Agree to Disagree on how we Disagree

Discussion in 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' started by ColtMrFire, Feb 16, 2024.

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  1. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

    Jun 16, 2016
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    I don’t have time to do a line by line but it sounds like you misunderstood some of what I said and you also don’t agree with a lot of it, which is welcomed since we all hear differently. It’s also a matter of certain points of view being lost in translation. I will have more thoughts after the meet about the amp on different sources so things may or may not change.
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  2. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    Sounds like a bitchy cope out. Can you at least have the balls to at least provide a few liners on why you might disagree with some of @ChaChaRealSmooth points?
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  3. ChaChaRealSmooth

    ChaChaRealSmooth SBAF's Mr. Bean

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    You can take your time to read through; I don't expect/need an immediate response. It's what I did originally with your post.

    P.S. I'm not doing this to try to be a jerk. If that's your takeaway then the point has been completely missed.
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  4. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

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    Nope. Too busy.
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  5. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Your takeaway seems to be I think you’re a jerk? Nope. Don’t really care these days.

    I may have more after the meet.
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  6. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    Well you aren’t busy posting right back to me. You are being a pussy with small penis syndrome because you got an amp that you may never afford with your fanflics.
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  7. ChaChaRealSmooth

    ChaChaRealSmooth SBAF's Mr. Bean

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    Dec 6, 2018
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    Holy balls of misreading/manipulating the situation to paint yourself the victim.

    Dude I was trying to spark some discussion on the amp's qualities and not have a bitch fest. You really going to do this to Donald?

    I also get that you haven't had the Supernaut for that long yet and it's fine to say that right now you may not have an answer instead of getting all defensive and prissy.

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  8. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Okay I’m on my break so can write a bit between bites of a sandwich.

    I work 10-12 hours a day now trying to keep afloat financially and pay back debts. I set aside some time to write up thoughts about the amp because Donald was nice enough to send it. Other than that I have little to no time to get into back and forth debates about stuff. Other than that, eating, sleeping and dating and a little music time is all I have these days. Not trying to be flippant it is what it is. I can barely listen to the amp at all until I get my days off which I still have to clog with work because I have two jobs.

    As usual per this place some people are getting triggered because I can’t hand hold them through navigating my posts. Just be adult enough to deal with maybe not understanding what I said or not agreeing with it. Everything will be okay. Breathe.

    Love you all. Okay back to work.
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  9. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Double post
  10. Afterpiece

    Afterpiece New

    Aug 31, 2023
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    Why so much personal attack, @YMO?
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  11. Walderstorn

    Walderstorn Friend

    Mar 20, 2016
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    I've personally disagreed with @ColtMrFire before (a lot to do with disagreeing both technically and about the way he described gear) but what is going on here? Seems more personal than usual.

    Also despite this, i would also be interested in further understanding why so different perspectives about this amp.
    I only had 1 and only listened to 2 of Donald amps and i find a lot more points of agreement with @ChaChaRealSmooth. The one that stroke me the most was about stage and presentation. Of course i'm in the "comfortable" position of not having as much experience with different DNA amps on my own setup.

    Edit- terrible grammar
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    Last edited: Feb 16, 2024
  12. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    I have no idea what's going on other than there maybe having been a weird sort of miscommunication between Colt and ChaCha in terms of how this specific amp sounds and everyone suddenly acting up like cats in the bath.

    The root of it appears to be that there's a disagreement about how the Supernaut somehow sounds like an EC amp (no comment, I firmly do not play in this ballpark outside of loans and demos), which in itself is an opinion I could see someone having... depending on how much context they have in terms of The Grand Scheme of How Different Amplifiers Can Actually Sound.

    I feel like ChaCha was asking for clarification because he was very confused by Colt's description, and somehow Colt took that more aggressively than was intended?

    Text is really f'ing hard, no nuance whatsoever.
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  13. shotgunshane

    shotgunshane Floridian Falcon

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    I moved these posts here to unclutter the review and impressions thread. Please try to stay on topic and not get lost in the weeds of personalities.
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  14. ChaChaRealSmooth

    ChaChaRealSmooth SBAF's Mr. Bean

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    I never questioned nor disrespected this. I literally posted above that you can take your time (and in all honesty you don't even have to respond).

    Sure, but this doesn't mean we can't ask questions or criticize. No one is immune to this here including me (hell we grill Marv all the time). I mean, isn't that a big point of SBAF? To have conducive discussion about gear?
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  15. JK47

    JK47 Friend

    Oct 31, 2022
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    Where's the Evil Dog Lady when you need her?
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  16. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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  17. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    Too many people are being butthurt in the world. Too many people at least from my perspective are supporting bad behavior.

