The music we make

Discussion in 'Musicians and Instruments' started by Zed Bopp, Oct 18, 2016.

  1. slankoe

    slankoe Tongue tastes of LH butthole

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Last edited: May 2, 2019
  2. bobboxbody

    bobboxbody Friend

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  3. Slaphead

    Slaphead Facebook Friend

    Apr 4, 2017
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    I haven't done anything for a while - you guys are giving me inspiration to get going again

    Normally I do drum & bass stuff, but here's something that'll help you go to sleep - an electronic lullaby if you like.
  4. Cellist88

    Cellist88 Friend

    Nov 11, 2015
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    For those who want something fast, skip to 3:10
  5. aornic

    aornic MOT: Acorn Audio

    Apr 6, 2016
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    As someone living in an apartment, I'm really happy with the mimic'ed tones I can get from my Kemper Profiler. After some fiddling around, I got this Hendrix/SRV type tone using a profile of a Dumble Overdrive Special. Just a short video to demonstrate with my favourite Strat.
  6. Zed Bopp

    Zed Bopp Friend

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I’m a kindergarten teacher and get to play lots of guitar at work. Here’s a classic finnish children’s song with my trusty Simon and Patrick dreadnought acoustic, it’s one pretty & melancholic song ✨

  7. E_Schaaf

    E_Schaaf MOT: E.T.A Headphones

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    Mar 28, 2017
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    Been over a year since I put something out. Here's what I've got today. I used to use the name .slew for my more complex tracks, but I like this minimal lo-fi aesthetic and feel the name follows suit. Hoping to churn out one or two of these minute-long beats a week throughout quarantine.

    I purposefully saturated the living shit out of an old TDK tape on my Nak 500 to get that overbearing blanket of bass. The distortion tickles my ears.
  8. E_Schaaf

    E_Schaaf MOT: E.T.A Headphones

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    Mar 28, 2017
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    Cooked this up in an hour last night - made all the sounds from scratch using just AM synthesis, saturation, compression, verb. Sequenced with REAPER as usual. Did some purposeful clipping automation on the bass tones for each hit to have a flow from wet to dry - growl to rumble. Pretty fun to experiment with this type of thing. EQ shelf automation on the master bus too for a more flavorful fade. Mixed and mastered with modded 6XX, which transitions really well to my mains.
  9. nnotis

    nnotis New

    Oct 24, 2015
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  10. robot zombie

    robot zombie Friend

    May 11, 2016
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    I don't have any recent stuff to share. Working on getting my shit together... I have so much backed up material and I feel like I've grown a lot since I came up with any of it.

    Probably nothing serious - I don't really have the time, but it's undeniably awesome that we live in a time where it's possible to do that and all you need is the ability to play the instruments, one simple piece of hardware and some basic software skills.

    Eh, I've been going through some of my verrry earliest recordings. I was maybe 15 when I found out my distortion pedal doubled as a DI that could go right into my computer. Became obsessed instantly. I would spend a lot of my afternoons putting together a minute or two of music at a time, just learning how things work. I never did learn theory. 15 years later and I still don't have much grasp of the terminology, but doing that stuff taught me a ton about how everything goes together.

    I think this one is my favorite from that time, super proud of 16-year-old me for those passages in the middle - those are riffs I'd be lucky to come up with today, almost 15 years later. I was more metal than I gave myself credit for. I really liked my thrash and death back then. Good times. Can't believe I kept this stuff all of these years.

    Just remember when you listen... I had only been playing seriously for a couple of years and recording for a little less than a year lol. It was all for fun. Still just a kid. Probably stoned.

    I had to go back and mix it down without the limiter I had on it back then. I was bouncing between different software, so luckily I could still access the drum and guitar wav files. It was so bad, man. Everything was lurching and it made me dizzy to even hear it... I guess I was going for the club mix. You know it 'slaps' when a ride hit makes everything go jello. I think the PC speakers I was mixing on at the time just didn't allow me to hear my funhouse style limiter work. :p I remember being confused by what it was actually supposed to do, or if it did anything at all. But I read it was important, heh. I don't do that anymore.

    The drums were done in fruityloops, just whatever free samples I could find tweaked with a lil compression and panned somewhat accordingly. I really had no clue what I was doing with drums at all. Would usually just come up with one loop per passage, after laying down the rhythm tracks. All that mattered to me was having them there and not being completely terrible.

