Merv's Politically Incorrect Audio Blog

Discussion in 'SBAF Blogs' started by purr1n, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. Pancakes

    Pancakes Friend

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    My best friend is a doctor in rural PA. His words: "I simply can't compete with the disinformation out there. The unvaxxed/unmasked keep dying and I keep filling out the death certificates. Doesn't bother me anymore."
  2. haywood

    haywood Friend

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Forced medical procedures, Nazis and “real leadership” probably aren’t where you wanted to go with that one.

    That’d be fine as long as we treated every other factor the same way. Overweight? Smoker? Drinker? Old? Sorry dudes, we got to have the beds for real patients.

    Good news though… Pfizer is close to EUA status on their new oral covid medicine (which shares a curious similarity in function to the horse dewormer those spreadnecks were overdosing on and causing all those gunshot victims to go wanting). Though come to think of it, if we add gun owner to the list above… more free beds!
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  3. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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  4. GettingBuckets

    GettingBuckets Almost "Made"

    Feb 23, 2016
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    The difference between that and getting COVID is the fact that many chronic conditions are often due to many factors including your family history, environment that you grew up in and currently live in, and they aren't often preventable.

    With COVID, people are consciously making a decision to not get the vaccine, so no I don't agree that you can treat every other factor the same way because unlike every other factor, there is such a clear and simple solution and is freely f'ing offered all over the country.
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  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    We can argue that vaccine hesitancy is also the result of your family history, the environment that you grew up in and currently live in, and that they aren't often preventable. LOL!

    I'm sorry that you guys have to go through all this. I really am. But it just is.

    This is the social media age. Distrust in government is the result of poor government for the past 15-20 years. ACA has made healthcare more expensive for everyone. As a result, it made the experience of both the providers and patients worse. We got involved in dumb wars to bring democracy to the world, but instead destabilized Libya, Iraq, and Syria. We lost in Afghanistan after spending trillions. Government and investment banks conspired to sell Americans on the idea that they could be the next Rich Dad but most ended up as the Poor Dad. We racked up our deficits so now we are just like Europe but still get two weeks vacation. We print money like crazy to pay for all this shit. The richer got richer and now have their own personal spaceships. I actually make only slightly more money now with my fancy cybersecurity job than I did in 1993 after inflation. If we think HF is bad for audio, think what FB and Twitter do for life. Heck, I can't even stand my local Nextdoor. We ceded our high-tech chipmaking to Korea and Taiwan. For all other manufacturing, we sold out to China while they progressed with their not-so-secret 100-year plan of world wide hegemony. Amazon killed stores like Sears and Fry's Electronics. BLMers and Trumpers mistakenly think each other are the enemy when they have much more in common. California politicians are preparing for the Day After Tomorrow in 2099 rather than the first day of the next week. Instead of NYT, WSJ, or Peter Jennings, people go to FB. Apple keeps making us pay for their shitty Lightning connectors that keep breaking (and Tim Cook knows it).

    Is it any wonder that people do not trust authority?
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    Last edited: Sep 29, 2021
  6. WoodyLuvr

    WoodyLuvr Friend

    Aug 17, 2021
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    Grand excuse making
    has become a new social past-time for humans it seems. Statistically speaking, more than not, it comes down to bad decision-making coupled with the embracement of a crummy lifestyle that leads most people to death's door. Actions vs results (consequences).

    Vice versa... if one can say: "Hey anti-vaxer, go get vaccinated and wear a mask... they are freely f'ing available" one then could also say the same for the countless other chronic health problems which also have simple, clear, free (or at least affordable) solutions too:

    "Simple solution fatty: eat less, push the plate away, eat healthier, and get up off the couch and move about!"
    "Cigarettes kill and second-hand smoke is bad. Go buy a pack of gum, a self-help book, and stop smoking!"
    "Yo stop drinking you are making a royal mess of your life; go to AA and start taking those steps you drunk!"
    "See this baseball bat 'Pedo'? Don't even think about touching that little boy/girl inappropriately!"

    I mean really... we are all accountable and responsible for our own well-being, the decisions we make, the actions we take, the words we say, etc. The economy, professional work place, and the criminal justice system (to name but a few) all seem to think so and thus why when we get out-of-line we are called out as accordingly and reprimanded (punished). This happens in almost all other aspects of our lives so why wouldn't we hold one's health to the same standard?

