SuperBAF Can'tJam (Not CanJam / Changfest) 2016 Meet Impressions

Discussion in 'The Meeting Place' started by Draxcer, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. sorrodje

    sorrodje Carla Bruni's other lover - Friend Staff Member Pyrate MZR

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Dijon / Burgundy / France / EU
    That's why i brought my Laptop and GOv2 to Donald's table... Lesson learnt from previous meetings : always bring a portable source and my own music. always.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016

  2. Donald North

    Donald North Friend Pyrate

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Yes, stock with Amperex tubes.
  3. Wfojas

    Wfojas Friend Pyrate

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I was thinking the same thing, lol. Though I think I was behind you listening to Marv's horns. I didn't know it was you either, woulda loved to walk over and shoot the breeze, bro. I purposely volunteered to handle registration so I could tie names with faces, cause I'm bad with that. Glad to see you got here, though.
  4. littlegrasshopper

    littlegrasshopper New

    Jan 3, 2016
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    in my opinion the best of the show was the orpheus clone follow by the DNA Stellaris using the utopia.
    And I realize the i prefer a unmodded he-6 than modded he-6 from ohhgourami ring.
  5. littlegrasshopper

    littlegrasshopper New

    Jan 3, 2016
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    so @sorrodje which sounded best of the dna stellaris the hd800 or your utopia?
  6. sorrodje

    sorrodje Carla Bruni's other lover - Friend Staff Member Pyrate MZR

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Dijon / Burgundy / France / EU
    Meme Jason.jpg

    HD800SD :) (... meeting impression, Grain of salt , blablablabla )
  7. Wfojas

    Wfojas Friend Pyrate

    Sep 27, 2015
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  8. bazelio

    bazelio Friend Pyrate

    Nov 16, 2015
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    I was looking at some of the pics and saw my ZDS looking better than ever. Then I remember I caught @RKML0007 going over it with a duster at the meet. LOL! Thanks, bud! Something I need to do at home FAR more often.
  9. thegunner100

    thegunner100 Hentai Master Chief Pyrate

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Part 2 of impressions...

    Los Angeles, California
    I don't think I could ever live here, coming from NYC. Skip this section if you don't care for my biased ranting.

    Public transportation really sucks here. @SteelCannon and I waited 45 minutes for a bus before we finally got tired of waiting and called a Lyft. As our Lyft arrived, the bus FINALLY came! I know I'm biased since I work for a certain transportation company but come on... 45 minutes, really? I hate that one basically needs a car to get around anywhere.

    In addition, the wait times for food is kinda ridiculous too. I had to wait 15 minutes for Starbucks when there were only about 4 other people ahead of me =/. After the post-meet hangout, @SteelCannon wanted to get some quick food so we stopped by Carl's Jr. 20 minutes wait on line, and another 10 minutes for our food. We had to ask the guy for our burger before he finally picked it up for us. In-n-out was much better in this regard, considering the amount of customers that it gets. I enjoyed the burgers there, especially given the low price. However... Shake Shack burgers are better, although much more expensive.

    On the bright side, car pool service is a lot cheaper in LA than in NYC and is quite reliable. The weather is also fairly nice as well.

    Pre-meet hangout
    It took us a while, but we finally managed to get a hangout going after Marv posted his room number. The rumors about @CEE TEE being a really nice guy was true! I've PM'd him before in the past and read many of his posts back on CS but wow! He's very enthusiastic about the work that he does for Massdrop, and I got a chance to listen to two new items that they were working on. I wish I had brought my music along, but they both have different sounds that a lot of people will probably enjoy. On the other hand, I didn't like the color of the new HD6XX or its shorter 3.5mm cable.

    I also got to meet the people who came to LA early: @bazelio, @Mikoss, @Ryu, @anetode, @SoupRKnowva. Of course, you guys all know Marv already. It was a pretty great pre-meet hangout with lots of LOL moments and stuff that should probably not leave the room.

    After the pre-meet, we went out and got Greek food. It was decent but sorry guys... it's no NYC :p. Can't really beat us when it comes to the variety and quality of ethnic food.

