Judegate (formerly: STOLEN ITEMS ALERT)

Discussion in 'Tales from the Bully Pulpit' started by purr1n, Mar 20, 2016.

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  1. shaizada

    shaizada Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    In other potentially HAZARDOUS news...

    Listening to Jimi Hendrix - Blue on vinyl to "Born Under a Bad Sign".
    Sounds flippin' unreal and in a weird way, connects with this talk happening here :)

    I have the Classic 200g vinyl. No clue how this new one sounds, but get this album if you don't have it!


    Is this off topic?! REALLY? No one told me... :confused::p

    EDIT: The damn bass on the Nighthawk phono is stuff of legend. HO LEE FUK!

    EDIT 2:

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
  2. drfindley

    drfindley Secretly lives in the Analog Room - Friend

    Sep 25, 2015
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    So a lot of people are subscribed to this thread with immediate updates and getting childish phallic jokes is not really something conducive to this thread's general direction. specifically not when everyone is suddenly chiming in. Can we please get back on topic?
  3. GoodEnoughGear

    GoodEnoughGear Evil Dr. Shultz‎

    Oct 25, 2015
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    Seems to me this horsie is breathing its last breath, so this threads general direction is better steered to the exit sign.
  4. Senorx12562

    Senorx12562 Case of the mondays

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I find it interesting that Mr. Bian said that Jeff's job was to work with head-fi to promote HiFiMan's products. The fact that head-fi is working to promote hfm's products, with or without Jeff's help, says all that needs to be said about Jude's business model. He is paid to promote the products of the site's sponsors, not to propagate honest info. This has been obvious to all since the whole nwavguy v. Schiit dust up resulted in a ban for casting a negative light on a sponsor's product. There is nothing nefarious, unusual, or surprising about this, although there is a marked lack of transparency about this vis-a-vis the average visitor to the site. Print magazines have been doing essentially the same thing forever. I can't speak to Jude's character on a personal level, as, though I've met him, I certainly don't know him. If it is true that he views this site as a threat to hf, it seems a bit paranoid. It seems more likely that the apparent chip on his shoulder w/r/t this site is personal. Whether he is a napoleonic asshole or not I leave up to those here who know him.
  5. GTABeancounter

    GTABeancounter Friend

    Jan 6, 2016
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    I bet anything that's likely to give pause to the "average HF visitor" and cause him/her to step back and question how it could be that "everything is awesome" is viewed as a threat by Jude. And it is personal because its his livelihood. Having read this thread and a couple others I have no doubt of the following... (I'm REALLY overstating the obvious here):

    1) The mid-fi to summit fi market that exists beyond beats / apple / monster etc. is a niche
    2) This niche has its "ambassadors/thought leaders" that have an outsized impact on the purchasing decisions of the folks in the market for $250 TO $50,000 head-phones
    3) Good or bad, justified or not, Jude has positioned HeadFI as THE first stop for anyone first stepping into this hobby and as such HE earns a living on the basis of being the ambassador/thought leader for a large pool of consumers
    4) The niche represents a relatively small market... hence the message at headfi is "engineered" to be "everything is awesome", "everything NEW is awesomer!", "sorry about your wallet!!!" blah blah blah

    Anything or anyone that compromises #3 or the message under #4 is a threat and Jude has too much riding on the success of HF to not care.
  6. Kunlun

    Kunlun cat-alyzes cat-aclysmic cat-erwauling - Friend

    Pyrate IEMW
    Sep 26, 2015
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    Hmm, Jeff asked me not to post a negative (honest take on the pros and cons) review of the re1000 because he said Fang gets very upset if people who get his sample products don't post glowing, hyped reviews.

    I didn't want to be get Jeff in trouble, but you gotta tell the truth. Jeff suggested how things could be spun and at first I was trying to be positive. I was thinking as an inside joke I could quote without attribution the guy who went on lovingly about the muscle-y arms of a ciem maker, even giving the guy the nickname "two-guns" as part of a sloppy blowjob hype review I read somewhere. That seems to be the kinda thing people do.

    Seriously, though, I ended up not posting because it's kinda depressing that people wouldn't want an honest take of their stuff.

    Well, maybe now I should post a brief version of my honest take on HF? Would I get banned from HF for an honest take? Ugh.
  7. lm4der

    lm4der A very good sport - Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Yeah, good luck with that...
  8. mtoc

    mtoc SBAF's Resident Shit-Stirrer

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Qucik story: last yr a guy stole afew DAPs at HFM China (they have CCTV), you know what, Fang told everyone: YOU meet me in a public plaza, we fix this with fists, my weight is 250lbs, if you win, I step back, nothing more, if I win, I'll beat your ass out ya. Result: no one came up.
  9. TwoEars

    TwoEars Friend

    Feb 2, 2016
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    Why would you want to post it on HF? Post it here if anything.

