Fostex TH-X00 Purpleheart Measurements and Quick Impressions

Discussion in 'Headphone Measurements' started by purr1n, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. zolkis

    zolkis Acquaintance

    Feb 29, 2016
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    I have the Dekoni pads. The best quality leather pads available for the TH900. Unfortunately they make the bass too light, and they have smaller opening than the originals. I prefer my carbon foam pad fillings, but I have kept the Dekoni around (together with several versions of the Brainwavz and Stax pads).
  2. ibzrg1570

    ibzrg1570 Facebook Friend

    Mar 24, 2016
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    I did some side by side comparisons between the Purpleheart and Ebony versions a few months ago. After about 20 minutes I could hear the differences reliably. The ebony is more flat sounding and probably what I would recommend for most people. That said, I own the Purpleheart and have no desire to switch because swapping back and forth repeatedly is not how you listen to music. If I'm in the mood for a more neutral sound I won't want to listen to a TH-X00 regardless of the cup material. When I'm in the mood for a fun sound, might as well go as fun as possible.
  3. KarlStromberg

    KarlStromberg New

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    Jan 11, 2017
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    did you try the Dekoni pads which are made for the TH-900 or the ones for the TH-X00? I ordered and received some pads for the TH-X00 PH lately. Quality is great and I really liked them on the PH, but then I also tried them with the TH-900. It took away the sharpness in the treble for me, while still keeping the bass quantity. Not sure about the bass quality, I still have to compare to the original TH-900 pads. However it made me think about selling my TH-X00, since the Dekoni pads seem to fix the treble sharpness of the TH-900 for me.

    Would be interesting what you and others think about that.
  4. zolkis

    zolkis Acquaintance

    Feb 29, 2016
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    The time I bought the pads there were only ones made for the TH900. Any link? I still don't see any other pads there than for the TH900. (there are subjective opinion + measurements as well).

    Did you measure the bass with both pads or do you rely on subjective impression? I ask because I was surprised to see the bass roll-off with the Dekoni pads, ok they sounded a bit rolled off, but on measurements it was quite much.

    EDIT: it may be that the sealing on the coupler was better with the original pads than with the Dekoni. Anyway they are very nice pads and definitely worth trying.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2017
  5. KarlStromberg

    KarlStromberg New

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    Jan 11, 2017
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    Just subjective and very early impressions, still have to check more deeply over the next couple of days. I was talking about the pads from massdrop for the TH-X00. They don't have a round opening like the TH-900 pads, but the same shape as the the opening of the TH-X00. So the ones made for the TH-900 dropped to much of the bass for you? How about the treble with those?

    Did you try the Lawtons as well?
  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    FWIW, Ebony version version PH. Another datapoint from Massdrop's measurements.

    Hard to say if the flatter 500Hz is because of the Ebony. It's possible the Ebony cup dimensions are slightly different, resulting in a different internal volume. Wood material resonances affect small CSD ridges. They don't flatten dips.
  7. zolkis

    zolkis Acquaintance

    Feb 29, 2016
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    IIRC also the mahogany version was flatter in that region. It's indeed hard to say why we have that notch to start with, and we don't have enough measurement data for consistency over various versions, but when measured without the cups, it's not there. Actually the TH900 would sound very nice as an open headphone (provided the treble is fixed). Hopefully next week I will get the ebony as well and then could measure it.
  8. Zed Bopp

    Zed Bopp Friend

    Jan 15, 2016
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    My Purplehearts came and went, I really didn't like them at all. That huge mid-bass boom was the most obvious reason - it really sucked the life out of / bled hard into the mids. My D2000 has that "bassy boostiness" clearly in a lower region, it doesn't get in the way in the same way at all. (Also the sub-bass is much more present and pleasing.) Them Denons are lots of fun, still. High recommendation for fans of hip-hop & big 'n deep bass overall.

    The Denons might have some extra energy up top, but they're like a breath of fresh air (pretty close to Aurvana Live FR-wise, btw) after the boomy wool of the Purplehearts. I'm not so sure those trebles were up to snuff either - there seems to be too much coloration for my tastes, reminds me of X2. And that is not good.

    P.S. I listen to lots of rock and metal and love me some substantial subs. I very much hate messy upper bass /lower mids - mids bloom in general. I need to hear the separation between guitars and bass. PH failed hard.
    Last edited: May 19, 2017
  9. Maxx134

    Maxx134 Dunning–Kruger effect poster boy

    Oct 27, 2015
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    This is really, really excellent info
    and explains why neither the FR or the CSD can tell me how clear the Bass is.
    So I have been looking at distortion measurements,
    Which have many more wiggly lines to pull my hair out while analyzing.. Lol.

    I couldn't resist the beauty of the PH so I picked one up.
    When I first saw one a few months ago, I was fooled into thinking it was a TH900 from far away.
    I assume this version may retain its value the most.
  10. Maxx134

    Maxx134 Dunning–Kruger effect poster boy

    Oct 27, 2015
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    This unit need modding to clear up those issues.
    The cup is spacious and empty once opened,
    So anything in there would help lol.
  11. Maxx134

    Maxx134 Dunning–Kruger effect poster boy

    Oct 27, 2015
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    Here is my unsanctioned CSD measurement of Stock:
    Not bad.
    Pretty nice but can see some clusters..

    I decided to see how far I could go with taking the Purpleheart to the next level.
    I'm talking the end-game level.
    I didn't think the driver was capable of the performance it would have to strive for and endure....
    Turns out this unit actually is very capable compared to the others:

    From my testing I believe I can make it can take on the TH900 and Denon 7200 without a sweat.
    Bass(3db) and trebles(5) have been elevated in this early prototype mod, while eliminating resonance and increasing clarity.
    Next step is to modify treble levels.

    This Fostex Biocelulous has a more natural paper tonality over the Denon 7200 which loses its Biocelulous tonality for a more transparent one.
    The Fostex in turn has a more satisfying sensation, which I have to verify with more burn in of my new unit to compare to the 7200.

    I currently been having a nightmare issue with Denon in fixing my 7200unit.
    They basically screwed me by abandoning me, which made me turn to these TH-X00,
    And I am actually very happy with the TH-X00 now, while still waiting for Denon to do the right thing to fix my headphone.
    They say they have no parts and won't even replace unit at my expense.

    I will do some final listening impressions on a second modded Denon, to see which modded headphones has more actual resolution (not FreqResp preferences).
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017
  12. zolkis

    zolkis Acquaintance

    Feb 29, 2016
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    FWIW I traded my TX00 Ebony for a D7200, modded it and I am pretty happy with it. Will post measurements (some of them are here). For a Fostex sound, I like my modded TH900 more than stock/modded TX00 variants.
  13. Maxx134

    Maxx134 Dunning–Kruger effect poster boy

    Oct 27, 2015
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    I have reduced the 7200 issues of resonance the best I could, and boosted trebles ( with my driver mod) while retaining bass,
    But I simply cannot replicate the soundstage size of the best Fostex.

    That plus the slight aggressiveness inherent in the 7200 driver makes my Fostex a more natural and larger experience.

    Although I was able to boost resolution to higher level, the Denon did give a slight more immediate impression of realism, while my Fostex was superior in both treble timbre and sub-bass breath...

    All I need is a larger cup to make the Denon unstoppable,
    But for now I choose my Fostex.
    I would like to compare measurements with both your th900 & Denon.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
  14. dropadred

    dropadred New

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Has anyone tried some velour pads on these? It could calm the most of the mid-bass, because as far as I can see, they would be incredible in the sub-120Hz frequencies...of course risking over-brightening highs in the process, but it may be worth a risk
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2017

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