Best Amps for HD800S - 2023 Edition

Discussion in 'Headphone Amplifiers and Combo (DAC/Amp) Units' started by purr1n, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. EagleWings

    EagleWings Friend

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    Jul 20, 2017
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    Something I'd like to add to the topic in the spirit of synergy for 800, it is common knowledge that it needs a synergistic amp. One aspect that gets overlooked and something I learnt a few years into owning the 800 was, how the DAC was just as critical. Most 800 veterans here on SBAF probably are already familiar with that sentiment. If you are either new to the 800 or, have rolled different amps but feel that there is still a bit of thinness and stridency, the problem just might be the DAC. Chord DACs are a good example of bad synergy for the 800. What you need is a DAC that is punchy, dynamic, bold in the mids and void of stridency/edginess in the lower treble. If you own such a DAC, you should be able to run the 800 even on a neutral-ish/uncolored sounding tube amp.
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  2. Armaegis

    Armaegis Friend

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    Sep 27, 2015
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    Also, the HD800 was released 15 years ago. I dunno about y'all, but my high frequency hearing and has definitely dropped since then. Hell, the resurgence in Grado love around here is probably a soft nod to that already.

    What I used to consider "super analytic and sterile" back in the day doesn't feel that way anymore. Granted, my understanding of sound has also changed since then.

    Anyhow, we all hear things different, experiences change over time, YMMV, blah blah. In conclusion, we're all getting old.
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  3. gepardcv

    gepardcv Almost "Made"

    Nov 20, 2015
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    Given the consensus on the difficulty of making the HD800 sound good, I’m curious about its longevity. I think it’s the only dynamic ultra-high-end headphone from that era still in production (the Stax 007 is about the same age but electrostatic). It was also ultra-expensive by the standards of the day (except the Sony R10, the original HE90 Orpheus, and the Stax Omega — but those were all made in very small quantities), but had to have sold well (judging by the serial numbers). If it wasn’t enjoyable with the system synergy available at the time, were people buying it and not using it? Or powering through? Seems like a lot of money to spend on something not enjoyable.
  4. Vtory

    Vtory Audiophile™

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    Sep 12, 2016
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    I was pleasantly surprised to find this amp on the list.

    Though I haven't had the chance to pair it with the HD800"S", it complemented three distinct HD800 models I tested: an early SN equipped with an sdr mod, a later version in its original form, and another with added internal padding. Some years back, I had the opportunity to use this amp for several months, courtesy of a kind-hearted friend in Texas.

    I once believed that OTL amps couldn't match the quality of OPT variants, especially within similar price brackets. The Teton amp, however, challenged that notion. It may not possess the most vibrant harmonics or the traditional "tubey" essence, and while its soundstage might not compete with certain OPT amps in its price class, I was captivated by its smoky-black background, intricate musicality, a hint of refreshing coolness, and its powerful, textured bass. When paired with the ZMFs I owned, it didn't come across as overly rich or warm. Yet, when matched with the HD800, it not only elevated my musical experience but also heavily sidetracked my productivity lol, especially during my doctoral dissertation days. The exact magic behind its exceptional pairing with the HD800 remains a mystery to me, but it's undeniable that it did.

    Also, from my personal aesthetic standpoint, it's a beauty. The blend of blue LED indicators, silver dials, and a matte finish gives the amplifier a distinctive, appealing look. If memory serves, the knobs and volume potentiometer were also of exceptional quality.
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  5. Beefy

    Beefy Friend

    Apr 10, 2021
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    High end headphones as a journey, not a destination. Shoehorning the HD800 into an acceptable sound is probably better than hookers and blow, and has preoccupied many an old man who would otherwise be yelling at clouds.
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  6. wbass

    wbass Friend

    Feb 10, 2019
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    I started getting interested in HPs around the time, 2015, Tyll was doing his Big Sound trials at InnerFidelity, and the feeling then (or my feeling anyway) was that the HD800 was TOTL for staging and imaging and close to TOTL for detail, resolution, etc. Perhaps only behind the various stat models. So, if you wanted sheer performance, and I think a lot of people will go for that even over tonality, then the Senn flagship was a top choice. Especially if you didn't want to go down the stat rabbit hole.

    The influential Battle of the Flagships over on HeadFi also rated the HD800 highly.

    I've never thought it was so bad stock, if paired with a warmer amp.

