What's Your Job IRL?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by MoatsArt, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. BrettMatthews

    BrettMatthews Friend Pyrate

    Mar 29, 2016
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    I am a Technical Instructor for air traffic navigation and communication systems.

    I took Electronics Engineering back in school and was hired on as an Air Traffic Management Communications Technologist back in 2010. I recently won and internal competition for a promotion to teach the systems that I used to work on. Being an instructor is much different than when I was a tech but I am enjoying the new challenge!

    It's very interesting to see how diverse everyone's jobs are!

  2. BioniclePhile

    BioniclePhile The Terminal Man - Friend Pyrate

    Oct 25, 2015
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    Admudnson-Scott Antarctic Facility (Seattle WA)
    Home Page:
    I'm a rad package handler at FedEx, gonna do wildland firefighting in Cali next year, and I don't know what'll be after then.
  3. Azteca

    Azteca Friend Pyrate

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Director of Recording at a conservatory, adjunct in digital audio. I like to maintain some distance from my personal life here but it is relevant to our discussions about audio. While I am just as likely to be wrong as most on the internet, I do have experience with pro audio and what goes into the audio we seek to reproduce in our playback chains.
  4. sphinxvc

    sphinxvc Gear Master (retired) Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I'm a consultant for the UN on data and systems.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
  5. Ryu

    Ryu Friend Pyrate

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Relax man! Don't give them anymore ideas.
  6. aufmerksam

    aufmerksam Friend Pyrate

    Sep 28, 2015
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    E. Lansing, MI
    Another lawyer, but the talkie kind.

    I'm actually a math and stats lover, but harbor a nearly insatiable anger towards all of everything desire to be correct, and I like interacting with people. When it came time to turn my math minor into a major, I balked because I feared getting into CS or actuarial stuff would be too isolating.

    I went the other way and got a law degree. I have only worked in litigation so far in my career, and don't regret it. I find that I can actually meet my quota for the blood of my enemies arguing about stuff during my day job, and be fairly decent in other areas (home, family, friends, even the stupid internet). I got into headphones during law school. Sometimes I need a little bit of noise to distract the other parts of my mind so I can focus on boring, time intensive activities (legal research, legal writing, document review...). Sadly, speakers are NOT permitted in law libraries.

    My first "career" job was as a criminal prosecutor, and now I do civil litigation. If anyone has questions about either, I am happy to answer.
  7. Mdkaler

    Mdkaler Friend Pyrate

    Jul 22, 2016
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    I do purchasing at a public university, plus some accounting and fund managing here and there.
    Free time was abundant back in college days, but was spent mostly with friends and on online games. And time has become very precious now that I haven't had time to really sit down and go through the tubes I got, but I suspect other priorities will continue to receive preferences in time allocation :(
  8. RiddleyWalker

    RiddleyWalker Friend Pyrate

    Nov 27, 2015
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    IT guy. Fix computers, manage corporate networks, MDM, etc. Just had drinks with some Cisco vendors tonight, that's where the real money is. Trying to decide if I want to remain in systems admin or move towards network specialty.
  9. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin Staff Member Pyrate MZR

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Irvine CA
  10. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator Staff Member Pyrate MZR

    Sep 27, 2015
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    i push keyboard and mouse buttons make computers go beep boop

    dream one day of the cloud to butt extension replacing cloud in real life buzzword speak so that i can die happy
  11. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson) Pyrate Contributor

    Jul 31, 2016
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    Ohio, USA. Home of the eclipse
    How quickly that changed... I was having fun

    EDIT: posted before hiving or whatever
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
  12. rayfalkner

    rayfalkner Not to be confused with Roy Fokker - Friend Pyrate

    Oct 3, 2015
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    I'm a fishmonger! I help pack up fresh fishes into drums for distribution, and then after all of the mini-trucks depart to their own distribution route I return to my small offish err- office room to act as a makeshift accountant, which is basically just inputting data of today's sales and expenses into some Excel spreadsheets. Also act as a kind of peddler by receiving buy orders either through the phone or in person. Smelly job but pays enough to save for an HD800 which is something I guess.

    For a side job I do designs for business cards, company logo, brochures, stuffs like that.
  13. gaspasser

    gaspasser Flatulence Maestro Pyrate Contributor

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Suburban DC
    I think @Torq is really Jimmy Buffett ;) what do I win since I already have a Modi Multibit?
    Where did his whole post go? @Wilson and @cizx are some humorous guys, I can't stop chuckling at the funny shit you both come up with.
  14. Torq

    Torq MOT: Headphone.com Pyrate

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Seattle, WA
    My fiancé would love that.

