FS - Dynalo Mk2 - Fully Balanced/Supersymmetry/Golden Reference PSU

Discussion in 'For Sale' started by Rthomas, May 15, 2024.

  1. Rthomas

    Rthomas Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Hello Everyone,

    Are you tired of cookie cutter chip amp designs with terrible reliability that get updated every few months? ''Improving'' from 0.00000012 THD to 0.00000008 THD as if that is audible at all?

    Do you want something that actually sounds good and is praised by people who actually know about good sound?

    Bob Katz review of the Dynalo Mk2 linked below:


    I have a Dynalo Mk2 amp (230V) for sale. This one is ''fully loaded'' and everything is overkill for performance.
    • Class A ( but barely gets warm after an hour of use with my Utopia)
    • Quad Alps RK27 Blue Velvet Potentiometer
    • NOS monolithic Toshiba jfets
    • Fully balanced
    • super symmetry input stage ( it means it can take a single ended signal (RCA) and converts it to balanced without any extra circuitry.
    • Golden Reference linear power supply
    • 3 x Super chunky isolation feet.
    It's essentially like a Headamp GSX Mk2/Mjolnir Audio Pure Bipolar without the fancy casework and markup.

    I paid 1000 Euros to get it built by @Hrodulf and I received it in March 2021 and I've been using it multiple times a week since then.

    Rudi used to work for Sonarworks and he has also built a Kevin Gilmore CFA3 which has received rave reviews. His thread is below:


    It has served me very well driving my Utopia 22 and Audeze LCD-5 with zero issues.
    It sounds weightier, fuller and more impactful than the built in amp of my RME ADI-2 DAC and any THX-888 implementation I have heard

    Power output is approx 5W @ 60 Ohms. With my RME ADI-2 at 0 Dbfs a demo Susvara was loud enough at 11 O'clock on the volume pot. Will drive any normal headphone to ear splitting levels.

    Only Reason for sale: I'm raising money to buy an ECP Audio DSHA-3FN as the Utopia 22 is my primary headphone at the moment

    Price 849 Euros with FREE Shipping from Spain to EU. An EU sale would be easy but I will consider shipping outside for extra.

    Pics here - https://www.head-fi.org/classifieds...ced-supersymmetry-golden-reference-psu.67219/


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