    And the inherent steeliness/coldness/brightness maybe didn't bother folks who only listened to classical, and that's a pretty good chunk of audiophiles? I think there are way more Stax-heads, for example, out there than we acknowledge here.

    I dunno. Maybe folks *like* the tweak-iness of the HD800, b/c you can hear the differences and thus climb higher and higher, etc.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2023
  7. JK47

    JK47 Friend

    Oct 31, 2022
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    I think the intention is also to have a great excuse to get together with friends, have mini meets when "XYZ Amp" was in the area on loaner, rather than hoarding the experience for ones own self, and bragging rights.
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  8. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    I can speak from my own experience as an early owner and what I saw at early meets.

    When the HD800 came out, it seemed that most people (1) "powered through it", (2) tried it convince themselves it was listenable, (3) attempted 400 hours burn-in (to either no avail or acclimatize), or (4) simply liked the HD800 as it is. I have no problem with people who love the HD800's tonal signature as it is; but then this guide is generally not for them, other than the few recommendations for more neutral sounding amps, i.e. some of the solid state pieces. I have this love-hate relationship with the HD800/S.

    Back in the mid to late 2000s, there were a handful of pieces that I liked with the HD800 such as one specific Dynahi build (the DIY KG stuff can sound different depending upon build). Also a few nested CMOYs like NWAVGUY's O2 (this 10 years before NWAVGUY's Objective 2). There was a definitely divide on HF. In the early days, it was Singlepower, Ray Samuels, and to lesser extent Eddie Current. I lusted after some pieces like the Woo WA6SE and WA5 (for the HD800) which I heard at various meets, DIY'd the aforementioned nested CMOY designs, tweaked the Matrix M-Stage, enjoyed the Melos SHA-1, and some expensive forays, etc. I pulled the trigger on a Balancing Act with 300Bs. The BA did two things right: (1) It was tonally compatible, rich, organic, smooth highs, wet enough; (2) It allowed the HD800 to scale like mad, this was my first experience with this "Sennheiser scaling." which was an eye opening experience.


    I brought my ECBA to a hybrid commercial / hobbyists meet somewhere near the city of Commerce in Los Angeles. Sennheiser was an exhibitor and brought their fairly freshly released HD800s to the meet. Sennheiser used some well known solid state amps to power them, I don't remember exactly. You guys know how vendor tables at meets go. Two dudes who dropped by my table remarked on how the Sennheiser HD800s sounded like bright ass, lean, lacking slam, etc. One attendee suggested to them that they try the HD800 from the Balancing Act. They were shocked. We even played them some tracks from Nirvana (because stuff like Nirvana/Pixies and HD800 don't work - which is bullshit - but that's another story). It was all smiles, "Wow, that actually sounds awesome", and "Why did the HD800s sound so bad from the Sennheiser table?".

    Toward the end of the meet, one guy near my table dragged one of the Sennheiser reps to check out their HD800 on my Balancing Act. (I rolled my eyes because I knew how that was gonna go). The Sennheiser rep, with utter confidence exclaimed: oh, know all about these amps. He put them on for five seconds. Then he turned to us and remarked how the HD800 is totally neutral, blah, blah, blah. (I figured this was standard marketing procedure, regurgitate the line).

    I recall another time on HF in the HD800 Appreciation Thread when Macedonian Hero crashed in to exalt the virtues of the newly released Beyer T1. The general gist of reply from the HD800 owners with synergistic setups were like: uh-huh, come back when you have a proper set up with the HD800. I think he did come back and admitted we were right after he heard the HD800 from a WA5 or something like that. I'm sure he's moved on to Susvara, Abyss, or the latest TOTL from Meze by now.

    So there. I think there were people who just never had a issue with how the HD800 sounded. Many newly minted audiophiles like bright and detailed. And the HD800 did well with mid-centric classical recordings regardless. However, I think there were people who saw the potential of the HD800 (the headstage by itself is obvious enough).

    A little bit before I got my ECBA: there was a meet at Venice Beach. Woo WA5, DNA Stratus, EC S7 (proto). So you can imagine. One thing I am sad about is how the S7 never took off. This was the least successful EC amp and yet no doubt EC's best valued amp at something like a introductory $1400 price. Trying to get @CEE TEE to bring it back from the dead in Nitsch.
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    Last edited: Oct 15, 2023
  9. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    For sure. Lots of ESS garbage implementations and strident delta-sigma designs back in the 2000s (continues to this day with the high-end AKM based Topping - strangely enough today's ESS high-end chips seem easier to work with). A few PCM1704 based designs as the PCM1704 faded into the sunset. (I never cared for PCM1704, too murky sounding).

