LFF Code-X love/impressions

Discussion in 'Headphones' started by gbeast, Sep 3, 2016.

  1. Jozurr

    Jozurr Facebook Friend

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Have been enjoying my Code-X a lot. The tone on the headphones is exceptional and I don't think any other planars come close.

  2. Maxx134

    Maxx134 Dunning–Kruger effect poster boy Pyrate

    Oct 27, 2015
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    The Code-X is excellent in clarity but overall is superceeded fairly easily by the HEKV2, but you get what you pay for and Code-X is still above anything else planar its size like Ether or newer LCD although haven't havent heard the LCD3&4 enough times to speculate.
    Its a solid above average or top elite can but not the best to me.
    I sold mine right after HEK, but that was mostly preference.
  3. Jozurr

    Jozurr Facebook Friend

    Oct 20, 2015
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    The HEKV2 is brighter than the Code-X and sometimes a bit too sharp - the Code-X treble and tone of it are exceptional. The HEKv2 also has softer hitting bass compared to the Code-X.
  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Stay away from AF with moderately and highly inefficient orthos. Not enough power and bass will be mush.
  5. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 25, 2015
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    @jexby uses AF as a preamp for vidar.
  6. jexby

    jexby Posole Prince Staff Member Pyrate Contributor

    Sep 28, 2015
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    "used". until the left driver in LFF HE-6 popped. Vidar has been returned to @zerodeefex

    but yes, the LFF HE-6 had no magic with Af directly. using the Af as a pre to Vidar, and speaker tap cables to LFF HE-6 was indeed a truly magical (overkill?) combination at the time. (too) short lived as it was.
  7. cskippy

    cskippy Creamy warmpoo Pyrate MZR

    Oct 14, 2015
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    Wow! Between here and Head-Fi, three HE-6 have died in the last 2 weeks. f**k...
  8. Jozurr

    Jozurr Facebook Friend

    Oct 20, 2015
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    How exactly did your LFF HE-6 die? did you have the volume down to zero when turning on the AF as preamp? Did you turn on the preamp first and then the VIdar?

    Also - my impressions are for the Code-X and not the LFF HE-6 - The Code-X are not as power hungry as the HE-6 and sound better out of normal headphone amps compared to the LFF-HE-6, which is also another big plus for them.
  9. Jerry

    Jerry Friend Pyrate

    Apr 8, 2017
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    That is why I always have reservations in buying used HE-500 and HE-6. How is the general reliability of old Hifimans? They certainly look sturdier than current lineups.

    People in head-fi said Hifiman still can replace/service/fix the drivers for USD200. This sounds really strange to me. Cannot be they still make those drivers.
  10. cskippy

    cskippy Creamy warmpoo Pyrate MZR

    Oct 14, 2015
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    I can't say I had any issues, as I had @jexby's HE-6 for 3 years before him and used it with a 250W power amp, Vidar, and some headphone amps.

    The only thing I did differently than most was I ALWAYS plugged in the 4pin XLR cable from the speaker taps AFTER everyrhing else was one with all volume knobs turned to zero. Then when I was finished listening, I would unplug the headphone cable BEFORE turning everyrhing else off.

    In reality this is how you should use a balanced connector with headphone amps.

    I tested the initial spike as the amp turned on vs plugging in after everything else was turned on and it was pretty significant in favor of the latter option.
  11. Jozurr

    Jozurr Facebook Friend

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Hifiman drivers are reliable. The failures happen when people plug them into power amps.
  12. E_Schaaf

    E_Schaaf MOT: E.T.A Headphones Pyrate BWC

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    The soldering work in the old HFM headphones is downright awful...

    I'd bet some of the supposed failures could actually be from loose or dead soldering points, in which case its possible but tedious to fix. Just have to pop out the drivers for inspection.
  13. jexby

    jexby Posole Prince Staff Member Pyrate Contributor

    Sep 28, 2015
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    A: stupidity

    upon LFF HE-6 plug in to speaker tap cable: didn't check the Af knob at zero, since the iMac should NOT have been playing anything.
    BUT Audirvana was left running from earlier and music was streaming.
    pop. goes the Left driver before I could get volume knob down.
  14. cskippy

    cskippy Creamy warmpoo Pyrate MZR

    Oct 14, 2015
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    I feel you....that was a good headphone. RIP
  15. yzap

    yzap New Contributor

    Dec 30, 2015
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    @InsanityOne, Your headband replacement instructions are a life saver. Really digging the improved comfort. The only minor tweak I can suggest is that if you have a large head, you should also pick up the extended Yokes from Audeze. :)

  16. InsanityOne

    InsanityOne Acquaintance

    Mar 21, 2018
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    Here's a quick update regarding extracting the maximum possible comfort from the Code-X (or any pair of original Hifimans). I had an old Lohb strap sitting in storage and it struck me that I always really liked the size / shape of it, and the way that it distributed the weight across the top of my head. So, I decided to swap suspension bands on the Audeze headband. Out with Audeze's thin strap and in with Lohb's wide strap. So far I am enjoying it way more than the stock Audeze strap, and the best part is that the "mod" is 100% reversible and only takes a few minutes to complete. Here are some photos for your consideration:



    A note on earpads: I am still searching for the "perfect" earpad to go with the Audeze headband. As those of you who have done this mod may have noticed, the Audeze headband has an interesting clamping force that really presses the headphone against your temples. This means that you need a very thick (and very plush) earpad to cancel out this effect and prevent unwanted pressure points. This is not a surprise though, as that is the type of earpad this headband was designed to work with.

