The All Purpose Advice Thread

Discussion in 'Advice Threads' started by purr1n, Sep 26, 2015.

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  1. gixxerwimp

    gixxerwimp Professional tricycle rider

    Sep 30, 2015
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    The OP is wondering if the analogue output of the Sonos can be improved upon.


    And also dependent on the quality of the digital output of the Sonos (which I know nothing about).
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  2. DignifiedAndOld

    DignifiedAndOld New

    Oct 25, 2020
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    Yeah, this is sort of what I'm getting at. The question better stated would be: can the analog output be improved upon ("meaningfully"), while still keeping the Sonos in the chain as a source of digital streaming. I believe the Sonos streams at 16 Bit, which I gather is CD quality, which is the level of my current Tidal HiFi subscription? Is that quality essentially going to be the same when outputting digitally (coaxial or optical) via the Sonos or a Bluesound or a Raspberry Pi?

    Here's the most comprehensive measurements I could find on the Sonos:

    The one note in his review which gave me pause:

    On the good news front, the internal DAC has very good performance for its intended audience. 92 dB of SINAD is within shouting distance of ideal range for 16 bit audio. And if not, addition of an external DAC would get you there. Don't spend much on that though as you are only going to gain 6 dB so stay with under $250 DACs.

    I read that as a way of dismissively saying that the intended audience of Sonos products, the masses listening passively through their lofi soundbars and the like, should be happy. I'm listening through my Schiit Freya -> Aegir -> Klipsch Forte's though. I know $250 is not a meaningful technical measurement, but is there diminishing returns when investing in a DAC at the Bifrost level or above? Would something like a Doge 7 or Yggdrasil be silly in my system, at my streaming level?
  3. jnak00

    jnak00 Friend

    Feb 9, 2017
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    If you move up to a Gen 2 Connect or Port, you can upgrade to S2 Sonos which supports 24 bit audio. Regardless, with that system I think you would notice a difference bypassing the internal DAC of the Connect. Diminishing returns always come into play in this game - in my opinion something like the Bifrost 2 balances the price/performance ratio nicely (but I've never heard any real high-end DACs).
  4. MaxBuck

    MaxBuck New

    Sep 20, 2021
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    The guy asked whether his streaming experience could be improved. I provided what I believed to be a responsive reply.
  5. 2Broke4This

    2Broke4This New

    Nov 17, 2021
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    I'm usually either using Hifiman Aryas, or HD6XX.

    I have a Vali 2+ already, and while its extremely enjoyable to listen to, I have a feeling that I'm missing out especially on tube rolling, I really don't think I can tell the difference between any of the tubes I got for it. I heard there are a number of people that feel the same, and that the Vali 2+ revision is closer in sound to solid state than a tube amp.

    Thanks for telling me about the other amps. Never heard of them before. I'll check them out.
  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    Try 2C51, 5670, 396A, or russian 6N3P, all on an adapter.
  7. Btdk34

    Btdk34 Facebook Friend

    Feb 16, 2016
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    I’ve got the PureAudioProject Trio15 TB and am looking to upgrade my amplifier. I currently run a Modi Multibit into an Emotiva BasX amp. I’m interested in both the Aegir amp with Saga or Freya (single Aegir unit to start, possibly mono in the future?) and the Ragnarok 2.

    I’ve read through many threads about both, but any additional advice or anecdotal stories about comparisons for speakers similar to the PAPs would be super helpful!
  8. AdvanTech

    AdvanTech Friend

    Pyrate BWC
    May 13, 2016
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    I’m assuming that with 15” woofers you care about bass quality. While the Aegir is super-resolving, it’s pretty limp in the low end. Dual-mono Aegirs helps a little with that, but you lose some sweetness.

    Ragnarok 2 with Nexus would probably have better grip on your 15s.

    Are you set on staying within the Schiit family?
  9. Btdk34

    Btdk34 Facebook Friend

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Great point. While I do value resolution and sweetness, I really want great bass as well. I’m not set on Schiit for sure, I mostly figured it might be the best value for my dollar, but I’m definitely open to anything in the general price range of those two!
  10. sphinxvc

    sphinxvc Gear Master (retired)

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    Sep 28, 2015
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    I would personally just passively bi-amp with the Aegir and Vidar. I ran this for some time with the Voxativ + 15s and it was the best blend of worlds. But there's gain and what not to figure out, not to mention splicing out of the XO.

    As far as "value resolution and sweetness" + "want great bass" + "best value for my dollar", welcome to the club, we're thousands deep and decades strong. Your contribution will be spending a few thousand on hernia-heavy power amps, and then offering apples (impressions on your speakers) and oranges (impressions in your room). :)
  11. michty_me

    michty_me New

    Aug 24, 2021
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    Good evening everyone, Hope you are all well.
    I have a query about DAC's I'm currently using a Soundblaster G6 with RCA into an Asgard 3. I kept this as I was using a VModa boom pro on some headphones for a mic during gaming.

