The Coronavirus Thread

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by purr1n, Mar 16, 2020.

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  1. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I'm relatively safe indoors. I'm lucky: I don't have to go out. I'm staying at home
  2. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Don't like stifling discussion. We've tolerated some political talk, provided it's insightful, hilariously funny (per @Hands post in reply in my mom's text message). More leeway perhaps is granted to folks who have provided content, gear impressions, and so forth. But going on and on about so one so's incompetence gets rather old. It's like yeah, we know, let's move on.

    I mean, I would be a lot happier if the two or three folks who can't get past this just start a thread named Trump's Bungling of the Coronavirus. At least we can isolate it there (pun intended).
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2020
  3. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    One of the forums that I used to go to (@neogeosnk might know which one) has this special section called the "War Room." It's a no holds bars trolling section of the forum so people can troll/shit on each other guilt free.

    Not saying that you should, but it would provide a "screaming section" if we just want to act like nine year olds. Make it Friend's Only, no Randos or Contributors.
  4. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    Guess that means I'm in trouble for talking about political happenings on my end! :p

    Fair point though, it's just that the same old arguments between people who're proselytizing instead of really conversing get old fast, as you noted. One thing I did recently was an opinion piece about whether it was cool to let politics inform friendships— spoiler for everyone who isn't going to read it (hah), but my conclusion was that people should have friends with opposing beliefs; it's people who speak without really listening and preach more than communicate that may be worth cutting out for the sake of sanity. Better off talking with EvieBot.

    @YMO I think your suggestion has merit, the only problem that some might take things too seriously and let War Room stuff influence what happens elsewhere.
  5. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    That is a possible. However, at that other forum when people attempt to be a shit out of the War Room they get hit with the axe fast. I think we are smart enough to know that is a big no-no. However, what do I know? I never ran a forum before.
  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    • You provide impressions or your angle on gear being discussed
    • Political happenings over there are interesting to people not keeping up on events there on a daily basis
    • You don't go off on "shoot them dead" Duertete every other post despite him being x100 times worse than Trump

    *P.S. it still really bothers the f*** outta me how Taiwan and SK can keep their doors open. Would be an interesting study of their attitudes, response, methods, compliance, etc.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2020
  7. Kernel Kurtz

    Kernel Kurtz Friend

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    Never any way to predict what Trump will actually do. Our PM was quick to point out the thousands of nurses and other health care professionals that travel across the border to work in Detroit and other nearby communities every day, and then BC's premier was quick to note that a lot of raw materials for said equipment is being exported by them. I'd like to think our leaders will be adults and cooperate for all of our collective best interests. The US and Canada have always been close friends and our supply chains are tightly integrated, but Trump has to date been more interested in breaking America's relations with most of it's allies. I'll be waiting to see what happens.

    Golf course are starting to open here. Done properly it's no worse than going to the park. Clubhouses and pro-shops are closed, carts are sanitized between rounds. Starting times are staggered further apart so you should not meet up with other parties during your round. No ball washers or bunker rakes ("feel free to improve your lie" is their official guidance :). Ideally a couple people could go have a round of golf and not meet anyone else. Any group socializing on the course is going to be discouraged.

    People still need recreation. I've been going for bike rides and having no problem avoiding significant contact with other people (or I was until a couple days ago when we got a bunch of snow....).
  8. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    We'll be OK. Because Trump acts like he is dictator doesn't mean that he is. There's people and commerce behind Canada to USA relations that trump anything Trump can do. My company has a huge presence in Canada and I've been working with my colleagues in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal every day for the past three weeks to get WFH (working from home) in place so people can still have jobs. LIkewise 3M also has huge presence in Canada. Of course they are going to say f**k off to unreasonable requests.

    Besides, the Canadian nurses working in Detroit can always pack their cars full of masks and drive them over if it really came down to it. I'm sure their follow American health professionals would even help them because the last thing you are thinking about when saving lives is politics.