    So far, the best earpads for this I have found are ZMF Ori's (I am stuck between perforated and full leather at the moment), the original Audeze earpads work very well but are sadly too firm, and most of the other earpads I have tried are too thin causing the fit to be completely wrong with the Audeze headband's clamping force. I am interested in the new Dekoni Audeze leathers, but I am afraid that those will be too firm as well. I am also curious to see if either of ZMF's new headphones have thicker pads than the Ori's. If that is the case, I will definitely be trying those out. Either way, the quest goes one.
  17. E_Schaaf

    E_Schaaf MOT: E.T.A Headphones Pyrate BWC

    Mar 28, 2017
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    Well, I have three pairs of modded HFM's here at home - my own LFF-modded HE5LE and HE6, and a HE5 modded by @purr1n which supposedly measures and sounds extremely similar to a Code-X (haven't seen the measurements myself but I'll take @brencho 's word for it).

    It's been interesting to compare the three headphones, as they all have distinct strengths and flavors, despite being undoubtedly within the same sonic family.

    The chain for this comparison is Eitr > V800 DAC > @captkirk 's Saga > GFA-555 . All headphones were used with LFF pads for the sake of uniformity. But each headphone seems to react a little differently to different pads. I'll share those impressions soon.

    I'll just throw in the graph as I feel like it encapsulates my impressions better than text will -


    I left off the grid lines because the values are relative in nature... I don't want randos to total up scores and proclaim one headphone is better than another. It's clear they're all in the same league sonically. I'd be comfortable mixing with any of them.

    In the making of this graph, I shifted values up and down for quite a while as differences were subtle. The final values seemed most appropriate to me, but sometimes I could go one way or another depending on the music selection.

    The HE5 is the most forgiving of poor-quality recordings given it's mild mid-bass boost and softer transient response in the treble. HE5LE is the least forgiving, and feels the most resolving of recording-specific treble fuckery.

    When we were comparing at brencho's place, the 5LE sounded decidedly brighter than the 5. But after putting LFF pads on all of the headphones, it's clear that the general tonal balance is very similar between the three of them. The bigger difference lies in the dynamic presentation and timbre.

    It's interesting how the magnetic assemblies in each headphone seem to influence dynamics and bass texture. There might be a vague pattern in the graph above - stronger magnets lead to higher temporal resolve, or the ability to differentiate granular dynamic contrasts with more ease in the mids, and a more extended sustain in the bass.

    The 5LE with it's asymmetric magnet assembly seems to have the most immediate attack, but with a slightly shorter sustain and a longer release. It gives it this flowing, liquid quality, at the expense of being leaner in timbre. I mentioned this before in my other review, but the 5LE's dynamics feel more "snappy" than "punchy". The HE-6 has the fattest, most solid dynamic presentation. HE5 is in between.

    Edit: Now I'm even more curious about what a modded HE4 could be like. Probably even further in the 5LE direction (airy, lean, and zippy) if the pattern I noticed continues to apply. After all, the 5LE is simply a 5 with assymetrical magnets, and the HE4 is supposdely the same as the 5LE but with one side of the magnet removed entirely.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2018
  18. InsanityOne

    InsanityOne Acquaintance

    Mar 21, 2018
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    I actually have a "modded" woody HE-4 (drivers are stock) and after reading this, I actually would be really curious as well to hear what a modded pair (using Luis or Purr1n's) methods would sound / measure like. I had never thought of doing something like that, and I'm not even sure if anyone has ever attempted to mod a pair of HE-4 drivers. Either way, it would be a really neat experiment. (If Purr1n wants to use my pair as a free test I'd happily let them go for a few months. ;))

    You definitely have my compliments on this write-up though. I completely agree with everything you said. This is one of the reasons why I will never get rid of my Code-X. It is a very special headphone indeed. Although, there is a part of me that want's to also get a modded HE-6 and 5LE to complete my collection of original HFM's even though I will probably always reach for the Code-X.
  19. E_Schaaf

    E_Schaaf MOT: E.T.A Headphones Pyrate BWC

    Mar 28, 2017
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    I've modded a HE-400 with great results and am currently working on a 4xx. I'm sure the 4 could be made better too. I could do some experimental modding for you, but I'm not LFF nor Marv. I'd love to see some measurements of all the headphones in question - we still haven't seen LFF 5LE nor LFF 6 measured on Marv's rig. I'm sure we could make this happen down the line.

    What I don't understand about the HE-4 is how high used market prices are. I almost purchased one a couple weeks ago but it just seems a bit much given HE500 could be had for less.

    When it came out it was $499 right? What's up with the $450+ used prices seven years later?
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2018
  20. Elnrik

    Elnrik Super Friendly Pyrate

    Jan 10, 2017
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    It's practically an antique. That adds to value. Surely, that pair has already been passed down through three generations of audiophiles. You can't expect family heirlooms to sell cheap.

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