Comments on Profile Post by Friday

  1. Kattefjaes
    Oh cool. It will be interesting to see when we filthy foreign devils get some too- seen no dispatch notices yet. (I don't really need it, but I never say no to a spare cable for emergencies.)
    Jun 2, 2017
  2. Friday
    Funny that. I'm as foreign as it can get, all the way in Southeast Asia.
    Jun 2, 2017
    Kattefjaes likes this.
  3. Kattefjaes
    Interesting, thanks, fellow filthy foreigner!
    Jun 2, 2017
  4. DigMe
    Ha.. when I get mine that 'll be 4. Original, one from Impact Audio, one stock 650 cable that I ordered (because for $11 shipped why not?) and the replacement that they send me. #toomanycables
    Jun 2, 2017
  5. Mystic
    I keep forgetting this is a thing, sold my 6XX months ago. Guess my HD580 is getting a new cable!
    Jun 2, 2017
    DigMe likes this.
  6. DigMe
    Are the cables that they're sending the ones with the 1/8" connector like they originally came with?
    Jun 2, 2017
  7. Friday
    @DigMe yeah its the same connector so you can enjoy the full benefits of your phone's DAC/amp with the HD6XX
    Jun 2, 2017
  8. DigMe
    I don't use my 6XX with my phone for the most part.
    Jun 3, 2017