be defective?

    I'm sorry, but that's a stretch.

    You postulate that it was the iGalvanic that broke the iDSD. The problem is that this did not happen on your watch. It happened somewhere else. For all we know, the original owner broke the iDSD (and iGalvanic since evidently it was repaired under warranty) by doing something dumb and didn't tell you the real story. This kind of shit happens all the time. People do weird stuff like mod their gear with no clue what they are doing, and then sell it off when some functionality breaks on it.

    The fact is, we just don't know what caused the iDSD USB to malfunction. You certainly don't. It's all hearsay and speculation. It could have been a bad audiophile USB cable. Or an audiophile LPS with the wrong voltage or insufficient current delivery.

    No one called you a liar. I'd argue that you are the liar by strategically releasing tibits of information to fit the narrative that you want to present. All iFi did was say that the iGalvanic blowing up the iDSD's USB port was not possible.

    You are not an iFi customer. iFi support owes you nothing. The problem is your attitude.

    Yes and it looks bad upon you.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2022
  2. rlow

    rlow A happy woofer

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  3. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    Ok again, as I think folks have problems with understanding here. The issue is not that I got no support, not that ifi wouldn't sell me the XMOS.
    They could simply state that and close the case. I mean I let this go already until I saw post on HF from ifi that they were waiting for my reply while it is the oposite.
    This is taking a piss to be honest.

    I am, I own couple of ifi devices, bought new in shop.

    I don't care.

    Ifi did by saying that they were waiting for my input while they blocked the possibility for me to update the support ticket.

    There is simple solution - ifi could just write: "sorry doc, but no. this is impossible."
    Instead of that they ignored my question, kept the ticket for >3 weeks with no updates, then blocked me.
    So while I was waiting for simple yes/no answer I got nothing apart from seeing that ifi said they're waiting for my input - this is the lie Im talking about.

    Yeah, I don't use audiophile usb cables, neither my friend.
    The fact is the iGalvanic started to smolke with xDSD connected. After that xDSD would not work over usb

    It is xDSD.

    Anyway I'm not going to argue anymore here as obviously most of you missed the point
  4. señorhifi

    señorhifi Friend

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    I work in Customer Care right now. This thread is funny. Reminds me of how some people buy X product 2nd hand off of eBay and then come to us, the manufacturer, asking for warranty repairs. I don't even get the logic.

    EDIT: oh and if you have been treated poorly, I can see why this might have been. Customer Care services are often times outsourced to call centers. There folks stay sometimes for a few weeks, f**k things up, and simply leave to a better job. They come and go, which unfortunately means poor support in a lot of cases. It's part of the trade I guess.
  5. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    BTW warranty is transferable in EU once you have original proof of purchase (receipt, invoice) if original owner bought it in EU. If manufacturer / seller refuses based on that they break the law. But thats irrelevant here.

    I work in CS myself for last 15 years, desktop support, then L2, then L3. Thats why I got so pissed, if I did anything like that, I mean ignore the customer then lie that I was waiting for customer input after blocking them I'd get probably sacked.

    Like I said hundred times here - issue is not that I did not get the xDSD fixed, I was chancing it and nicely asked for help. I didnt get any and I'm ok with that, because I was not entitled to get it as pointed.
    Issue is the CS representative attitude then lies that they tried to help but were waiting for my input.

    Oh, one more thing - as owner of couple of ifi devices I dont get how one can call me non-customer of ifi. But f**k that.
  6. Senorx12562

    Senorx12562 Case of the mondays

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I think a reasonable construction of "...waiting for his reply..." in this context is "waiting for him to provide even a theory as to how the iGalvanic could have, let alone did, cause the problem with the xDSD (purchased used, out of warranty, and known to be faulty), aside from the assertion of same by a third party." Entitled is an understatement.
  7. crenca

    crenca Friend

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    Might not be your fault, but your broken English and communication style is very hard to follow. After about 2 or 3 of your emails I would have closed your ticket as well.

    Also this is a $500 consumer electronic product that is not meant to be serviced by the consumer. If you really have the IT support experience you claim, you understand all too well that 98.874% of consumer electronic companies are not in any position to "just sell you an XMOS chip", and your intentionally being manipulative with this unreasonable request. Go source your own XMOS chip. Another reason for iFi to close your ticket.

    To top it all off, you knowingly purchased the product broken! You had a fantasy in your head how your were going to get iFi to fix it, and it did not work out, now your "blanked".

    Your ticket is now closed and will not be reviewed any further.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2022
  8. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    At IFI HQ:
    "lets wait for him to provide the proof that iGalvanic damaged the xDSD, but first lets block his account on support portal, this is going to be epic. Oh, and then lets post info that they are still waiting for the info"
  9. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    Ok, my English is so broken that I manage to support international customers as Level 3 support engineer.
    It would completely be fine if they put into the ticket information that they cant provide the chip or any other help - and close it. I would accept that with no moaning.
    They left my question unanswered then post that thing on h-f that they are waiting for my input. Oh, did I mentioned that they blocked me from my tickets?

    I had no fantasy of ifi fixing it, I have asked kindly for help and was ok to accept the refusal. But not lying about me not following or replying to their posts.