    Again, outside of those rare uncontrollable medical exceptions (legitimate disease), the vast majority of illness and health issues these days is more often than not self-induced and/or at a least grossly exacerbated by piss poor attitudes and bad decision-making skills. People need to be held accountable and made responsible for themselves. There is nothing wrong with learning from one's mistakes and owning up to them that is part of becoming a productive adult and citizen. For some the journey is harder than others. Fair, no but that is life and how the universe works... it can be one cruel bitch at times!
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    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
  7. GettingBuckets

    GettingBuckets Almost "Made"

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Once again, my experience is based off of seeing patients in a poor and segregated area. You say that everybody has personal responsibility and self-induced but you try countering decades of systemic discrimination and inequality. When people are born in a shitty environment and live in a food desert where the nearest grocery store is miles away with no access to transportation, then it's much tougher to "be accountable." This is only multiplied by outward perception from people who don't take you seriously or already put these labels on you because of all of the previous things (and that includes doctors too because honestly so many doctors came from privileged and sheltered lives here in the states and have a clear implicit bias when it comes to treating patients).
  8. GettingBuckets

    GettingBuckets Almost "Made"

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Fair enough. I had a discussion with my friend about the Capital Riot and the fact that although those people obviously did the wrong thing, he still felt bad because they were completely misled and born in a environment of ignorance. The same can be said of vaccine hesitancy. My only question is that if they don't trust doctors and science, then why do they show up to the hospital? A lot of the vaccine hesitancy is because they "don't trust the government/doctors/etc." Then, they shouldn't trust them to take care of them when they're sick either.
  9. bilboda

    bilboda Florida boomer

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    Some doctors you're gonna trust and some you won't. The question is, who do you trust? Those following the consolidated opinion available thru the msm or these 7800 and counting ?
  10. HHS

    HHS Almost "Made"

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Looks like I can say I'm a doctor and be number 7801
  11. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Because people are stubborn to the point where they are about to die. Just ask my wife. I should have gone to the hospital probably a day or two earlier when I wasn't getting better from pneumonia. As a result, I now cede all such decisions to her.
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  12. GettingBuckets

    GettingBuckets Almost "Made"

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Yea and in all honesty, a hospital is a shitty place to be and I don't want to wish that on any person. What's been really interesting is the fact that when we have had these unvaccinated COVID patients in the ICU that are on a ventilator or are actually dying and die in the hospital, so many of the family members are still unwilling to get the vaccine even after seeing that happen to their mother/father/etc.
  13. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    Individualised healthcare in a time when people are making conscious, "informed" decisions to put themselves at risk of a particularly virulent pathogen? I'm a f'ing idealist who holds out hope my country doesn't vote Manny Motherfucking Pacquiao into the presidency but even that sounds like a bit of a hard sell, friend.

    The websites and proof of credibility on that page appear optional.

    Despite the format the phrasing of the site content is not so much legalese as it is galvanising and propagandistic.
  14. bilboda

    bilboda Florida boomer

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    Try it and see what happens. I am curious.
  15. HHS

    HHS Almost "Made"

    Dec 15, 2016
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    No thanks. I don't even like giving them views, definitely don't want to be used to boost the number of their supposed supporters
  16. Beefy

    Beefy Friend

    Apr 10, 2021
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    I wonder if those 7800 'experts' includes Stella Immanuel? She was Trump's COVID 'expert' who thinks many disease are caused by demon sperm.

    If wonder if those 7800 'experts' includes Christina Parks? She was the doctor in the video you linked previously in testimony to some group or another, who would fail 1st year Immunology and Molecular Biology courses with her complete misunderstanding of viruses, vaccines and mRNA technologies.

    I see that Peter McCullough is a headliner for those 7800 'experts'. A man who claims with no credible evidence that the mRNA vaccine has killed thousands and thousands of people, erroneously claims the vaccines are 'genetic altering', and claims without evidence that the entire pandemic is a bioterrorism conspiracy.

    Worst case estimates for medical and scientific dissent on the consensus about COVID origins (zoonotic transfer) and response (masks, distancing, vaccines) are 1 in 20. Best case is about 1 in 100. Your 7800 'experts' are vastly outnumbered and outclassed. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you are following the wrong people. The vanishingly small 1% minority who have got the wrong end of the stick.
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  17. bilboda

    bilboda Florida boomer

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    How are you considering yourself qualified to disqualify someone's credentials and understanding of anything in the medical or scientific field? What are your credentials? Other than making pithy disparaging remarks about others?

    Not a manmade virus? Are you for real? The vast majority are stating that it is the most likely the case. Your comment was true a year ago but is true no longer. .

    You're really not qualified for anything except an opinion. You don't have the know-how, desire or drive to actually debunk anything or you would. It's really tiring, Give me some data, studies links, something, or why bother?
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  18. Beefy

    Beefy Friend

    Apr 10, 2021
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    I have a BSc Hons, PhD, two postdocs, tenured professor, federal funding in human health research.

    I can also confirm that I have never once claimed that diseases are caused by demon sperm, or that the US government is controlled by lizard people, or that alien DNA is being used for medical treatments. This alone puts me a step above Stella Immanuel and "America's Frontline Doctors", as I'm sure you would agree.

    No they're not.

    Sealionning doesn't work on me. It is very obvious that everything you are asking me for is not going to change your mind.
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  19. Pancakes

    Pancakes Friend

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    But obviously *you* are qualified to decide that they are "experts" and "credible". Cool.​
  20. bilboda

    bilboda Florida boomer

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    Me? Nope. I can only decide for myself and I don't mind sharing my decision and sources. If you are really concerned about my welfare. Show me where I'm wrong, Shame, derision, humiliation are all weak, shallow and emotional responses that don't accomplish much. Best of luck with your decisions. I sincerely hope for the best results from all of our decisions. I am optimistic.

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