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Jun 1, 2024 at 6:24 PM
Feb 4, 2016
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Sep 27, 1974 (Age: 49)
Valencia, CA
Aircraft Stuff

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Friend, Male, 49, from Valencia, CA


Lent a Vali 2+ to a coworker, now he's buying one, plus a Modi 3+. It's good to share. Feb 12, 2024

Mithrandir41 was last seen:
Viewing thread Verum 2 Review and Measurements, Jun 1, 2024 at 6:24 PM
    1. Mithrandir41
      Hey there super best friends, I'm getting hitched on Friday!
      1. Claritas, Syzygy, atomicbob and 32 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. atomicbob
        Congratulations and may the future be so bright you both need to wear sunglasses.
        Apr 2, 2021
      4. Claritas
        Gratz! Best advice I was given: May you never take each other for granted.
        Apr 6, 2021
      5. Mithrandir41
        It was a bloody great wedding, and we are honeymooning in Cancun currently. A great week before starting a new job.
        Apr 6, 2021
    2. Mithrandir41
      Roon is F'ing shit sometimes. Choosing the tidal version of an album, and it randomly says "track not available". No probs on tidal app.
      1. Walderstorn and Gazny like this.
      2. m17xr2b
        Tried for a week, couldn't get Qobuz to work with roon, same sort of error.
        Mar 15, 2021
      3. Lasollor
        I’ve had the same problem a couple of times over the years.
        Each time different cause and solutions:
        1. Core-endpoint connection problem: Changed endpoint connection from wifi to LAN
        2. Problem with the tidal account itself: made a new account
        3. Core-endpoint problem: Changed from RAAT connection to Squeezelite
        4. Slow internet (tidal app would work but Roon wouldn’t) Changed to a much faster internet plan
        Mar 15, 2021
      4. Lasollor
        but I haven’t had this problem in the past 2 years.
        Mar 15, 2021
    3. Mithrandir41
      RIP Rupert Neve. Maker of holy-shit-awesome sounding consoles.
      1. OJneg and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. Ksaurav402
        very sad to hear this news. May his soul RIP
        Feb 13, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    4. Mithrandir41
      Really happy and impressed with Hart cables. what a great modular cable system.
      1. Cryptowolf and Merrick like this.
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      3. Mithrandir41
        My old pm3 balanced cable was from surf cables, but the termination was about a millimeter too long, so it would short one of the channels if inserted all the way. Hart got the proper length on the termination.
        Jan 12, 2021
      4. Merrick
        Oh, that's a shame! I've used Surf Cables a lot and never had any issues. I do think Hart's stuff is nicer though, and less expensive.
        Jan 12, 2021
      5. Mithrandir41
        It caused that issue with my old AK 100ii, and my sr25, but no other 2.5 mm cable was a misfit.
        Jan 12, 2021
    5. Mithrandir41
      1. View previous comments...
      2. monacelli
        The price is right, and they're 32 ohms, so easy to drive. They look more comfortable than Grados too. @YMO, The youtube guy said they are on the warm/bassy side, so unless he's deaf, they're probably not too tipped up. SBAF should at least kick the tires, imo
        Oct 30, 2020
        Cryptowolf, Mithrandir41 and YMO like this.
      3. YMO
        Just hard to trust when you had multiple experiences with their products. We are human.
        Oct 30, 2020
        monacelli likes this.
      4. Mithrandir41
        In fairness, they could sound like shit, but I like the company and wouldn't mind hearing them. But in this price range nothing really touches the Verum v.2. Made by a douche or not...
        Oct 30, 2020
        insidious meme, monacelli and YMO like this.
    6. Mithrandir41
      Kinda sick of the akm velvet sound(M11pro) ... Time for a new DAP.
      1. imackler
        Did you have the M11?
        Jun 30, 2020
      2. m17xr2b
        Still love the Sony WM1A even after two years.
        Jun 30, 2020
        Mithrandir41 likes this.
      3. Mithrandir41
        @imackler just the pro version with thx amps. Whether through my oppo pm-3 or my fh7s, it has that semi - flat sound through the midrange. Even a Cirrus logic-based hidizs dongle is sounding better to me.