    Other meet impressions (more so people than gear)
    @insidious meme, I think we can safely say that we're not actually the anime girls in our avatars!
    @Bill-P, love your modding work and your continual devotion to modding. Awesome pictures btw! Kinda wish I made a different face in my picture though xd...
    @Ryu, what you said at the end of the meet when we certain someone left was hilarious! I look forward to hearing your meet impressions, especially considering you're someone who hasn't been to a meet before.

    @SoupRKnowva is definitely not Korean. Was I one of the few people who didn't think he was?
    @ultrabike, finally met the man who gave me my custom title xD
    @bazelio, sick setup! Wish I spent more time with the ZDS.
    @Mikoss, you would totally fit in with the NYC crew. However, you need to work on saying Zee Dee S instead of Zed Dee S. Fly down here, damn it! Btw... who IS that girl in your avatar? Kind of curious now.

    @HitmanFluffy, @ohhgourami, @No_One411, @Clemmaster, @sorrodje, it was nice having lunch with you guys! Clem, I enjoyed learning more about Dolby technologies from you. Sorrodje, your impressions were a huge part of why I decided to get the Sonett 2. I'm very happy with it so far, so thank you! Why do I feel like I'm missing someone from this group? DID I miss someone?!

    @Marvey, You've done so much for this community and I can't thank you enough for everything. I hope to see you again in NYC soon!

    Sorry if I ended up forgetting anyone or not having much to say. I've gotten the chance to meet so many people at the meet and look forward to seeing you guys next time.

    Post-meet hangout
    Oh man, I was so tired by the time the meet was over but I had a really great time hanging out. Thanks to whoever paid for the pizza! The picture with the six hd650s pretty much exemplifies what Marv has done to SBAF LOL! It was nice sharing impressions of the meet with you guys! Like with the pre-meet hangout, this one was also tons of fun. @JK47 & @Chris F, it was nice meeting you guys and talking with you there!

    2017 SBAF NYC
    Let's make this happen next year! I like @Hooncake's idea of switching between west and east coast each year. The NY guys who couldn't make it to this meet would probably love to meet you all as well. Our best bet for a meet would probably have to be in one of the outer boroughs or Long Island. It would probably be really hard to move gear in and out of a location in Manhattan and of course, parking is always tough. Please let me know if this will be a possibility. I'll do whatever I can to help make this happen.

    Anyways... I think I'm about done with these impressions. I just want to reiterate that this meet for me was more about meeting all the people behind the avatars on SBAF than the gear. I can finally put a face AND voice to those that I've met. You can be sure that I'll be reading your posts with your voice in my head from now on! xD. This trip to LA was well worth the time, money, and lost sleep. It's a special meet to be remembered through the years.
  10. insidious meme

    insidious meme Ambivalent Kumquat Pyrate Contributor

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Sector 8023 of the Third Quadrant
    I'm a little late with this post, but thanks to @Marvey and friends in bringing a whole community of people together in person. I pretty much echo what many have said here about putting faces to handles, and enjoying what we have in common. Even if our preferences may vary. I didn't listen to much, but I'm sure that will be rectified as we go on.

    I've met too many people to name, because it is about the people. (My voice was shot over the next two days.) You are the ones that make this hobby great. That and lots of meet postcards...

  11. ohhgourami

    ohhgourami Friend Pyrate

    Sep 27, 2015
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    SGV, CA
    That's why we own cars!
  12. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Padre Island CC TX
    Didn't I tell you East Coast guys that West Coast public transit sucks, and most El Lay denizens don't give a crap about their city because they don't have any roots here and/or are probably illegals?

    This is why Batman and Superman reside on the East Coast. Any West Coast superhero would probably get frustrated and completely destroy El Lay (by intentional accident like OPM) or just leave for a Fortress of Solitude
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
  13. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin Staff Member Pyrate MZR

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Irvine CA
    A little note: I tend to listen at low volume (SPL or whatever one wants to call it), and I'm not an Utopia fan (particularly at it's price point). Just saying. YMMV and stuff.
  14. bazelio

    bazelio Friend Pyrate

    Nov 16, 2015
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    I tend to listen at moderately loud volume, and I love the Utopia. What's not to love with the ZDS/Yggdrasil/Lynx chain... Sweet!

