I have a friend that asked me to interpret Rythmik's measurements for his FVX15. I sent him this in response.. [MEDIA]
Yeah that's a slightly unfortunate part about the 305ps. There should be other similar models out there (e.g hs5, lp6v2, A5v) with lower noise.
More news on Eric. In a recent, deleted youtube comment he blamed the whole ordeal on a recently fired employee (and called her out by name using...
@yotacowboy Apparently Eric's Facebook feed under the same name Is public, he's said some, ahem, interesting things. Nothing crazy afaik, but...
lol. looks like memory is failing both of us today.
Schiit burns their stuff in from factory as a QC check. I didn't notice any change in sound with use over a period of days, and don't notice any...
I personally like Erin, and don't Amir, but I think Amir's handling of this situation has been commendable thus far and beneficial to the consumer.
Lol. Looks like I made a mistake, I thought there was a character limit. Here's a few links, I suggest viewing them in order...
It seems like you're not quite aware of what's going on. I give credit where credit is due. Hasty generalizations are dumb.
Eric Alexander of Tekton audio has seemingly gone feral. Amir is doing some great work for the community. Tekton's now on my blacklist...
GMK WOB Katakana from Drop.com
One guy in New York builds this. Welcome to my vice. [IMG]
+1 for bixby's rec, solid monitors if you can get a hold of them. 306p/308p are also viable but larger. Tannoy Gold 5/7/8, Adam t5v, t7v, t8v, and...
not desperately refusing the urge to donate... nooope
I really hope that Amazon.au delivering to NZ is showing me the wrong prices because everything sucks... So "small" is going to be a little...
Separate names with a comma.