Nov 9, 2015
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Nashville, TN
IT Pro and Recording/HiFi Nerd

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FKA rtaylor76, Friend, Male, from Nashville, TN


Sometimes I wonder why I even bother visiting here. May 7, 2024

    1. Azimuth
      Technics SL-1200 M3D purchased. Not much wrong with it. Whew...I can rest now.
    2. Azimuth
      I have the worst luck with turntables. All the used ones I have had either broke or had issues. Last time I had a working table was 2010.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. powermatic
        @rtaylor76 if the platter is turning at a costant and correct speed, think about replacing the arm with another, probably better arm. You will need an adapter armboard, such as this one for a rega rb250/300, which are readily available used:

        Of course, not everyone likes f'ing with this stuff to that degree, which is understandable!(-:
        Jul 19, 2018
      3. powermatic
        @rtaylor76 if the platter is turning at a costant and correct speed, think about replacing the arm with another, probably better arm. You will need an adapter armboard, such as this one for a rega rb250/300, which are readily available used:

        Of course, not everyone likes f'ing with this stuff to that degree, which is understandable!(-:
        Jul 19, 2018
      4. Azimuth
        @powermatic Thanks for the suggestion. Another table for sale in better condition locally for $75 more. Although the motor runs fine on the one I have. Just don't want to have to spend $200 more + extra work at the moment.
        Jul 19, 2018
        powermatic likes this.
    3. Azimuth
      It seems I'm not suited to turntable repair. I think it is time for an SL-1200 MK2 and call it day.
      1. Thad E Ginathom, Azteca and Deep Funk like this.
      2. Azimuth
        Technics SL-1200 MK2 ordered. I feel better already.
        Jul 8, 2018
    4. Azimuth
      So I'm 193 out of 193 on the list for Bifrost MB upgrade. Hopefully they work through their queue quickly.
      1. Skyline likes this.
      2. zonto
        It’s one large queue for all upgrades. I’m 154 for my Yggdrasil. Moved one spot in 3+ weeks so far...
        Jul 6, 2018
      3. Azimuth
        Already 180 out of 184 in just one day. I know the Yggdrasil upgrade is much more involved.
        Jul 6, 2018
        zonto likes this.
      4. zonto
        Dang, didn’t know it was product-specific. Might as well just buy a new one at this point. Oh wait, they’re backordered! :)
        Jul 6, 2018
        Azimuth likes this.
    5. Azimuth
      Got my Pi Nintento emulator working. Those old Nintendo games are not nearly as cool as I remember.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. geniekid
        I spent a ton of money on the Wii's Virtual Console before coming to the same conclusion.
        Jul 6, 2018
      3. Dr. Higgs
        Dr. Higgs
        I built one with Recalbox recently and have been playing it a lot. A lot of older NES games are hit or miss, but I still think SNES holds up great.
        Jul 6, 2018
        Azimuth likes this.
      4. Azimuth
        SNES are certainly better and still 16-bit but more "enhanced". N64 games are great, but can't really be played on the Pi Zero...on the Pi 3+ they play fine with the right emulator and configurations.
        Jul 6, 2018
    6. Azimuth
    7. Azimuth
      Had to order a replacement for my Mani. I misplaced mine while fixing my turntable. Now I am ready for vinyl and got no power to my preamp.
    8. Azimuth
      Don't go swimming with your phone this summer. Unless it is waterproof. An LG V20 is not. Oops.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Azimuth
        I dried it out for in rice all weekend. It was working last night and this morning. Today it froze at 11:04am and could not be revived. RIP.

        And @FallingObjects, yes. Under those conditions, a V30 likely would have survived in my case.
        Jun 18, 2018
        DanHowardArt likes this.
      3. FallingObjects
        Can your computer pick it up at all when its plugged in? If it's still being detected, you might be able to salvage it somehow.
        Jun 18, 2018
      4. Azimuth
        No @FallingObjects. I tried everything. No power, nothing. Just dead. A total brick.

        I just ordered a refurbished replacement and a battery wall charger, so I can always he a charged battery around.
        Jun 18, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    9. Azimuth
      Today, dislikes were used in a healthy way. I still can't wipe my tag.
      1. Senorx12562 likes this.
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      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Which drama did I miss today? Zbells insisting we become hydrogenaudio was yesterday's news, right?
        Jun 7, 2018
        Senorx12562 likes this.
      4. Azimuth
        Umm...I might have missed that. I was referring to the ABX discussion that was carved out of the Massdrop RDAC thread.
        Jun 7, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        ok, we're thinking about the same drama, I think.
        Yes, I disliked at least one post too. Not so much disagreement as being out of place.
        Jun 8, 2018
        Azimuth likes this.
    10. Azimuth
      If you find yourself like me and have a hard time understanding indy bands like Vampire Weekend, just listen to Paul Simon's Graceland.
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Azimuth
        I guess I am way behind just realizing this. I didn't listen to Graceland when I was younger.
        May 31, 2018
      4. Lyander
        I first listened to Graceland... last week, actually. Seen it brought up multiple times here and figured I'd see how good a test track it really is.