    But I just "make" the "tea".
  15. fishski13

    fishski13 Friend Pyrate

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Twin Cities, MN
    -ICU registered nurse for 15 years. After a decade of medical nursing, I made the transition from medical nursing to cardiac nursing 5 years ago.
    -Father of a 9 and 6 year old, and a husband tag-teaming to raise the tit-suckers and put his beautiful high school sweetheart/wife through grad school.
    -Weekend warrior around the house fixing shit, mowing grass, and blowing snow.
    -Wannabe World Pro Tour cyclist...on a single speed.
    -I solder shit on occasion in my free time.
  16. batriq

    batriq Probably has made you smarter Pyrate

    Oct 31, 2015
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    I am an engineer on google search. I studied theoretical computer science and now I work on information retrieval.
  17. Walderstorn

    Walderstorn Friend Pyrate

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Major in Imagiology, i know it's not (or it wasn't) an university degree in the US, at least some years ago. I did 5 years of it, i think you guys call it Radiographer, some call it Radiology Technician and some, like the country im moving in to (Sweden) calls it an Radiation Nurse oO. Ofc when im working some run away from me like the plague thinking i will will become some kind of bizarre monster because of the radiation.

    Nowadays im more into surgery than anything else but i will also do MRI's.

    I have another degree, self-learned, i majored in "i'm lazy, i just want to win the lottery expectation", unfortunately that plan was side-tracked by bills.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2016
  18. rsnblmn

    rsnblmn Acquaintance Contributor

    Mar 27, 2016
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    Denver, CO
    If you like the cloud to butt extension, then you've probably also seen this, but just in case:

  19. nedifer

    nedifer Facebook Friend Contributor

    Oct 10, 2015
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    San Francisco Bay Area
    Jack of all trades (master of none) who tripped sideways into IT. First job was in a wine and beer making supply store. Early passion was technical theater (lighting for modern dance). Worked as a theater technician, rock & roll roadie, woodworker, ran a voter registration drive, canned fish in Alaska, drove a forklift, was a pizza slinger, and tried the perpetual student route for a while. Was studying the restructuring of banking & finance in the post-war period and its effect on the Latin American debt crisis when I became interested in how computer networks could help facilitate communications and coordination between social movements in 'developing countries' and poorer parts of the world. Researched and taught classes on the same in the early 90s. Helped academic researchers find network access in remote regions of the world (back in the days of FidoNet, etc.) and helped set up a few groundstations to provide email access for agricultural researchers on Leyte in the Philippines via low-earth orbit satellite. Stumbled from there into IT operations for nonprofit organizations.

    I'm currently a systems and network engineer for a Tech non-profit doing everything from backstop end user support to data center networking and virtualization, security, enterprise networks (switching, routing, wifi, the whole can of worms.) Working on a small team has the advantages that you get your fingers into everything but the disadvantage that you never become an expert in anything. Drinking daily from the firehose makes music (and my wife & kids, 7 & 10) my go to release at the end of the day.

    Unlike most here, I'm mostly listen via a home 2 channel speaker system w/speakers in the living room and kitchen. I have an AKG 553 + Dragonfly 1.2 setup for listening @ work and when the kiddos are in bed. I long for better, but the cost of raising two kids in the SF Bay Area makes funds too tight for now.

    Built a cheap home music server on a Cubox-i running ArchLinux with LMS/Squeezelite so I could teach the kids how to access it and play whatever music they wanted (before we were all forever hunting for where CDs had gotten squirelled away by little hands...) I like that the kids are getting exposed to a wide range of music but secretly hate it that, if left up to them, they'd prefer to listen to the album du jour over and over and over and over and over... Sigh...

    Sorry to run on. Bad habit I inherited from my Mom...

    I have to say, though I can't afford to buy/try all the equipment discussed here, I really appreciate all that I have learned from you folks here and for allowing me to partake in the two loaner programs I partook in (Bifrost Multibit & Gungnir Multibit). I can't thank you enough.
  20. daytripper

    daytripper Friend Pyrate

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Monday - Friday: Wetlands Biologist

    Weekends: Weekend Warrior Musician:punk:

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