HIFIMAN E-Stats (Shangri-La / Jr. / Jade II)

Discussion in 'Headphones' started by MuppetFace, Jan 2, 2019.

  1. MuppetFace

    MuppetFace Sultana of Seafoam Green - Moderator Staff Member Pyrate

    Oct 3, 2015
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    A while back, I had a chance to listen to the full Shangri-La system which costs something in the neighborhood of $50k. So basically an HE-1 competitor. It sounded rather good, but I found it didn’t exactly leave a lasting sonic impression the way the Orpheus or its successor does. I left thinking that, surely, there was something more to be had? It was a fast burner financially—holes in pockets and all that—but maybe it was a slow burner in other respects? Put another way: it was intriguing in its relative lack of intrigue. Less of a product and more of a headline saying Fang went there.

    So now I see the Shangri-La available as a stand-alone headphone or earspeaker or whatever, all for the deep discount of $18k. First thought is “that must have been some amp, huh?” Second is that the desire to hear it again grows stronger still. I don’t see that happening any time soon, so I’m curious to hear what others think of this thing. I’m guessing most have heard it WITH that albatross that hangs around Fang’s neck. I’m interested in those thoughts. Still more so in those SANS the iron lung.

    Apparently there’s a Shangri-La Jr. as well, and I was wrong in assuming they were simply the above mentioned headphones flying solo. They have their own look and price tag more akin to the Susvara.

    On top of this not-dynamic duo, Fang has also gone and done released the JADE II? Like the actual JADE successor. And it looks rather bizarre in all of its technicolor pageantry. The original was something of a diamond in the rough—- as well as a cult classic around these parts—so I’m willing to bet others are curious about this rainbow oddity. Anyone out there heard it?


  2. ductrung3993

    ductrung3993 Facebook Friend Contributor

    Sep 28, 2017
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    I'm not the hugest fan of Hifiman's latest "design language" either - though for different reason: the new headband with silver accent just looks overly plasticky and cheap. It stands out (in a bad way) even more with the Jade's color. But at least I'm happy they are bringing the Jade back. Before I only have the 007 as a potential Stat choice (can't stand the 009 sound, weight, and price tag).
  3. Taverius

    Taverius Smells like sausages Pyrate

    Dec 27, 2017
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    Eh, Jade II has the new non-swiveling (front to back) headband that's all kinds of awful. Hard pass.
  4. ufospls2

    ufospls2 Friend Pyrate

    Jan 10, 2017
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    From what I've read, the Jade 2 is more of a Shangrila-Jr..Jr, than a second updated original Jade. Granted I haven't heard either, so I could be talking out my ass. Just going off of what I have read. The Shangri-La JR (headphone only, not the amp package) is actually $2000 less than the Susvara. I'd love to hear a pair.
  5. taisserroots

    taisserroots Friend Pyrate

    Nov 6, 2017
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    I haven't heard the Orpheus.

    Shangri la jr is prohably my favourite estat I've heard. The tone is a lot more even and natural than the big one and the stax stuff.
    Still not really my taste. With the limpness and softness I just get with most estats. While the high end stax outresolve this, the tone and weight of this is just a lot better. Sounding less ethereal than the etax stuff.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2019
  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    I wished I had a good listen to the Shangri-La system paired with better components and recordings and my choice of tubes. I got a good amount of time with it, but this was fed from a McIntosh D100 with really bad masters such as Michael Jackson's SACDs which are bright and have no bass.

    As far as Jade II, very cool. Didn't I ask for Jade like 50 years ago??? https://www.head-fi.org/threads/petition-bring-back-the-he-audio-jades.634495/

    Unfortunately, that ship has sailed. Had it come back within a reasonable timeframe then maybe. Fang does what Fang wants. I recall asking him to bring back HE-5 and HE-6 a few years ago - I guess a reissue HE-5 is out now. I'm out of the stat game with the only e-stat amps I would consider being the KGST, DIYT2, Electra (but with tweaks and OOP), or one of Frank Cooter's amps (but with the mercury rectifier tubes). But screw that when I can construct world-class speakers (with the only condition are they be big and ugly) at a fraction of the costs of these amps.

    New headband and gimbals are deal breakers for me. They don't work for my head. Dan @ MrSpeakers has the best ergonomics IMO. HFM should learn from him.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
  7. MuppetFace

    MuppetFace Sultana of Seafoam Green - Moderator Staff Member Pyrate

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    I think I'll be giving the Jade II a go. Will report back with how it compares to similarly priced stuff.

    God help me, I almost made a "how it Stax up" joke....
  8. Shazb0t

    Shazb0t New

    May 3, 2018
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    Out of curiosity, which diy speakers are you referring to?
  9. ductrung3993

    ductrung3993 Facebook Friend Contributor

    Sep 28, 2017
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    Was I the only one hoping that Muppetface would have made the joke instead?
  10. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Basically any variant with 15" or 18" woofers, the more the better, preferably on a open baffle, and a good wide-bander or horn up top, beats the pants out of 95% of stuff I've heard at hifi stores and audio shows no matter how expensive.