    Lets start on why an asshole dick was needed in this section:

    This was after @ChaChaRealSmooth went over the original impressions post on the disagreements. To be honest, I read Colt's original impressions post so many times where I still didn't understand what the hell he was talking about. Also I thought it was weird that there's many different loaners on top of the impressions of the Supernaut. I'm a guy who trust people who had their gear the longest since they really know the ins/outs of the sound in their systems. I never listen to an EC amp so I didn't brother with a response. After Cha's post and Colt's above "running away" from the criticism post, Colt was being a bitch.

    In other words, SBAF is our dive bar where Colt came in and was telling the whole bar about his impressions dressing up as A Pimp Named Slickback. After he was done, the Korean who was jugging on bottles of Soju ChaCha slammed the bottle on the table and told Colt that he was full of it to everyone at the bar. Colt's voice went from loud to soft and started to get wishy washy. That's when me, drunk on Arak and gotten a haircut where my hair is all over the table called out Colt about his wishy washy bitchyness.

    At SBAF you need to be able to hold your ground. People here don't give respect for those who wanna run away from a conversation. If you wanna run away from a conversation, there's always Head-Fi for that. People who hate being called out and trying to run away from a conversation should be called out HARD. This is why people come and read SBAF, for the honest content.

    These are perfect examples of bad behavior that deserved to be called out after Colt was called out:

    Deflecting is a pussy way out of things. How about you wait until you spend a lot of time with an amp that cost serious coin that you may never afford on top of spending a decent bit of time of loaners that you aren't familiar with to really provide real impressions? We can wait, we don't want to always see fanboi gushing posts, this isn't why SBAF is SBAF.

    Lets also remember that you told us you were busy, then went on a quick break while eating a sandwich for a rebuttal.

    Let me be clear, your rebuttal sucks. I been there with the 10-12 work days, and yes your time with music is limited. But if you are in the 10-12 working days, when you even agree to take on the Supernaut loaner from Donald when your time with the unit will be limited and you may not even get a lot of time with it? Also, why you even want to do a loaner in the first place when you have more super important priorities? When I was in your shoes, I didn't give a f**k about loaners or trying to make impressions post. I just trying to survive. Sometimes a real man gotta know when to pull back when it comes to loaners. If you are honestly not going to have a lot of time trying to do an impression of a higher end amp, then why brother even getting the loaner and even spending your little time talking about it?

    It's calling people out. Sometimes that we forgot it exist since there's the internet.

    Also I'm done, I got more shit to move tomorrow.
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  18. Erroneous

    Erroneous Friend

    May 15, 2016
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    Ymo, you sound like a caveman. I'm not pulling for anyone in particular here, but since this thread is already in the "dumpster fire" section I will say that you're the only person I've ever "ignored" on SBAF. You're useless, your opinions mean nothing, and I'm not convinced you contribute literally anything to the rest of the oxygen breathing creatures who are forced to share our time on this planet with you.
    If you're involved in the conversation it's guaranteed that you're being crass, shitty to someone, and overall uninformed and overstated. In short, you suck and I hope you feel bad for making everyone else dumber for having to have heard the utter bullshit that falls from your mouth-hole. May god have mercy on your soul because your pathetic time on this planet isn't doing you any favors.
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  19. Cspirou

    Cspirou They call me Sparky

    Sep 27, 2015
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    reminds me of mtoc although he wasn’t confrontational. just a clown
  20. Simple Tim

    Simple Tim New

    Jul 10, 2022
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    One of my favorite things about SBAF is the fact that people are encouraged to have their own opinions, and even disagree with each other openly, without being disrespectful or getting personal. That feels rare in this world that is so full of social media trolling and chaos.

    That's why I find this thread so distasteful. A contrary take on the Supernaut, sure, but I could certainly do without the rest. And I think if the goal of the forum is to preserve a genial atmosphere so that we can all share our own honest take on gear (and other things), then we shouldn't impugn someone's motives when they say, "Sorry, I'm too busy to respond right now, because I'm working 12 hrs a day". SBAF shouldn't be the central priority in anyone's life, and I don't think it's fair to demand someone drop their priorities in order to "defend" their impressions of a headphone amplifier against someone who disagrees. It's just an amp (albeit an extremely nice one, from the sounds of it :punk: ).
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