    Hey did anyone listen to the 445 and Mogwai (same table)?!? Just realized I saw them and totally forgot to come back to them but really wanted to hear both!!
  15. barboggo

    barboggo Acquaintance Contributor

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Good tips. Also I am definitely bringing a notebook next time so I can actually remember what I like/dislike about particular setups.
  16. Serious

    Serious Inquisitive Frequency Response Plot Pyrate BWC MZR

    Sep 28, 2015
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    near Munich, Germany
    Or use your phone. That's what I do usually. Just don't use font size 68.
  17. MikeMercer

    MikeMercer Friend Pyrate

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
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    JUST put a hyperlink to SBAF in an update to the About page at and thought of you guys. I'm really sorry I missed it - I pulled another all-nighter Friday night - this time for a good reason (I hope): Setting up a subscription-based newsletter, and some monetization that doesn't involve me taking money directly from any audio companies -
    And I still wanted to make it, but the celebratory blunt on my porch in the morning KILLED that concept. As I woke up at 3:30-ish and was SO pissed.

    Nick asked if I wanted to set-up a portion of the Sonic Satori Personal Audio Lab there - and it was my birthday!!!!
    Woulda' been SCHWEET!!!!

    Though I'm pumped to hear it went well - and I'm also psyched to be a member of this community. All movements are bigger than any ONE SITE/FORUM.

    After spending all that time under "house arrest" at the other one - and getting snaked out of opportunities because of rumors and innuendo formulated there, for what I don't know - and, apparently, losing friendships with people I cared about (whom I thought to put on my panels, like at RMAF) years before this wave really crested - well: It's just been more important than I can say right now - being welcomed into the SBAF Fam.

    So - hold me to it - next SBAF event - (well, LA FO SHO, and if elsewhere I'll see) I'm THERE
  18. Dash

    Dash Friend Pyrate

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I have not heard much about on REDACTED, is that still a hush hush topic?
  19. kevnin

    kevnin #facetweeting - Friend Pyrate

    Sep 27, 2015
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    San Diego
    So I'm a little late in writing this but just wanted to say I had such a great time at this meet - thank you to Marv and everyone else who helped organize it and brought gear! It was great to meet so many of you, though it seemed to go by so quick I feel like there were still a lot of people I missed. I wasn't able to take part in the pre or post-meet festivities due to family obligations, hopefully next time.

    I didn't actually listen to that much gear, mostly focused on manning my table and talking to people, but here are a few impressions from what I did hear.

    DNA Stellaris + Utopia
    The Stellaris is a fantastic amp - perfect combination of performance and musicality. Possibly the best I've ever heard. I only listened briefly as I didn't want to start wanting one too much.

    ZDS and TIII with HD800S
    These are both excellent amps, though I guess everyone here already knows that. The ZDS may be considered the most "euphonic" of the EC amps but it is certainly not anywhere near overly lush/warm. The TIII was similar and sounded like a hybrid done right - fast and dynamic but still a touch of smoothness and liquidity. (The ZDS was being used as a preamp for the TIII, I don't know how much that influenced the sound)

    ALO Continental V5
    As someone who loves gadgets and tube amps, this thing is really cool. I had heard of this before but didn't realize just how small it is. It's a tiny, solidly built portable tube amp. The Utopia sounded quite good out of it - nice full-bodied tube sound without too much bloom. I just wish it was cheaper.

    I did - best of the show!
    (ok it was my table)

    Sorry you missed it - if you're in the area I will have them at the San Diego HF meet in December.
  20. Out Of Your Head

    Out Of Your Head Friend Pyrate

    Sep 28, 2015
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    San Diego, CA
    Home Page:
    If anyone is planning on coming to the San Diego Head-Fi meet on Sat, Dec. 3rd, please RSVP in the Head-Fi thread, if you're on Head-Fi. Alternately you can RSVP in the SBAF thread:
    (I just need to get an idea of how much food and drinks to buy.)
    It's going to be very much like this SBAF meet only a LOT smaller...but almost all members and one low key vendor. (I think I am the only vendor attending).
    Should be pretty chill. So far only 10 people have RSVP'd though.

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