Feliks Audio MK2 6N6P tube (/w adapter) alternatives?

Discussion in 'Advice Threads' started by Nuhapaatti, Nov 29, 2024 at 12:41 PM.

  1. Nuhapaatti

    Nuhapaatti New

    Dec 14, 2023
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    Finally found a substitute for my long gone MLP, which was Feliks Audio MKII (second hand but in mint condition). Now that I powered up that thing second time today I saw how one of the 6N6P tubes didn't light up at all, there was a crack in the tube so yeah, it was dead.

    I went and ordered a last piece of 6N6P tubes of my local store but have anyone tried some alternatives for the amplifier? I know that the 6N6P is not possible to just change to any other tube without adapters and that's also a little bit hazy for me, at least for now, since I got the amplifier today (you can imagine the frustration 1) finding a tube amplifier that fits my needs and budget for about an year 2) poof goes the one tube on the second time powering it up) but any how since I am now pretty familiar with waiting and have to wait for that substitute tube until monday now - has anyone had any nice findings on adapter/6N6P line or will I have to stack some good ol' 6N6Ps to my drawer since those other tubes are easily available, even locally.

    I heard that Valhalla 2 uses pretty much the same configuration on tubes but haven't had time yet to dig into it really.
  2. joch

    joch Friend

    Pyrate Contributor
    Oct 8, 2015
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    the other side of the big ocean
    I’m afraid that’s your best choice.
  3. Nuhapaatti

    Nuhapaatti New

    Dec 14, 2023
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    Well yeah, sure it is but is there some super 6N6P tubes that make your world shake? Photon was mentioned somewhere.

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