        Reminds me, @L'Orfeo has a CD for sale. Hmm.
        May 31, 2018
        Jinxy245, Azimuth and L'Orfeo like this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I think that my first copy of Graceland was a cassette copy of her LP that a colleague made for me.
        Jun 1, 2018
    11. Azimuth
      MSR7's are not bad. Sterile sounding at first, but when your brain adjusts they are quite revealing.
    12. Azimuth
      Transistor matching is tedious work. I now understand that part in Chapter 1 of Stoddard's book.
    13. Azimuth
      Needed some closed cans for production and general closed use. Jut ordered some MSR7's. I hope I made the right decision.
      1. Hands
        They are very bright and forward in mids.
        May 24, 2018
      2. Azimuth
        I guess as long as they are not as bright as Ultrasones or 7506's.
        May 25, 2018
    14. Azimuth
      Dammit, he is saying Laurel!
      1. fraggler, Jinxy245 and sheldaze like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. spwath
        My parents hear yanny. I don't get how. It is 100% Laurel. Only when the yanny part is amplified a lot do I hear it.
        May 16, 2018
      4. fraggler
        Yeah, I don't understand how wrong people are. Just like the dress from a while back. I guess I discern reality better than others?
        May 17, 2018
      5. DigMe
    15. Azimuth
      I'm pretty sure my left driver on my AH-D2000's died. Sigh...sigh.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Azimuth
        Dude! That would be fantastic!
        May 12, 2018
      3. Hammy
        The main thing is to make sure my D2000 and your D2000 are the same drivers. Fostex/Denon changed something in the D2000 in 2012. I don't know if the driver is exactly the same for the early D2000 and post 2012 D2000. InnerFidelity has graphs of the early D2000 and post 2012 D2000. I replaced my blown D2000 with a TH-X00. Been keeping the old D2000 just for headband parts.
        May 12, 2018
      4. Ringingears
        This is what this place is all about.
        May 12, 2018
        Biodegraded, obsiCO, captkirk and 2 others like this.
    16. Azimuth
      The Report and Like button way close to each other on mobile. I can't count the times I have almost fumble finger reported instead of liked.
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. Jinxy245
        aaaaaand I almost reported you.
        May 8, 2018
        Azimuth likes this.
    17. Azimuth
      Damn Modi on Windows 8.1 with its "Unknown USB Device (Port Reset Failed)" crap. Just work dammit!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Azimuth
        Schiit and Windows do not get along. "Unknown USB Device (Port Reset Failed)"...every. time.
        May 8, 2018
      3. lm4der
        Try it with a usb hub or wyrd. It's probably that your usb port doesn't supply enough power.
        May 8, 2018
      4. Elnrik
        I'm thinking the drivers for the USB controller itself is hosed. There might be missing chipset controller drivers missing as well. It may not appear so in Device Manager, as a default Windows driver could be installed instead of the correct mfgr drivers.
        May 8, 2018
    18. Azimuth
      The broken Dynalo lives. And thermal runaway is a real thing.
    19. Azimuth
    20. Azimuth
      I can't listen to my 4490 anymore after the dac1321. This is going some getting used to. sniff.
      1. Linkgoron, Lyander, FlySweep and 4 others like this.
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Nashville, TN
    IT Pro and Recording/HiFi Nerd
    Gear List:
    Headphones: HD650/600, HD800, JAR660, ETA Genesis-G, AH-D2000 (modded)

    Amps: EC BW1, Mjolnir 2, Quicksilver HP Amp, NITCH Piety, Schitt Vali 1, Dynalo (DIY)

    HP: Metrum Baby Ambre > Theta DS Pro Basic II > Freya N
    2Ch: Metrum Ambre > AES > Yggdrasil A1 > Freya +

    Technics SL-1200 M3D -> 2m Blue -> Darlington MP-7

    Portable Rig: Fiio X5 II, A3,7Hz Timeless, Moondrop Starfield

    Other cool gear -
    Speakers: JBL LSR32
    Amp: QSC RMX1450
    Subs: Atlantic Technology 212B
    Turntable: Technics SL-1200 M3D
    Reel-to-Real: Ampex AX-300
    FM Receiver: Onkyo T-9090 II
    Cassette: JVC TD-V711
    CD Player: Adcom GCD-575
    "Subjective impressions are great, really. Without them, what's the point..." This only means I try not to listen to the gear rather listen to the music.

    An audio enthusiast with a recording degree. I became an audiophile in college in studying recording to become a mastering engineer. Although I was an intern for Glenn Meadows and also was acquaintances with Ray Kennedy, the stars never quite aligned for me. However I never left pursuing high-end audio.

    I grew up in a radio station as my dad was in radio. My first job was a board op at the talk station where I had to use analog reel to reels, carts, cassettes, and DAT's.

    And yes, I like to tinker with gear. I am an audiophile on a budget. Working IT Instructional Designer only gets you so much income with two kids around. Have you seen how much day care costs these days? Anyways, there are I guess some gains to some gear that can be tweaked to improve the performance. This is no different than car types changing differentials or beefing up the suspension or engine. Some of us can't afford a BMW, but rather have to take a Civic and beef it up with aftermarket parts.

    Tinkering also helps with repairing gear. I have restored some KEF C75 speakers, an Elac Miracord 50H. I have also fixed, soldered, suped up, many other things from crossovers, to cap replacement, to op-amp replacement, etc. I most recently fixed and rebuilt a non-working Dynalo. I took electronics and studio maintenance in college, but I am still learning.

    I have also built: guitar tube amps, guitars, and drums. I love DIY.


    HP: HD650/600, HD800, ETA Gen-G, LCD-2, JAR660
    Amps: DNA Starlett, Schiit MJ1, Piety, Vali 1
    Source: Yggdrasil A1, Theta DS ProBasic II, Modi Multibit 2
    Portable: FiiO X5 II, 7Hz Timeless or MD Starfield
    Have a nice day.