    Give 3M a few more weeks. They'll be pumping out enough N95 masks.

    P.S. N95 masks are less comfortable than the disposable hospital masks. It's because they actually seal much better. They are easier to breath through. (Looks at own sawdust covered 3M N95 mask used for speaker cabinet building).
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2020
  9. Ntbm3

    Ntbm3 Friend

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Have golfed a few times at my course this year and it has been great!

    Simple modifications make it safe , lots of 6ft gimmies :)
  10. Thenewerguy009

    Thenewerguy009 Friend

    Oct 11, 2015
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    I gotta say, if I were in Ontario & Montreal, I would be worried about the possibly someone infected from New York moving across the border to get away from the epicenter & potentially spreading it to those cities.
    Other states can't close their borders, but Canada can.
  11. Rustin Cohle

    Rustin Cohle FKA jazztherapist

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    I think there's a lot of merit to offering a dedicated primal aggression space. The idea that we would have to contain that, particularly right now, seems totally unrealistic. I imagine it would enable that much more focus and productivity in other threads.
  12. Kernel Kurtz

    Kernel Kurtz Friend

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    The border is already closed, both ways, to "non-essential" travel. People who have to cross for jobs, truckers, etc are exempt, but if you don't have a good reason to cross you will be sent back.
  13. Argopo

    Argopo Facebook Friend

    Oct 22, 2015
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    I don't know how you can discuss this viral pandemic without bringing in politics. The media politicizes this virus everyday. Democrats have politicized it at every opportunity. They are now trying to engineer another series of hearings against this administration. To me there is a much larger scheme at play here, than just the issue of our collective health as a nation, or group of nations globally.

    Part of a pandemic is the amplification of hysteria. Read the replies to the below tweet:

    There is a schism between the reality of some of us who live in the same hotzone. There are people who have lived in a city like New York, oblivious to the everyday activities going on around them, and then their senses are heightened and are made acutely aware of every detail that went unnoticed before by a bombardment of news. This is psychological warfare.

    Sirens in New York were commonplace before a couple of weeks. Whether police or ambulance. Like I stated earlier, from where I am located in Manhattan, the sirens peaked last week. I know of people who visit from quiet parts of the country and stay at hotels in midtown, and complain of not being able to sleep because of the noise, cars, sirens, trucks rumbling, etc. All before the last few weeks.

    "Cuomo said 630 people died in New York yesterday due to the coronavirus." Really? This would completely skew the data that has been released from the NYC health department and other agencies. How many of these were a direct result of the virus? How many were assumed?

    Cuomo earlier in the week admitted the State of NY was broke. No dinero in the coffers. Gee whiz, wouldn't that be an incentive for a governor to increase the hysteria in order to force a Federal bailout of emergency funds in some form of disaster relief for this crisis. More than just a few thousand ventilators and a couple hundred thousand N95 masks. Cuomo needs an exponential spike of cases to reach maximum apex.

    Oh, and yeah please be a good New Yorker and wear a mask and stay at home.

    The messaging, information releases, guidance, reporting, the sharing of data, the analysis of data, have all been inconsistent from the beginning. Whether the CCP, this administration, the CDC, HRC's BFF Dr. Fauci, local and state officials and the Nate Silvers on social media. And then there is Bill Gates and his push for mass vaccinations showing up on news shows (ID2020, all ready and packaged to go as of Fall 2019).

    I know of several family members, and friends of friends, who have caught the virus and recovered at home with guidance by their doctors. I know a a few whose elderly relatives have died as a result. (In these cases, the hospitals have refused the family access to the body for burial or cremation.)

