Cosmic Brews (An Adventure with ChatGPT)

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Vansen, Feb 1, 2024.

  1. Vansen

    Vansen Gear Master (retiring)

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    Nov 19, 2016
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    I've been using ChatGPT a bit recently and was curious to how it would do writing a silly ten episode season for a sitcom set in a coffee shop in a remote space port - all based off an image I had it create. I haven't edited anything and don't plan on doing anything with this. This is just for fun.

    I'm not trying to be orginal, keep too much consistently, or create something that I'd consider seriously good. I'm winging it from episode to episode rather than creating a framework with a larger narrative and story arc. While I can be decent technical writer, I don't have any creative writing education or experience - so fair warning.

    I've shared a little of this over text messages and have since then been encouraged to share it a little more. I'll share out more as I make it and would be curious to your thoughts.

    I let ChatGPT come up with all names.


    TV Sitcom: "Cosmic Brews"



    "Cosmic Brews" is a sitcom set in the year 2435, aboard the bustling spaceport Delta-9, home to the coziest spot in the galaxy, "Stellar Grounds," a coffee shop that's a little bit of home in the vastness of space. The show centers on the lives of the diverse crew that runs Stellar Grounds and the interstellar travelers who become part of their found family. The coffee shop is known for its warm, wooden aesthetics that defy the cold metal of typical spaceport fare, and its staff is as eclectic as the customers they serve.

    The heart of the show lies with the confident barista, Zara, who proudly sports a galaxy of floral tattoos, and her best friend and colleague, Jake, a flannel-clad lumberjack from the Pacific Northwest quadrant. They, along with a quirky cast of characters, serve up laughter, advice, and a damn good cup of cosmic joe. Through light-hearted humor, the show explores themes of friendship, identity, and the universal search for belonging.
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  2. Vansen

    Vansen Gear Master (retiring)

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    Nov 19, 2016
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    Pilot Episode Synopsis: "The First Pour"


    In the pilot episode, we're introduced to Zara, whose dream of opening her own coffee shop has finally materialized in the form of Stellar Grounds. Her excitement is as boundless as the universe, but opening day throws her into a black hole of challenges. The coffee machine is as temperamental as a nebula storm, and the pastries delivery got swapped with alien pet food.

    Enter Jake, the rugged, charming lumberjack who traded his axe for an espresso tamper. He's not just here to help with the heavy lifting; he's got a knack for machinery and an old-fashioned charm that brings warmth to the metal and glass of the spaceport. The two tackle the day with humor and resilience, creating an impromptu "alien pet treat" that becomes an unexpected hit.

    As the day unfolds, the staff meets a cast of regulars: a starship captain with a caffeine addiction, a zero-gravity yoga instructor, and a poet from Jupiter's moons, among others. They all find common ground at Stellar Grounds, sharing laughter and stories, cementing the coffee shop as the heart of the spaceport.

    The episode ends with Zara and Jake closing up after a successful day, looking out at the cosmic view, musing about the vastness of space and the small moments that make life sweet—like the perfect cup of coffee and good company. As they turn off the lights, they know that Stellar Grounds is more than a coffee shop; it's a waypoint for weary travelers and a beacon of humanity in the cold void of space.

    Another iteration of the image:

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2024
  3. Vansen

    Vansen Gear Master (retiring)

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    Title: "Cosmic Brews" - Episode 2: "Starlit Reflections"


    In the second episode of "Cosmic Brews," titled "Starlit Reflections," the day's bustle at 'Stellar Grounds' winds down to a tranquil close, allowing a moment of reflection for our protagonists, Jake and Zara.

    The episode opens with the usual humorous chaos of the coffee shop. Jake tries his hand at creating a new coffee blend he calls "The Lumberjack Latte," which, much to the amusement of the regulars, tastes suspiciously like maple syrup. Zara, on the other hand, entertains customers with tales of her wildest tattoo sessions, each story more embellished than the last.

    As the day transitions to night, the tempo changes. The customers depart, leaving Jake and Zara alone in the dimly lit coffee shop, with the cosmic tapestry of stars and nebulas providing a serene backdrop through the large windows.

    Sitting across from each other, they share a quiet cup of coffee – a rare blend that Jake has been saving for a special occasion. In this peaceful setting, they reminisce about the twists and turns that led them to 'Stellar Grounds.' Jake talks about his life as a lumberjack and what prompted his surprising shift to barista life in space. Zara shares her journey from a tattoo artist to running her dream coffee shop, revealing dreams and aspirations she hasn't shared with anyone else.