        Jun 30, 2020
    7. Mithrandir41
      Amazing what healthy eating can do: down about 10 lb, and tension headaches are gone.
      1. crazychile, Syzygy, Jinxy245 and 12 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Syzygy
        Oof, sugar is a toxin because it’s in nearly everything.
        May 8, 2020
      4. Mithrandir41
        Because it's in everything? Or is just a toxin and in everything?
        May 8, 2020
      5. Syzygy
        In moderation it’s fine…but it’s hard to moderate when nearly all processed foods have sugar added. We use sugar (vs substitutes) and have for years. Butter too. In moderation. We try not to eat too much fast food or processed food.
        May 9, 2020
        Mithrandir41 likes this.
    8. Mithrandir41
      1. rott, Poleepkwa, Deep Funk and 4 others like this.
      2. LetMeBeFrank
        Saw him with BTBAM in Chicago a few years ago. He killed it.
        Apr 29, 2020
        Mithrandir41 likes this.
      3. GoodEnoughGear
        Damn, just went through a few videos, impressive.
        Apr 29, 2020
        LetMeBeFrank and Mithrandir41 like this.
      4. Poleepkwa
        He can also produce very well. One for the baldies.
        Apr 29, 2020
        LetMeBeFrank and Mithrandir41 like this.
    9. Mithrandir41
      After listening to ruler - flat audeze bass for so long, I'm enjoying my Crack /650 combo immensely right now
    10. Mithrandir41
      1. Phantaminum, YMO and penguins like this.
      2. purr1n
        Wow, someone really hates Sankar.
        Apr 6, 2020
      3. Mithrandir41
        He definitely doesn't seem to like Sankar, but I thought the commentary on the legal /investigative process was insightful.
        Apr 6, 2020
        Lyander likes this.
      4. Hrodulf
        He has researched the burglary pretty well, but there's no word about the financing change at Audeze. I'm unsure when exactly they had a money injection from investors, but that fundamentally changed their business goals. Lately their product strategy has been pretty scattershot, that's for sure and their marketing moves are tailored to make sense to an investor council, rather than the audiophile community.
        Apr 7, 2020
        JK47, Lyander and dubharmonic like this.
    11. Mithrandir41
      Had a great time testing out gear at The Source yesterday. Not impressed with Empyrean for the price.
      1. netforce, Jinxy245, Lyander and 2 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Jinxy245
        Thanks! that's exactly what I thought, including the price. I've seen it for $1900 B-stock at Moon Audio, but I'm still rather hesitant.
        Mar 16, 2020
      4. Mithrandir41
        i would think it would have decent reliability, since the LCD-X driver that it uses has had fewer issues than other audeze models. and even then, the warranty service has always been good from Audeze (for me anyway).
        Mar 16, 2020
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      5. Mithrandir41
        @Jinxy245 I ended up picking one up from Moon audio for the above price. I'll let you know my impressions.
        Mar 22, 2020
        Jinxy245 likes this.
    12. Mithrandir41
      The lady bought me a Magni 3+ to supplement my other amps (crack, thx, Sunrise III). Good girl.
    13. Mithrandir41
      I'm hanging up my Porta pros. I owned two pair as a teen. They just don't do it for me anymore.
      1. bixby likes this.
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      3. Mithrandir41
        I sent them to oppo digital here in California. I don't know if you have direct service where you are. It was $100 USD.
        Dec 16, 2019
      4. DigMe
        Oh that's good to hear that they're still servicing the products. How long ago did you do that?
        Dec 16, 2019
      5. Mithrandir41
        Dec 16, 2019
        DigMe likes this.
    14. Mithrandir41
      Received an RCA-branded Telefunken 6922. Very impressive. Ridgecrest is a goldmine for vintage tubes.
      1. Mithrandir41
        The labs at China Lake used to be filled with analog equipment, and you can browse garage sales and estates for some serious shit.
        Dec 4, 2019
      2. Mithrandir41
        I'm using it in my Project Sunrise
        Dec 4, 2019
    15. Mithrandir41
      Some rando with no history is repeatedly hitting me up in my PMs for BH speedball schematics. Close the gates!
