Schiit Gungnir Multibit impressions

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by Bill-P, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    I'm not so sure about the success of Urd. Maybe six or seven years ago where audiophiles who wanted the most pristine audio quality like myself used CD transports -and- folks were yearning for good CD transports. That was a time where crazy nutjobs like n3rdling and I brought CD transports to hobbyist meets.

    Today, USB ain't half bad with good solutions from XMOS, Amanero, Schiit (Unison). Also tons of streamers like pi2AES, iFi Audio Zen Stream, SMSL, with Matrix on the high-end. No one buys their music anymore or do people store FLACs on a drive.

    The Gungnir would sit nicely on top of the Freya or maybe a future Mjolnir 3.
  2. Ksorota

    Ksorota Friend

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    I know that Jason does not give away any production plans, but based on supply chain issues and the Yggdrasil release I dont really think a Gungnir update is coming soon, but hopefully I am wrong. He did mention in the last live stream that the Gungnir is in need of an update and he has been bugging Mike to work on it.

    Again, maybe he already has started working on it and it will be released with URD, but seems unlikely since the transport looks to be pretty close to being complete. I was glad to hear Jason reference the Gungnir, and confirm that it was not going anywhere. He did give me a bit of pause when he mentioned it could become a Gungnir 2, like they did with Bifrost.
  3. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Part of me wonders if we'll actually see a Gungnir 2 with autonomy modules. As much as I would hate for the first gen Gungnir to go out of production, Yggdrasil and BF2 currently feel a lot more modular than Gungnir.
  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    Add OLED too. Remote control. Phase-invert. NOS mode.
  5. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    I'm still the virgin who buys their music still and have hard drives full of FLAC. I'm feeling old....

    On a serious note, I'll still like to see LIM on BF2 size or perhaps a newer Gungnir. I'm not crazy enough to spend $2k on a DAC for IEMs. $1kish range is what is worth it for me.....

    Hopefully future Schiit stuff don't have gimp SE outputs, I don't wanna want to deal with Jensen boxes.
  6. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear

    Jan 6, 2016
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    To be clear, I don't want an autonomy Gungnir. Autonomy Gungnir means no more updates available for current Gungnirs. I just have this feeling since Autonomy was specifically created to avoid having to send DACs back to Schiit, and right now Gungnir feels like the least autonomous of all the upgradeable DACs.
  7. pbi76

    pbi76 New

    Sep 26, 2021
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    Hello everyone,

    I am from outside the USA and I have been reading many posts in this forum. My listening is always with speakers. I use a pair of KEF R3s powered by an old Arcam A85. My current vinyl setup is my preferred source (Project 2Experience with an Ortofon Blue and entry level Rega phonostage) but I have been finding my digital to be inferior relative to it.

    I am really struggling on choosing between a Gungnir MB and a Bifrost 2 to replace a 10+ year old Delta-Sigma DAC (DacMagic).

    I want something easy on the ears like vinyl. Apologies for generalizing on this or using terms that could be wrong.

    I am also in a spot where I have to buy blind and not be able to return in case I'm not happy. Gungnir MB is the highest I can go but would a Bifrost 2 be a big downgrade and in what way?

    It's for a speaker setup and I keep my equipment for long (too long?) periods of time.

    If a Gungnir upgrade comes out and needs to be done at the factory, I will be hardpressed to send it back due to shipping costs from overseas. I imagine any Bifrost 2 upgrade can be done by the owner. I don't intend to buy something with the objective of upgrading it but I just thought of mentioning the limitations of my scenario as it's a factor in the decision making process.

    Thanks and any input would be welcome.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  8. sheldaze

    sheldaze Friend

    May 28, 2016
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    I did this same A/B in my speaker system. But first want to focus on your setup:
    • Do not wish to send back for upgrade. Outlook on how the next upgrade for Gungnir is hazy. It might be as simple as the current update for Yggdrasil. Or it might require sending in. No one knows, and the Bifrost2 is designed to be simple to update.
    • Your integrated amplifier (and my separates in my speaker setup) are single-ended. Bifrost2 is known to be more punchy and dynamic - good through single-ended.
    In my experience though, I was not looking for punch and dynamics. And through my speakers, I could still hear the resolution step up of the Gungnir A2, though hampered by an RCA connection. I continue to suggest the Bifrost2, for the reasons listed above. But I thought I would mention what I heard. And ultimately I went with the Drop Airist DAC, for exactly the reasons you mention - a little resolution, but a laid back sound. Unfortunately this too is not on the market. Bifrost2 is still the best warm enough solution today and easily upgradable.
  9. pbi76

    pbi76 New

    Sep 26, 2021
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    Thank you very much. Ares II was my original choice but was thrown off by some issues I read about like the impulse response of slow filter that many recommend. Bifrost was next but it only became readily available recently. The Gungnir idea came up when I briefly considered a Qutest and, therefore, a higher pricepoint.

    Since I do keep gear for long periods, my thinking is to go for the best I can afford for as long as the benefits are evident and diminishing returns not being too painful.
  10. AukePauke

    AukePauke Acquaintance

    Jul 23, 2017
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    The get the best out of the Gungnir you need the xlr to single end converter. I have my gungnir a long time now and always had the feeling my system wasn't ready. It needed some more speed en punch. I couldn't find the right fix for it. After reading the topic about the converter i build it (easy). My system is how i want it now.