    Now I'm looking at a USB mic due to new headphones won't allow the vmoda.

    This in turn is making me look at DACs. Namely the modius so it stacks with the Asgard 3 and doesn't disrupt the OCD.
    Would it be a noticeable improvement switching the G6 as a DAC to the Modius?
  12. ZENERGiA

    ZENERGiA New

    Feb 16, 2022
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    Hello guys!

    After being incredibly dissapointed with the JDS ATOM Stack, I am looking for a stack, or an all in one desktop solution, that will help me forget this horrible mess...

    I am listening to music now on my FiiO e10k with my HD559, which is pretty low end, but I actually quite enjoy this little budget seems like the FiiO e10k has a Burr Brown chip inside...

    Now ATOM has AKM, and it's horrid...i don't even want to hear about ESS, some people claim it's even more sterile...brrr...

    So as an only alternative, iFi products came into my mind...They use Burr Brown chips mostly, as far as I am aware.

    Basically I am looking for an upgraded FiiO e10k...same sound signature, maybe bigger "soundstage" (headstage), more power, bit better dynamics, but that's it... I don't want anything sterile sounding...

    Currently own the following headphones: AD700X, HD559, k371, k712 PRO, Grado SR 225i
    It's kind of hard to get headphone amps in Hungary, but I have came across the iFi ZEN Signature Set (HFM edition). Do you think it would be a good buy? Eventhough I don't have any Hifiman cans, I suppose I could still use this setup just without the EQ profile (/using the EQ button)?

    In the long run I would like to get a Hifiman Sundara, and an HD650, but for now, I just want to enjoy my music and my headphones, and I might need a better AMP/DAC to do that (at least for the k712 pro and the Grado SR 225i).

    What do you guys think?

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
  13. Inoculator

    Inoculator Friend

    Dec 5, 2018
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    I have not really followed the Magni and Vali developments as it has been a long time since I ran a small Schiit stack. Recently had my Modi Multibit modded with 2156 opamps, and am thinking it would be fun to do a bedroom stack with the Magni 3+ or Vali 2+. Which do you think would have been synergy? Will primarily be driving just PortaPros or HD 600. Thanks!
  14. TommyD

    TommyD New

    Oct 14, 2021
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    Wrong section.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2022
  15. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Yes any Pro balanced out DAC will work. They will not be too hot.

    The difference between Pro DACs and consumer high end or hi-fi DACs is audience, and that determines features and sometimes SQ. From you post I don't know what you hear 8n your system that you are missing or are looking for. "Better" is subjective. More specific is better so over generalizations don't have to be made.

    You really should post your question here:

    Mods, can you close this thread before something bad happens.
  16. TommyD

    TommyD New

    Oct 14, 2021
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    Thanks for the reply and also for the "heads up" about posting in the wrong section.
    Sorry about that.
  17. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

    Apr 15, 2020
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    Don't worry about it, I moved the posts. :)
  18. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Vali 2+ or bust. It is an amazing value. Almost as much as the amazing value of modded Modi MB. It is great with even IEM's and should be fine for Porta Pros. It is clean, energetic, and goes really well with the Modi MB. (It really should be a Vali 3 in sound, but not a whole lot changed ptherwise. It is not quite at all the Vali 2.)

    The Magni 3+ to me was too to SS harshness in the high-mids. It is also more forward than Vali 2+. Plus, you can kind of cater the sound you like with tube - warmer or colder.
  19. Dash

    Dash Friend

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Ok so I recently got back in the hobby with thx00, fulla e and liquid spark. I really enjoy the THX00 sound and want the next step but with better mids and maybe slightly less treble but overall the unmodded THX00 is just fine. Is the next step to ZMF?
  20. roughroad

    roughroad formerly mephisto56

    Oct 1, 2018
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    I was at a similar point less than a year ago. I still have a Pr. Of THX00 that don't get much use now. I ended up purchasing a pr. of ETA GenG HPs and and glad I did. I also was considering the ZMF Aeolus and actually had placed an order for them but quickly cancelled it.

    The GenG's are easily tunable to suit your preferences and can be picked up used at a very attractive price (often minus the HP cable). I found the THX00's to be somewhat harsh in the highs and too recessed in the mids after awhile, this being amped on a fully loaded ECP T3 with NOS tubes. The GenG's solved these issues for me. I now drive the ETA's with a Schitt MJ1. Some folks say they are too prominent in the bass but I'm a closet basshead and, again, they are tunable.
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