    I'll continue to make variants of this design. Maybe move to 18" from 15" and to Beryllium diaphragm CDs / 511B horns from the Lowther / Oris combo.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
  11. chi2

    chi2 New

    Oct 24, 2015
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    I listened to a Shangri-La system at K55‘s BigEar event in Zurich, Switzerland, back in November (11/10/18). Assessing its sonic qualities was impossible due to problems with hum and internal miswiring. The channels were out of phase. The K55 guys switched DACs, sources, and cables - to no avail. Try to imagine the (also present) HE 1 having one of these problems. Unthinkable.
  12. JimL

    JimL Tongues KG's hairy starfish for fun

    Nov 21, 2016
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    It's hard to resist saying that HFM's legendary quality control strikes again.
  13. JimL

    JimL Tongues KG's hairy starfish for fun

    Nov 21, 2016
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    If anyone is interested, teardown of the Jade II amp and headphones on Head-Case. I have a pair of Stax SR-5 headphones which I bought used in the early 1980s, that are better built than the Jade II headphones, and cost $85 for the phones alone in 1975, which works out to about $400 in today's dollars. They still work. Any bets as to whether the Jade II will be working 35+ years from now? I have to admit to a morbid curiosity about how long Fang's insistence on disposable Kleenex build quality will continue to be successful, but his "there's a sucker born every second" philosophy seems to be working for him so far.
  14. Zhanming057

    Zhanming057 Friend Pyrate

    Dec 13, 2018
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    The Shangri-la Jr is a resoundingly bad design at $8,000, small soundstage, lacking in dynamics, too warm and soft. I did an A/B with the Shangri-la Jr and the Stax 009 / Mjoliner Audio KGHSSV Carbon and the latter is a much better system on nearly all fronts. I would not pay $3,500 for the system.

    The Shangri-la is an impressive piece of engineering and manages to pull out some of the most impressive bass I have seen in a pair of electrostatics. That said, for a cool $50k you can build a truly world-class system around just about any pair of headphones, with essentially zero compromise on the DAC, amp, power conditioning, and all of the other bits and pieces. In that context the price is kind of absurd. The street price of $20k for a demo unit in China is a bit more reasonable and I can see why someone would choose the Shangri-la at that price point.

    The Jade 1 was pretty good for the price, my big gripe was with the plasticky build quality. Hopefully Hifiman has stepped up their game in the re-release.
  15. JimL

    JimL Tongues KG's hairy starfish for fun

    Nov 21, 2016
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    I would disagree that the Shangri-La is an impressive piece of engineering. Engineering is about choices. Consider the output stage, which uses 300B output tubes. Now, an electrostatic headphone needs a lot of voltage, but not a lot of current. The usual choice for the SOTA amps has been a triode-strapped EL34, which is specified at 600-800 volts plate voltage and runs pretty linear at 15-20 mA. The 300B is specified at 450 volts plate voltage and likes to run at 40-60 mA. So, less voltage than the EL34 but more current than needed. Oh, you want to run a DHT? How about the EML 20B which has comparable voltage and current ratings to the EL34 and is a true triode. Or the 211/845 which has even higher voltage ratings, but again more current than you need.

    Now, coming back the the Jade II teardown, evidently it uses capacitor coupled outputs, which Stax used in the 1970s, and resistor output loads, which Stax used in the 1980s. In other words, its design is antediluvian

    Couple that with a cable design that could be duplicated by any Afghan villager who could make you a genuine Bowie knife for two bucks out of steel from a butter knife (and would cut just as well), and I can see why the price of a demo Shangri-La is a mere 40% of its retail price. I assume the demo price reflects the likelihood that 60% of its estimated life-span has been burned up during its demo phase.
  16. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    On the other hand, do we really need that much voltage swing before the diaphragms start slamming into the stators? I've seen people do that with the SR-009 with ease. I guess an argument can be made that higher potential voltage swing may also come with a higher slew rate seen at the driver.

    Anyway, 300B sells.
  17. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    That's a weak argument. So are my turntables, records, big woofers, tube amps, and compression drivers / horns. I've heard some great cap coupled output amps. I find arguments along the lines of "it sounds like shit" (which we do not know) more convincing.

    BTW, I find it rather classless that someone who commercially builds such amps for profit does a tear down of competitors' products. All, in all, it looks like the Jade II amp passed inspection. I didn't see or read any serious concerns other than intimations that it might explode STAX headphones.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2019
  18. Thenewerguy009

    Thenewerguy009 Friend Pyrate

    Oct 11, 2015
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    So the amp is a cheap & badly built knockoff of the Stax SRA-12S, which seem to sell for $400 on the second hand market.
    Even on his monster Carbon CC & Denafrips Terminator rig, the headphones still sounded thin, anemic & lifeless.

    I'm actually glad I held off on purchasing this.
  19. ufospls2

    ufospls2 Friend Pyrate

    Jan 10, 2017
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    You've gotta take Head-Case with a pinch of salt. I honestly wasn't going to go read about the Jade 2 because I figured "Either KG or Birgir, likely Birgir, will just shit all over it, find faults (some which don't matter) and just generally come across as an asshole with a god complex."

    Turns out, I was right.

    Some of their complaints are legitimate, but jesus christ, if its not designed by KG and built by Birgir or some other DIY'er its complete and utter shit not worthy of anyones time. It gets old, real f'ing fast. When I was starting out with headphones and didn't know what I was talking about, I found Head-Case and thought "wow these guys really know what they are talking about!" Turns out they just use big words and technical terms to bamboozle people into thinking that they know everything.

    Hard pass. I'd still like to hear the Jade 2.
  20. 9suns

    9suns [insert unearned title here] Pyrate

    Jan 19, 2017
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    Not everything is black or white, while I do agree on some points about HC, I think this post is very a interesting read, it definitely adds perspective IMO.


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