    Balanced to single-ended converter (XLR to RCA / BAL to SE)

  11. pbi76

    pbi76 New

    Sep 26, 2021
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    Very interesting. I will definitely keep this in mind should I end up with a Gungnir. I will probably buy the stuff posted in the link because I have no experience making stuff and I don't want to risk breaking something expensive. hehehe
  12. AukePauke

    AukePauke Acquaintance

    Jul 23, 2017
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    Dont be afraid it is realy easy.
  13. schneller

    schneller Acquaintance

    Nov 19, 2016
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    I currently have a Modi Mulitbit (A1). I love Schiit sound. I want to upgrade to a DAC that maintains that Schiit sound but offers more depth and insight into the music, maintains Schiit bass slam but mainly gives a little more high-end sparkle. Naim Supernait 3 and Dynaudio speakers offer amazing mid-range.

    I am "limited" to the DACs that do not have gimped SE outputs, which are BF2, LIM, and MIL. But I prefer the BF2 and Gungnir footprints/sizes. I would love a Gungnir 2 without gimped SE outputs that moves closer to LIM or MIL. Otherwise I don't know which direction to go. Budget is not my biggest concern, up to the cost of a Yggdrasil. A Yggdrasil OG without gimped SE outputs would also work.
  14. aamefford

    aamefford Nothing like chamberpot coffee

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Sounds like you want a BF2. It always seemed very similar to my Gungnir OG in tone, I could never tell a difference between SE and balanced inputs other than volume. I had them hooked up to the same amp at the same time, and could switch back and forth easily.
  15. Ksorota

    Ksorota Friend

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    Mar 30, 2018
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    Just wanted to state that I think calling the SE out on the Gungnir gimped is overblown...

    I have/am using both outputs and I can confidently say that I am enjoying the music via both sources. Is the XLR better, probably, but I am not listening closely enough to provide a quantitative value as to how much better.

    @schneller If squeezing the most out of your system/budget, go for your favorite flavor of Yggdrasil. Personally, the upgrade from Modi MB to Gungnir MB (talking SE only here) is a vast improvement. In the future, you can consider adding the XLR to SE kit, or getting a balanced amp to use the XLR connectors.

    Bifrost 2 is the safest bet if you want to move up the Schiit chain so that you do not have to think about SE/XLR again. Plus upgradeable at home!
  16. tranq

    tranq Friend

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    Oct 5, 2018
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    I've had Gungnir Multibit on and playing in my system since Thursday afternoon. Early impressions are this is a definite upgrade over Bifrost 2 At least to my ears and with my gear ,Ragnarok 2, Magnepan LRSs. I've only listened to hps a little bit through the SE outs and my tube amp, and even that was to make sure what I was hearing from the LRSs wasnt a room effect (it wasn't). I could hear the same bass effect/echo/reverb via SE outs with unmodded HD6XXs as I could through 2ch.

    I havent had time to A/B it to Bifrost, but to my ears and preferences its a notable and worthwhile upgrade. Bass Speed/Texture/Definition/Overall Speed is an upgrade, treble clarity & air are cleaner and more pronounced. Backing vocals are more easily identifiable and placeable. Rhythm/backing guitar stands out more, and is identifiable on all tracks in a way its not on Bifrost 2. Drums and cymbals hit faster, harder, and decay longer. Piano notes hang in the air for what seems to be an eternity (slightly exaggerated).

    And the recording room/venue is more identifiable then on Bifrost.

    Granted this could all be new toy syndrome, but to me it kinda feels similar to what I heard when I went from HD6XXs to HD600 for the first time... Like whoa....Im hearing more... and liking it....

    I will try and do a more detailed write up and A/B comparison in the future..... but for right now I'm left to wonder....Is it possible Schiit has rolled out some new silent upgrades to Gungnir that they will announce with URD? Im having a hard time comprehending what im hearing after reading for so long that Bifrost was as good or better then Gungnir, at least with SE.

    Unison has been the input for 99 percent of my listening.
  17. Josh Schor

    Josh Schor Friend

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    Jul 13, 2020
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    I am looking for a gungir multibit with the latest usb that I could borrow. I currently have a LIM with the studio b. its a little soft and Marv suggested I try the gungnir to see how it fits. If you have one you can lend me I would of course pay all shipping and replacement cost if damaged.
  18. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    I have a Gun A2 (this is the one version Marv is referring to) I have not used for couple of months and will probably be selling, BUT, it "only" has Gen 5 USB, not the latest and greatest "Unison". That said in my opinion the tonality and transient/attack qualities would still be apparent. Thing is it would also be cooler - less warm down in the low mids/bass as well. Let me know if you don't get any other offers...

    I thought you had a Pi2AES you were using and thus bypassing USB?
  19. Josh Schor

    Josh Schor Friend

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    Jul 13, 2020
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    No I could not get the pi to work. thinking of trying the new one when it becomes available in march. The custom pc im using is usb only. If you are willing to send it to me that would be great. This is the second time you have done this, im grateful.
  20. North Pole Cowboy

    North Pole Cowboy New

    Mar 29, 2021
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    Installed Gen 5 USB from Bifrost Multibit to my Gungnir MB and it doesn't work. When Gungnir connected to PC Windows shows Bifrost Gen 5. Also there are no relay click when Gungnir is powered on or when USB input is selected. Only S/PDIF works but no sound from USB.

    I once saw a Gen 5 USB from Yggdrasil on ebay, didn't have time to buy it then. Just in case, I wrote to Schiit if the USB cards are compatible between Yggdrasil and Gungnir, they said yes, but they won't give me installation instructions. For that reason I thought the USB cards were compatible between Bifrost 1, Yggdrasil and the Gungnir.

    If anyone has a Gungnir with Gen 1/2/3 USB input and wants to install Gen 5 keep in mind that the USB from Bifrost 1 will not work.

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