Shilling in Social Media and Ambiguity in Trade Rags

Discussion in 'General Audio Discussion' started by purr1n, Nov 11, 2023.

  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    Is that the right link? Sounds like high praise from Stereophile.

    Since installing the Mystique X SE DAC in my system about four weeks ago, I have not taken it out. The Mojo's extremely natural, easy-flowing sound trumped every inclination I had to do comparisons with some other digital source. Its nuclear-level pheromone emissions led me amorously from one streaming track to another. In most ways, that's the main story of this review. That's the effect the Mystique had on me and my system.​
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  2. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    To be fair the review almost sounds tongue-firmly-in-cheek? I haven't read web Stereophile properly in years but this is almost taking the piss it feels like, just that they never break character.
  3. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    Written reviews are still around and haven’t gone away. I've seen the gear impressions at Head-Fi get better in the past few years. ASR is still a great resource if you new and want something that isn't broken sounding (high SINAD gear may not sound great, but it will never sound broken, unless its an Chinese DAC using ESS chips and OPA1612). A few guys at write really good stuff. There's one other guy who is pretty good too who has his own site, although he pulls his punches a bit for obvious reasons.

    The written space is the only sphere in media where authenticity can be found. And authenticity is what translates into a sale.

    It merely seems like videos are taking over the world because there’s so much of it.

    P.S. Have you guys noticed the democratization of SBAF audio vocabulary lately? The written word isn’t dead. I’d argue it’s stronger than ever.
  4. Gazny

    Gazny MOT: ETA Audio

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    It reads to me it’s great if you don’t have anything else to compare to. Page 1 is just preamble, most will doze off before page 2.

    Vs the Bartok, Spring,Tambaqui, Terminator it does not hold up price aside.
  5. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Unequivocal, and no room for misunderstanding or questions about what he meant, Tyll's video review in which he listens for a while, groaning and wincing from time to time. Then taking off the phones and almost sobs the price into the mic.

    If this Stereophile review is ironic, well, it had me fooled.
  6. zonto

    zonto Friend

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    I read that as more of a dig on the Bartok than anything else, but it’s not super clear and thus a garbage review.
  7. Hrodulf

    Hrodulf Prohibited from acting as an MOT until year 2050

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    I'm just reporting what the SEO numbers show. Google is pushing video super hard which is why our reviews now contain a video portion. I've done actor work before but I'm afraid I can't crank out anything that holds up to what the lads are doing. At least not yet.

    As for written stuff, Reddit seems to be reigning supreme. Basically for every topic you want, just add "reddit" to cut right through the commercial stuff.
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  8. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

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    Which in its own way is just as bad... at least the commercial stuff is professional bullshit.

    It's in fashion to shit on legacy media but there's nothing worse than a masses who think they're smarter and above it, but are actually dumb and amateurish.

    I only go to reddit Dunning-Kurgerville as a last resort... and bring my hazmat suit to keep the stink off. Something something IMO something something exceptions to the rule blah blah blah.
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  9. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
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    I'll bet SBAF has been just as instrumental in selling > $500 pieces of gear in the personal audio space than Reddit and YT combined. Quality over quantity.

    Reddit and YT own the low end for sure. ASR too on the low end.
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  10. Hrodulf

    Hrodulf Prohibited from acting as an MOT until year 2050

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    Well if we refuse to pay for our content then we get only what's for free.

    At least here you can tell who's who. That's the main problem with reddit, everyone looks equally well-equipped to comment. There's of course the headphoneus supremus village which isn't far off from reddit.
  11. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    Reddit and Discord are, in a sense, echo chambers of people wanting to validate their electrical engineering degrees and talk crap about having demoed nicer gear in order to strongly opine that "amps DACs don't make a difference"; when you ask them about the circumstances of their having demoed nicer amps and DACs, you find out that this one very strongly opinionated dude gleaned impressions at a hi-fi show using... 3D-printed single-BA IEMs that they made themselves that they guarantee are excellent performers.

    Sure. Awesome.

    Not sure about ASR since I don't go there unless I hear about something absolutely incredible like Amir claiming that the HD650 and HD600 are basically the same etc., but yeah the problem with the internet at large is that people can claim whatever they want to, and if enough people want to believe the same, it becomes the truth.