    The conversation is light-hearted yet sincere, filled with gentle teasing and laughter, but also moments of genuine emotion and appreciation for each other's support. They discuss their dreams for the shop and the kind of sanctuary they want to create for travelers from all corners of the galaxy.

    In a humorous twist, their sentimental moment is interrupted by an unexpected alien visitor who mistakes the shop for an intergalactic embassy. With their usual blend of humor and warmth, Jake and Zara navigate this cosmic misunderstanding, ending the episode on a light note that reinforces the theme of unexpected adventures and the strength of their friendship.

    "Starlit Reflections" balances humor with heartwarming moments, deepening the audience's connection to Jake and Zara's friendship and their shared journey in the cosmic frontier of the spaceport.
  4. Vansen

    Vansen Gear Master (retiring)

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    Nov 19, 2016
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    Title: "Cosmic Brews" - Episode 3: "Glowing Endeavors"


    In "Glowing Endeavors," the third episode of "Cosmic Brews," Zara embarks on a colorful journey, literally lighting up 'Stellar Grounds' with her new bioluminescent tattoos.

    The episode opens with Zara excitedly entering the coffee shop, her skin adorned with vibrant, glowing tattoos that illuminate under the café's lights. Jake's reaction is a blend of awe and humorous skepticism, wondering if the tattoos are space-approved. The regulars are fascinated, with some even asking for the contact of Zara's tattoo artist.

    As the day progresses, Zara notices that the coffee she brews seems to have a stronger effect on the customers, leading her to believe that her bioluminescent tattoos are somehow enhancing the caffeine levels. This results in some comically exaggerated reactions from the regulars, including a starship captain who claims he can now see through time.

    The climax of the episode occurs when Zara's concern reaches a peak. Enter Megan, Zara's pragmatic and resourceful girlfriend, who debunks the myth with a mix of science and humor, pointing out that it's actually Jake's new coffee blend that's to blame.

    Throughout the episode, Megan's presence introduces a new dynamic in the coffee shop. Her relationship with Zara is revealed through tender moments and supportive exchanges, providing a deeper insight into Zara's character.

    The resolution is heartwarming and funny, with Zara relieved that her tattoos are not the cause of the caffeine chaos. She proudly decides to keep her glowing artwork, embracing her luminous presence both literally and metaphorically.

    The episode ends with the trio – Zara, Jake, and Megan – sharing a laugh over a cup of the now correctly brewed coffee, under the soft glow of Zara's tattoos, symbolizing the bright and vibrant future of 'Stellar Grounds.' The closing shot is a cozy group selfie, with Zara's tattoos providing the only light, a beautiful blend of friendship, love, and luminescence.

    A few iterations on different styles:

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2024
  5. Vansen

    Vansen Gear Master (retiring)

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    Nov 19, 2016
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    Title: "Cosmic Brews" - Episode 4: "Starbound and Down"


    "Starbound and Down," the fourth episode of "Cosmic Brews," introduces Zara's sister, Lana, a daring freighter captain known for her mischievous antics and risky space routes.

    The episode opens with the usual morning hustle at 'Stellar Grounds,' filled with the regulars' light-hearted shenanigans. Jake tries to impress customers with his latest creation, "The Astro Axe Cappuccino," while Zara entertains with stories of her sister's wild space adventures.

    Midway through the episode, Lana makes a dramatic entrance into the coffee shop, instantly drawing attention with her charismatic presence and tales of her latest space escapade. She's brought with her a mysterious, glowing space artifact that she found on a treacherous asteroid belt. The artifact, while captivating, starts causing harmless but ridiculous malfunctions in the coffee shop's equipment, leading to comical situations like anti-gravity coffee spills and a coffee machine that starts speaking in an alien language.

    As the episode progresses, Zara and Jake team up to resolve the chaos caused by the artifact. Zara's resourcefulness and Lana's daring nature combine in a humorous climax, where they accidentally activate the artifact, leading to a temporary, but hilarious, cosmic disco in the coffee shop.

    Meanwhile, Jake is nervously preparing for a date with his new girlfriend, Elara, whom he met through a Lumberjack's forum on Delta-9. Elara's introduction adds another layer of humor as she turns out to be an enthusiastic lumberjack enthusiast, much to Jake's surprise and slight dismay.

    The episode concludes with Zara safely deactivating the artifact, saving the day once again. The final scene shows the whole crew, including Lana and Elara, sharing a laugh as Jake attempts to demonstrate his lumberjack skills, only to be shown up by Elara. The episode encapsulates the essence of "Cosmic Brews" – a blend of space-bound adventures, family bonds, budding romances, and the unending humor that permeates life at 'Stellar Grounds.'