      1. MisterRogers and YMO like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Ringingears
        Dec 4, 2019
      4. zerodeefex
        @Ringingears we'd all be on some Facebook group for chemtrail conspiracy theorists
        Dec 4, 2019
        Lyander, sphinxvc, Jinxy245 and 3 others like this.
      5. JeffYoung
        Yeah, he PM'ed me as well when he didn't get anything on the profile message. Persistent, anyway. ;)
        Dec 6, 2019
    16. Mithrandir41
      picked a pair of OG Beyer T1's to pair with my Crack. The old T1's have much better tonality than the 2nd Gen. A very pleasing midrange.
      1. StageOne likes this.
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      3. Lyander
        Thing about the T1 (gen 2?) is the peak is almost narrow enough it seems to work with a Helmholtz resonator as on the HD800. That'd be interesting perhaps
        Nov 25, 2019
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      4. Mithrandir41
        I just immediately disliked the T1 gen 2, so I wouldn't bother modding it. The gen 1 is the only Beyer I really liked pretty much as-is.
        Nov 25, 2019
        Lyander likes this.
      5. Claritas
        T1v1 + Crack was the only time I ever enjoyed a Beyer. (I wish other Beyers sounded good, because they're amongst the best-looking phones.) Have fun with it!
        Nov 27, 2019
    17. Mithrandir41
      I just happened upon a lecture by Steve Silberman of audioquest from rmaf 2016... what a scandalous POS.
      1. elmoe likes this.
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      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        People just love being taken in by this BS. AQ, and many other companies, are alive and well, right? And hey, if you say "Hands up everyone who has never even tried some audio bull idea," probably most of us will keep are arms down. I know I will.
        Nov 23, 2019
      4. bixby
        I have no opinion of the man, but some of the things he is reporting others have heard, I am in agreement with. eg. I have audibly better sound on my desktop when I turn off the plex server running in the background. But I do not agree you need race car ram and hyper fast cpus for music, that is bs. Only watched 20 min but will continue so I get the full story!
        Nov 23, 2019
      5. netforce
        Kinda telling how the comments for the video are disabled and its a mixed like and dislikes.
        Nov 23, 2019
        bixby likes this.
    18. Mithrandir41
      I've been driving my gear SE for a long time. Swapped in some balanced cables=usb noise gone.
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. Mithrandir41
        I've used an Eitr for a long time, but it was glitchy, so I sent it in.
        Nov 7, 2019
      3. RobS
        What do you mean by "glitchy", I wonder if I'm having the same issues you have with Eitr
        Nov 7, 2019
        GoodEnoughGear likes this.
      4. Mithrandir41
        It drops out regularly, a problem I don't have with usb, optical, or non-eitr coax.
        Nov 7, 2019
    19. Mithrandir41
      I threw myself on the alter of science and bought a Topping D70 (dual ak4497). It doesn't suck
      1. Deep Funk, FlySweep, Jinxy245 and 2 others like this.
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      3. yotacowboy
        d50 is also not hot garbage. but not awesome, either.
        Nov 6, 2019
      4. insidious meme
        insidious meme
        You post on Amir's site and say you're a convert?
        Nov 6, 2019
      5. Mithrandir41
        Didn't say I was a convert to anything, dude. But I don't have a problem posting on any site if I can give someone info on a product I own. Just how I am.
        Nov 6, 2019
    20. Mithrandir41
      @schiit Nice rework of the Schiitr; it's much more functional! And the Hel is a small powerhouse.
      1. schiit likes this.
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  • About

    Sep 27, 1974 (Age: 49)
    Valencia, CA
    Aircraft Stuff
    Gear List:
    Computer, Soekris DAC2451 ,Singxer SA-1/Bottlehead Crack/SW51+ , HD650, Meze 109 pro, Verum 1 Mark II.
    Audio and Home Theater Geek. Marine (former active duty). Los Angeles Recording School Alumni and former assistant engineer at Roundabout Post Production in Burbank, CA. Avid Reader and licensed skydiver. General pop-culture geek. Living and working in the High Desert of Cali.


    You either surf or fight!