    Businesses and individuals need to find their breaking point sometime soon. And it can't be sometime in the fall.
  14. Rustin Cohle

    Rustin Cohle FKA jazztherapist

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    Something like: The Kinder Gentler Coronavirus Thread for those who want to roll more armchair with this. And then the "Were you in the shit? Yeah, I was in the shit" Thread for those infected or surrounded by it.
  15. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    @Argopo it sounds like you do not like New York City/Overpriced New York County in general. Have you thought about leaving in the future?
  16. TomB

    TomB MOT: Beezar

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    It's not just Taiwan and SK. I am curious of your current thinking on California and Washington, Marv. You posted some graphs a while back. Why has the West Coast flattened their curve and New York and elsewhere hasn't? They keep saying social distancing, but there's got to be more to it than that. Maybe NY is still so densely packed, but New Orleans isn't, and they're way up.

    It just seems like there's still a hell of lot that we don't know yet.

    My wife sewed up a couple of masks, but then I found a couple of N95s in the garage. I had used one when spraying Roundup last year. (I used to use a full cartridge respirator when spraying roses.) The N95 masks don't make my glasses fog up. ;)
  17. Argopo

    Argopo Facebook Friend

    Oct 22, 2015
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    New York is a great city if you are tolerant of what it is. Certainly overtaxed. Everything more expensive than other parts of the country. But, a number of redeeming features.

    Eventually will move to Florida, though.
  18. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    I know, if you read my post carefully, I said Overprice New York County (Manhattan). I used to live in Kings County (Brooklyn). However, the difference was I was in a shithole Public Housing off Belt Pwky. When my family was able to get cash to escape to FL, we bailed.

    I don't consider Manhattan of shitty Richmond "Whiteville" County (Staten Island) to be the real NYC. Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx for life. Manhattan is for rich white people and to go for work. For all the time I was in NYC, I only been in Manhattan less than five times in my life. No point if you don't have a job there or money.

    Still miss the food there, but nowadays Brooklyn has become more hipster and too much rich money flowing in there. Not the same. Florida has plenty of upsides but the weather is garbage with the heat most of the year and too many New Yorkers are moving here and slowly ruining the state.

    If I had real money I would go back to NY in a heart beat. The catch is some place upstate that isn't near NYC and 100% hell no on any place on the Island.

    Sorry for off-topic, just NY'ers talking to each other. Carry on.
  19. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    Neither here nor there, but having a couple friends that lived for long periods of their lives in NYC, then left, both from midtown, one later moved to brooklyn then left about 20 years ago. Both remarked that once you leave, it's almost impossible to get back in and make it stick. You learn how to make things work there, that, when you leave, the time it takes to get back; the mistakes you make after coming back, well, they cost you too much. You kinda loose the hustle that makes NYC enticing, whether you've got tons of f**k-you money or not. Just some anecdotes not about the pandemic. At times I'm envious of those who can hack it in NYC and make it stick. Now? not so much, or maybe even more.
  20. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    Living in NYC still requires the out-f**k someone mentality. Also, having an extreme backbone helps when you are dealing with smucks and racist people. On top of that you still deal with plenty of FOBs (Fresh of the Boat) immigrants who are pretty bias against people outside of their culture/race. Also on top of that are the money hungry local politicians who keep saying tax tax tax and help the poor. Problem is you are making those who are middle class who owed a home leave the whole area because you are being money hungry on their property taxes. The common house rich but cash poor situation that's similar to NJ as well. Of course, if you were poor and lived in one of the infamous housing projects, then people will treat you like utter shit at times.

    Even with all this shit I miss NYC just for the food and the looks. However, I don't miss being screwed over, the extreme racism (which makes the South look like nothing), the crazy cost of living, the hustling mentality, and the mentality of people saying lets put more money that'll solve it with your tax money. Sorry, but it doesn't solve shit, it just make government grow large and even worse. You need to see how bad it is if you live in NYC.

    At my job we get tons of NYC Code Violations letters for mortgages/properties that we have a lien on (since we are a bank). Forgot to put one bar in construction, that's a $2,000 fine. Forgot to put this thing up, that's a $5,000 fine. No map to the construction site near the actual site? $7,500.
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