    Thing is, I don't even like these kind of DACs on the HD650 or HD600 or on any of the ZMFs. Thin, strident, scratchy, glarey sound is going to come through on good amps no matter what. Garbage in, garbage out.

    I leave you readers with this from early 2013 regarding a well received DAC back then:

    DAMN YOU MYTEK!!!! What a piece of crap! It's a shame I didn't have cotton to put in my ears. Literally had me cringing two seconds in. Anax and Purrin gave it more of a chance which resulted in me being tortured to more of an extent than I would have liked. Treble peak and grain galore! Ruined the sound and overall presentation of what would otherwise be great music. The HD-700 of the DAC world.

    I kept looking over at Luis, and his eyes said: why you are doing this to me?
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    Last edited: Oct 15, 2023
  10. gepardcv

    gepardcv Almost "Made"

    Nov 20, 2015
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  11. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    I can't believe that was eight years ago. Your Dynalo build would have worked.
  12. chesebert

    chesebert Friend

    Jun 5, 2020
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    I think Headamp’s latest iteration of dynalo+ module based amps and the upcoming CFA3 are decidedly warmer and more tonally rich than the original dynalo circuit.

    The treble still sounds elevated but the overall sound is natural and not sterile. I think at least one Headamp amp should make it on the list.
  13. Bill-P

    Bill-P Level 42 Mad Wizard

    Sep 25, 2015
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    So... it's kind of related but... should we even group DSHA-3FN into this listing?

    I feel like 3FN in certain setups is quite warm-sounding and it does have a bit of magic with brighter-sounding headphones in general. I don't exactly have a stock HD800 anymore but it seems to do quite a lot of things right with HD800 drivers.
  14. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    3FN same thing as 3F.
  15. Armaegis

    Armaegis Friend

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    Sep 27, 2015
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    See, that's just because the old men haven't learned (or pride forbids) to substitute the blow for those little blue pills...
  16. netforce

    netforce MOT:

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Been rocking BHA-1 and Phonitor XE with my HD 800S, I been primarily using Dangerous Convert 2 to source both of them. I can understand the reasoning about removing the BHA-1 off the list, I got mine used years ago for $900 but new price on them at $2500 is kinda mind blowing.

    Phonitor One D was surprisingly a good pairing with the HD 800S at like 1/4th the price of the XE. Same signature and a better DAC than the included AKM made the HD 800S sing.

    If it wasn't so hard/expensive to get, the Zahl HM1 I would be what I would probably sell my setup for as end game amp for basically everything. Great pairing on the HD 800S but also with the Susvara/HE-6 when I had a unit here temporarily. At CJ last month I had a few folks mention specifically they liked the HM1/800S pairing at the booth.
  17. DrForBin

    DrForBin Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    not intending to cause trouble... would these recommendations change if they were driving JAR HD800/HD800S?
    curious minds would like to know.
  18. Vtory

    Vtory Audiophile™

    Pyrate MZR
    Sep 12, 2016
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    I doubt it. I've never observed JAR xxx altering the original pairing traits, as seen with models like JAR 580, 600, 650, 660, and 800. The modifications consistently centered around subtle yet meaningful adjustments.
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  19. TheIceman93

    TheIceman93 El pato-zorro

    Dec 17, 2016
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  20. poohlikehoney

    poohlikehoney Facebook Friend

    Jun 14, 2018
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    FWIW I've paired the studio b with a pair of jjs and found it matches rather well with the hd800 wSDR mod. At the level of the Starlett if not above it. The JJs provide just the right amount of warmth without overstepping on the 800's tonality. Staging when paired with this amp is the most expansive I've heard in a headphone by a long shot. Just my2c.

    For better or worse, this was the headphone that taught me the importance of gear synergy. Plenty of hours and money went into building a setup and having a list like this would help a lot. One thing I find particularly annoying about this headphone aside from it's treble tendencies is the condition of the pads dictates most of the sound you get out of the headphone. Factor in the price, iffy durability in humid climate and asinine earpad latch system that Sennheiser employs it is a headache in more ways than one. Can't seem to get rid of it despite it's shortcomings and it's my only constant in this hobby.

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