    You know that people are capable of repairing this kind of equipment with proper tools and knowledge? It is not magic.
  10. Senorx12562

    Senorx12562 Case of the mondays

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    I still haven't heard even a theory, much less proof.
  11. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    The iGalvanic is not the point here but ifi CS attitude. For 100 time: I was not expecting ifi to fix the xDSD. I have asked for help (paid, but not in range of new device) so I can attemopt to fix it myself.
  12. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    It'd be nice to have customers be given an easy time of things out of principle because that'd be how things are in a nicer world. @crenca beat me to it but I do think that, since you do appear to be ESL, some of the tones here might not necessarily be conveyed properly. There is a difference between technical writing, which I do feel you have a good grasp on, and subtle prose.

    I was an English tutor for a while and I've spent too many years watching anime besides being ESL myself to not have picked up some of the nuances that explain the hows behind "Engrish" grammar structures and how some concepts simply do not have a perfect translation; it does feel like a lot of nuance is getting lost in the pixels. No one was thinking you were lying or even being particularly snippy with you before it came to light that there were aspects of the story that you did not immediately share, @docentore, specifically that it was in the possession of a friend when it died and that you cannot personally vouch for their actions while they had the unit.

    Besides teaching I might have also worked customer service for some rather cruddy brands; while I did try to keep things civil, I have to admit that dealing with a lot of irate tickets while short on sleep or feeling icky from being made to sleep on a broken swivel chair with people chugging Monster all around you makes it hard to be polite sometimes. If they did f**k up the support ticket then that's certainly on them, it's not implausible that someone is having a bad day behind that desk, but the fact remains that unless my reading comprehension is tanking again there's yet to be any hard evidence that the i-Gallantmon was specifically responsible for the damage done as far as I'm aware.

    Yes there's nothing magic about electronics (despite how arcane they can seem at times) but there is no divine obligation on iFi's part to offer assistance, much as that would be the generous thing to do. You do have the right to get it repaired by a third party or, should the fancy strike you, have whatever components still work salvaged and DIY your own device since you seem familiar with these things, but being obtuse about responsibility and, I'm sorry to say, rude in your demeanour isn't helping your case.

    Is there a way for you to have the damaged components analysed so you might be able to source alternatives yourself? As for the price being more than the cost of a new unit, well... that's unfortunate but it's a seller's market. I don't want to pay $200 before shipping and taxes for replacement pads for my headphones so... I won't. If the current pads do become unusable I suppose I'll just have to improvise.
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    Last edited: Mar 4, 2022
  13. Senorx12562

    Senorx12562 Case of the mondays

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I was unaware that ifi had gone into the service/parts sales business.
  14. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    Thank you for kind words. Yes, Im ESL, yes some of my posts were a bit rude here but I felt attacked left and right. Yes - I should probably show the whole case in OP.

    My apologies for this. TBH I habe already left the case and was happy to use the xDSD as bt receiver - I'm happy with it. I saw my unanswered question about XMOS chip in the support ticket and I assumed same as everyone - there was little chance of it happening.

    I was really happy and all with the situation. But I saw yesterday that post on headfi and went bananas. Ifi's explanation was far from truth
    Probably the personal situation got onto me as well and helped me alot with changing the English to Engrish (me and my whole family was tested covid positive in last 3 days).

    Therefore I apolkogise if I came as demanding and whining cunt. If I offended anyone - I'm sorry.

    Lets close this thread, at the end of the day it is just piece of audio equipment.
  15. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    Like I said I was chancing it and I would be ok with simple no.
    They will replace the board for 300 sterling in xDSD, so one can say that they do sale parts.
  16. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    I'm just a random person on the internet but I think it's safe to say there are too many reasons to be stressed out nowadays. Wishing you well and, while this was a bad showing (I'm not going to lie about that), being cranky is part of being human and being alive. Hope that the gear makes music fun still!

    And yeah if there are problems with support ticketing then that definitely needs to be looked into to circumvent future misunderstandings. Reputation is an additive process.
  17. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    You seem to keep changing your story slightly.

    A manufacturer is not obligated to help you fix:
    1. A device which is not user serviceable
    2. A device which is not under warranty
    3. A device which you did not buy
    4. Agree with your assessment on what caused failure, especially if the information came second hand and is highly speculative
    If you asked for an XMOS part, then you would obviously understand the many expensive tools and mad skills necessary to safely remove and place SMT parts with fine pitch and heat sensitivity! Put yourself into a manufacturer's shoes and understand what potential nightmare situations this could cause. Even then, it may not just the XMOS chip that has exploded. It could the the USB connector, or traces, or SMT resistors, caps, diodes, transistors, power circuits supporting the SMT, etc.

    The XMOS chips are a whole 'nother level of PIA compared to the 8-pin SMT opamp swaps in the hacking Schiit thread.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2022
  18. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    How can so many people care enough to read threads like these. Jesus I could care less.
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  19. docentore

    docentore New

    Mar 3, 2022
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    Oh, I know that. By the way it is not smd part but BGA. I have friend who has electronic repair shop, replacing 96 balls BGA chip is not an issue, 1h job.

    Still I know my things, I know my electronics. Everything else, caps, resistors etc was checked. It is XMOS fault, I know for 99.99%.

    BTW I never said they are obliged to fix, I have asked them nicely to help me. Nothing more.
  20. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Dildos, USB powered, galvanically isolated
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