Does ETA Still Offer Modding Services?

Discussion in 'General Audio Discussion' started by penguins, Mar 27, 2023.

  1. penguins

    penguins Friend, formerly known as fp627

    Sep 26, 2018
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    This is a tangent but asking publicly instead of in PM in case others are wondering the same thing - will ETA still offer modding services for existing headphones from other companies in the future?

    If this question needs to be moderated away or ETA wants this question moved please feel free to do so.

    *mod edit: moved post to own thread*
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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2023
  2. E_Schaaf

    E_Schaaf MOT: E.T.A Headphones

    Pyrate BWC
    Mar 28, 2017
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    What kind of headphones and mods? I see four approaches:

    1. Something that would require 3D modeling of new parts to fit within existing parts / enclosures, or completely new scratch built enclosures for the project at hand unrelated to an existing ETA production headphone - The amount of iteration and development this would require probably isn’t possible in a timely manner with my existing assembly and development schedule for ETA projects. This would require all hands on deck for several dedicated sessions.

    2. Simply rolling through my whole library of a few hundred earpads and figuring out critical damping for a desired response without changing anything about the hardware of the existing headphone - that seems simple enough for me to do alone during downtime between builds and design sessions. ESX900/909 falls into this category.

    3. Removal and transplantation of an existing driver into a modified enclosure of a current ETA production headphone with some damping to target - I think I can handle this with a little help from Tommy.

    4. Aesthetic or termination modifications - I am not interested in this.

    If we can narrow down between these things and chat about what might be desired, I can estimate the lead time and price. But of course, it depends on what you want! If you want Tommy to work on something like #2 instead of me, you can DM him too. But regardless of what it is, everyone on the team will likely be in the loop for some steps along the process.

    edit -

    To be quite honest, I've taken on a few one-off projects in the last year or two that didn't end well, mostly because there wasn't a clear vision about what was wanted beforehand, or I over-commited to something I didn't end up having time to put into. So it'll be a team project, and I want the utmost clarity beforehand.
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    Last edited: Mar 27, 2023
  3. penguins

    penguins Friend, formerly known as fp627

    Sep 26, 2018
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    To clarify - this wouldn't be in the immediate future. Just wanting to know if this is an option.

    All 4 of the above make perfect sense.

    In my own case, it would most likely getting a dynamic HP I see potential with and am already 90% happy with. If I were unable to mod it myself to get the last few % I would probably do one of the following:
    - Give a subjective sound target or "fix A and B". Maybe a constraint too such as "must keep X pads b/c comfortable" or "must keep SE inputs" or whatever. Then asking you guys to figuratively work your magic however you see fit.
    - If I feel like my own mods are almost but not quite there, it could even be something simple like "can I pay you guys for some advice and materials that you know from experience would be able to do X and Y that I'm requesting". This option would also ignore the whole potential conflict of visions or miscommunications that seems to lead to "hey this isn't what I wanted".

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