    A few iterations on the episode:

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2024
  6. Vansen

    Vansen Gear Master (retiring)

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    Intermission - Promotional Material - I'll try to keep this brief.

    These still show signs that generative AI has a ways to go, but is impressive so far. I've been working more on thematic elements building off previously generated data here rather than focusing on flawless image production in my prompts.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


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  7. CEE TEE


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    Let’s get Ryan Reynolds and Zooey Deschanel!
  8. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    These bums via ChatGPT drive Subarus in space. The faces of the characters look punchable. Looks like Portland, OR in space.
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  9. JK47

    JK47 Friend

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    Surf City USA
  10. Vansen

    Vansen Gear Master (retiring)

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    Haha. Episode six is about to feature @YMO passing through the Delta-9 space port, annoyed that he feels like he’s visiting Portland back on Earth. He wanders into Stellar Grounds complaining about the other coffee shop in the port - Coffee Science Emporium. Apparently CSE is run by a guy named Amir, who lists all of his coffees with BrixNAD ratings. YMO laughs as he tells the story to Jack and Zara about Amir boasting of his superior BrixNAD readings - hashed together with TDS measurements, Brix readings, and a backbone of pseudoscience. He goes on about how Amir was complaining about coffee subjectivists at Stellar Grounds being Willy-nilly about brewing coffee without any care for science. Jack and Zara laugh it off and exchange their own crazy AmirNAD stories with YMO.

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  11. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    Palms Of The Coasts, FL
    • Brah I'm not fat AZN like @penguins, I think ChatGPT don't like Jews or it is designed to be bias for Asians.
    • Why there's another AZN working at the coffee shop, don't they all run boba tea shops?
    • ChatGPT makes everyone look like bottoms. Oh wait, the joke I heard from my gay friends is Portland, OR is the land of bottoms. This shit all make sense, I think ChatGPT want us to be fem bottoms.
    This is what ChatGPT hates:

    You know what it is going to be so if you are going to say ewwww too gross learn to grow some fat balls that drop and stop spending money on headphone crap.
    All the overpriced headphone shit is just going to make you a virgin being forever alone, just a bad faith as OAFAS.
  12. Vansen

    Vansen Gear Master (retiring)

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    You make good points and that’s due to my laziness producing this image and some limitations of this generation of generative AI of maintaining descriptions of multiple people in a single image. ChatGPt likes drawing skinny white people most of the time and has a lot to gain in the area of easier subject diversity. Stable Diffusion would probably be a better tool for drawing a subject the way you want when looking for something specific, but it has its limitations too. (Only description I gave was Asian, hairy chest, bioluminescent headphones, let it build on the rest for this one)

    Here’s a failed generation that’s a bit more what I was looking for, but we’ve got an extra arm and am not removing it:

  13. dasman66

    dasman66 Self proclaimed lazy ass - friend

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    nowhere and everywhere
    and here I was going to mention that Zara must moonlight on Onlyfans or Chaturbate and uses a wig to help mask her true identity... shes's a blonde, brunette, black bob, pink bob, pony tail pink hair, long black hair and one where she looks like a skinny asian guy.

    But don't let that stop you... I think this is both excellent and scary at the same time (so AI is also going to put illustrators and artists out of business... not just writers?)
  14. Vansen

    Vansen Gear Master (retiring)

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    This is why I was initially hesitant to share this. About one quarter of the people I show it to are extremely offended by it, then get angry at me for it, and then I can tell they view me with less respect than before for what I am doing here… especially considering how infant this technology still is.

    Edit: Consistency would be nice with the characters and the environment. In 2024, given my experience and what I’m familiar with, training a Stable Diffusion (or similar platform) model or for this seems to be the easiest way to get there, but time consuming.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2024
  15. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Unless "with big boobs" was specified in the prompts, it is obvious that there is Male Vision behind these generated ladies.

    It's also all a bit Happiness with big grins mandated that one finds in stock pics that companies use to show their fictional working spaces in PR material.
  16. crazychile

    crazychile Eastern Iowa's Spiciest Pepper

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    This is awesome. I think next there should be a prequel called Space Hoes.
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  17. Armaegis

    Armaegis Friend

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    As someone who is unfamiliar with the particular characteristics and personalities of the individual US states... is Portland the land of tattoos, beards, and flannel?
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  18. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    Palms Of The Coasts, FL
    Mostly yes. @Merrick where is he?
  19. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Portland, OR
    I can confirm this is indeed the case.
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  20. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    OH!! over a decade ago I watched this great docu-series on AMC that features Portland. The level of social strife, barren lawlessness, and moral turpitude exposed in the series is just gut wrenching.
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