    I was just tweaking hard over the fact that I could put multiple guitars over drums - that's such a crazy thing to happen upon when you're just starting to feel like music is something you can really do. "I can MAKE songs?! I can just do this?!" The first time I tried it was a wicked adrenaline rush. I wanted to play and write music with other kids before that, but none of us knew how to communicate and the only kid I knew who was past the point of learning easy songs was wayyy beyond me - like a fuckin sweep/legato prodigy. Most others either only wanted to play the couple of songs they could somewhat get through, or have me teach them to play stuff I knew or came up with. Not very fun.

    By this point I must've had my Line6 Spider II 150w head... people shit on those amps but it did have a DI out on the front and 8 programmable presets, making it actually usable for basic recording. It even had some decent delay, reverb, phaser, flanger, chorus... little bit of everything with amp styles. Ran it into one of their early USB interfaces and off I went. It was better than the digitech pedal! Could do some okay high-gain tones I think.

    Tracked and mixed everything in cooledit pro, if anybody remembers that one. For those who don't, it was like a more powerful audacity.

    The solo on the end kind of makes me laugh... I didn't understand how to do those, yet. I was really just learning how to put scales together and match them with chord progressions. Riffs and harmonized leads over power chords were easy because it was all basic math with intervals. I started by getting the first part down in tablature on a boring day in class, so I could audiate pretty well. I just didn't have that grasp of structure and phrasing to really conceive of a meaningful solo. But because I was listening almost exclusively to metal, I had it in my head that you always had to have them in songs and that a boring one was better than nothing.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2020
  11. Zed Bopp

    Zed Bopp Friend

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Long time coming, got my fresh one-man-band tune (as Crookmachine) & its video done! An instrumental track for fans of Deftones, Mastodon, Baroness, Opeth, Pink Floyd etc. Enjoy!

    Started the process over a year ago: recorded drums and basic guitar tracks. Then it hit, a slump of inspiration. A few months ago I got a shoulder injury that halted most of my physical activities (floorball, running, soccer) - the perfect time to get back into creation-mode with fresh ideas!

    This was my first recording using a Kemper Profiler, ended up recording all electric guitars and bass with it. A nice change of pace after years of tube amps & micing up cabs. Also dabbled in some blastbeats - you'll be the judge! :punk:

    Last edited: Nov 28, 2020
  12. robot zombie

    robot zombie Friend

    May 11, 2016
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    Nice, man! Digging the groove and the sounds on that. It's a jam.

    Also... Kemper Profiler. If I had that, you'd have a hard time convincing me to ever mic up an amp.
  13. E_Schaaf

    E_Schaaf MOT: E.T.A Headphones

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    Mar 28, 2017
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    Anyone like future funk? Tried my hand at making a couple tracks with the same production methods, pretty much taking an existing recording, adjusting rate and pitch, some parallel compression, EQ, saturation modeling. Really interesting way to pull an entirely new vibe out of old music without changing any aspect of the arrangement. Flavorful stealing and reframing, if you will. Paid absolutely zero mind to technical qualities, just mixed with pleasure in mind on my own 2-ch system. Really digging these gritty textures, might rip through one of my Naks for that last bit of growl and purr at some point.
  14. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    You're so much cooler than everyone else on this forum.
  15. Zed Bopp

    Zed Bopp Friend

    Jan 15, 2016
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    My one-man-band Crookmachine is back with a new piece, it's called D.B. Cooper.

    I guess this is instrumental rock with strong progressive elements (think Pink Floyd, Deftones, Mastodon, Baroness etc.), but you'll be the judge.
    Compared to my previous material, this one’s got a more uplifting and hopeful mood overall imo. Keyboards and fuzz pedals get more room in the mix.

    I played the drums, percussion, guitars, bass & keyboards and mixed it.

    The drums were recorded at our practice space and the rest at home. All guitars were played through my Suhr Badger 18 amp + Orange 2x12 cab with a Sennheiser e906 mic capturing the tones.

    Here’s the music video I shot around my hometown of Helsinki, Finland.

    P.S. Let's keep this thread going strong! :punk:
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2021
  16. softich2

    softich2 New

    Nov 27, 2023
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    Thanks for the information!
  17. pavle

    pavle New

    Jun 25, 2018
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    Here’s my interpretation of one of the funnest pieces to perform, hope you’ll enjoy it.

  18. Entropy

    Entropy Facebook Friend

    Dec 3, 2022
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    Does this count? ... I'm not sure... All I know is the piano and atmosphere were on-point that day.


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