    Anything else would be too inconvenient.
  12. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

    Jun 16, 2016
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    The promise the internet held back in the 90s is laughable in hindsight; this idea of a better world... to think anything created and embraced by humans on a mass scale would evolve (or devolve) into anything but a massive clown show was incredibly naive. The bottom line is businesses and corporations profit from the stupidity of the masses

    Oh and "amps and dacs don't make a difference" like "giant killer" are terms usually used by people who want to feel better about not spending money... it sucks but the hobby is expensive even if you buy high value/high performing items. The Wavedream isn't cheap but neither is the Yggdrasil.

    There is this idea that anything "expensive" is automatically "bad, no good, evil corporation practicing greed and pushing snake oil". I honestly can't blame skeptics for being that way because alot of it is evil and greed, but absolutism is a foolish way to live life. The answer is always: its complicated.
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  13. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Truth is relative and evolving. How many people are sick of the SINAD game now? We've even seen ASR being more relaxed about subjective impressions (given appropriate disclaimers are stated). We've even seen Redditors questioning the SINAD approach.

    People eventually move in the right direction, but it takes time. Heck, most of Europe decided war was dumb, after two thousand almost continuous years of it.

    SBAF: It works on a trust but verify model. I don't think people would trust what anybody said about gear here unless it was verified by others. We are talking about direct experience, not imagination based on measurements, not experienced biased by measurements (which just as easily biases people). There is a reason why we have loaner programs.
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    Last edited: Nov 12, 2023
  14. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson)

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    SBAF is PBS Sneak Previews. Carefully curated opinions.
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  15. wbass

    wbass Friend

    Feb 10, 2019
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    John Atkinson's measurements on the Mystique DAC suggested some issues, and he did a not entirely favorable follow-up review. I don't bother terribly much with Stereophile or any of the mainstream review outlets anymore, but occasionally the lab reports are interesting and cut against the grain of the typically glowing review copy.

    Herb Reichert is sometimes a good read and has an interesting DIY background. A decent wordsmith, too, even if I mostly skip to the end of all reviews. I can't say I'd base many buying decisions off mainstream reviews, but at least they're a source of general information for things I'm considering.

    Art Dudley's columns on vintage analogue and speakers are definitely worth a read. RIP. He really provided something different in a space if not explicitly dedicated to helping advertisers move units then pretty much effectively that.

    Michael Fremer has his schtick, but I think it's reasonable to say he knows analog. He's also written plenty of bad reviews. Since turntables and arms and carts have more obvious mechanical and electrical needs and challenges and faults than, say, digital, I appreciate an expert voice on them. (While also looking for general takes in multiple forums.)

    The blog and YT reviewers are... okay to poor. Some occasional entertainment to be had, but mostly that.

    Forums are probably the best resource for research but require a fair bit of cross-checking and endless grains of salt.

    Pretty much home auditions are the only reasonably surefire option, and I've done a bunch of them and still ended up with a few things I didn't end up loving. Oh, well, it's all (meant to be) fun.
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  16. evanft

    evanft Acquaintance

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    I'm with you on this one. While there are certainly shills and hacks out there, a lot of YouTubers seem to be less willing to pull punches. I was watching a headphone tier list video recently (I don't recall who it was from) and was pleasantly surprised to hear the people in the video actually shit all over some of the headphones they were talking about. I guess it's a product of them generally being younger and not really giving a f**k along with the fact that they don't really need to rely on audio companies for ad revenue.
  17. Polemarkos

    Polemarkos Facebook Friend

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Do you know if any digitized copies of Listener are floating around? I've done some Google but it seems like the answer is no. I found one thread that claimed Art Dudley's daughter was considering digitizing them but I've only seen that one post even reference digital and 'Listener' in the same context.
  18. Svadhyaya

    Svadhyaya New

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    Yep, this is the first forum that's felt accessible to me. The diversity of backgrounds here is a relief, I was tired of feeling like the new kid who hadn't listened to enough summit gear to be included. This place is very down-to-earth and I'm grateful for it :)
  19. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made"

    Jun 28, 2023
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    Welcome… it can, and should, be FUN

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