    I actually like HifiMan as a brand and expect great things from them in the years to come. They're a bit of hit and miss still but they've made HUGE progress in just a few years and they're still learning. If I was Sennheiser I'd be worried.
  10. aufmerksam

    aufmerksam Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Point of clarification: Kunlun says HF to mean Head-fi. I think you are saying HF to mean Hifiman, which is more often abbreviated to HFM.

    EDIT: Apparently this has already been fixed? I am a little freaked out now.
  11. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

    Pyrate Slaytanic Cliff Clavin
    Sep 27, 2015
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    Sennheiser, Beyer, AKG, and Audio-Technica are not niche. You'll see pros, audiophiles, and normal consumers with HD 558/598/600/650/800, AKG K7 whatever, or DT 880s who have no idea these boutique planar/electrostat brands like Audeze, Hifiman, and STAX even exist or care that they exist as they're happy with with the good to great headphones they bought for under $500 and might use speakers most of the time anyway.
  12. Rotijon

    Rotijon Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Wheres the reddit thread on this?
  13. lm4der

    lm4der A very good sport - Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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  14. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    I have no problems at all with Jude plugging products of people who give him money to do so. I have no problems with the audiophile magazines who also supposedly do this. What I do have a problem is Jude changing the narrative and attempting to blame everything on us.

    Do you guys remember when HFM offered the HEK beta and every other person on the beta list leaked their purchase price on Head-Fi via private messaging and e-mails? Well, this is what Jude wrote to HFM:


    I will acknowledge there were one or two HF/Changstar members who leaked this information in a private part of the CS forum. I am actually on record telling telling CS members that they should honor their informal or gentlemen's agreements. (It's funny how Jude didn't mention this because I had heard that he had moles from Audio360.com spying on us - Jude even admits in reddit that he was forwarded logs, just not from whom).

    In my discussions with HFM, I apologized, but advised that they should have instituted a more robust beta program by keeping the price of the units the same across the board to prevent any perception of favoritism, and to have beta testers sign a legal non-disclosure agreement.

    The problem with Jude's above rant to HFM is that Head-Fi members were already telling each other how much they paid for their beta HEK (Changstar members not so active on HF anymore such as myself were asked to be on the loaner program later than "pure" HF'ers). Jude wanted to change the narrative to one that suited him - to protect HF and to convenient assign the blame to Changstar (a forum 100 times smaller) as the "bad evil entity".

    In terms of commotions, the only real "problems" or "trolling" as Jude saw it was that we would on occasion post measurements and offer counterpoints to the discussions of gear on HF. Sure people would do things like up-voting these posts, but when is there something wrong with up-voting good quality content? For people who are not aware, the "thumbs up" button was removed from my HF account for a period of time.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
  15. knerian

    knerian Friend

    Sep 25, 2015
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    This must be an obvious dig on Fang, using 250 (二百五), no way that bean pole weighs more than a buck eighty.

    For you dim-witted round-eyes: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=er+bai+wu
  16. OJneg

    OJneg The Most Insufferable

    Pyrate BWC
    Sep 25, 2015
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    Wow, respect for Fang just went way back up :D
  17. OJneg

    OJneg The Most Insufferable

    Pyrate BWC
    Sep 25, 2015
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    "Fang, cmon, you know my idiots are WAY more useful!"
  18. Senorx12562

    Senorx12562 Case of the mondays

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I am pretty sure Jude's rant mostly translates to: "stick to hf and I can guarantee nothing but positive reviews, whereas with cs, you can't control that." Oops, my cynicism is showing.
  19. lm4der

    lm4der A very good sport - Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I don't think that's at all cynical. I would say it's dead on, balls accurate.
  20. knerian

    knerian Friend

    Sep 25, 2015
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    If anyone remembers the HEK beta well, the Head-fi thread was pure BS pandering useless Frank I-type hype. Not necessarily because Jude ordered the people to write that way, but the culture fostered there is one of non-critical agreement with status quo, and the posters who have the most visibility tend to either not offer anything of substance or don't appear to be critical listeners.

    The HEK was not the second coming, and while a good headphone, its flaws were only pointed out on the CS beta thread. The reviews we gave were very civil, but more importantly they were honest.
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