Sennheiser HD660S Speculation

Discussion in 'Headphones' started by Junki, Oct 8, 2017.

  1. lm4der

    lm4der A very good sport - Friend Pyrate

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Seattle, WA
    Mastering anything is about attention to the fundamentals, over and over again.

  2. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin Staff Member Pyrate MZR

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Irvine CA
    Ability and hard work are key. Always.

    LOL! From time to time I would also run into the random dude that claimed he did great w/o studying. Until his ass was owned (sooner than later), and things could no longer be hidden. Dude had to work shit loads harder and it would show.

    I love Electrical Engineering and related stuff. But I don't expect my kids to do so. If they do, so be it. I do expect them to be happy and live a great life.

    EDIT: BTW, I place very high value in applied fields. A lot is learned by actually doing. A lot degrades to baloney due to theorizing for too long.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
  3. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    And this is exactly what is wrong with Common Core, at least how it is currently implemented at the grade school level. My kid's don't even do math problems anymore. They draw 6 variations of diagrams of how 63 is split into 7, using tables, pie charts, apples, septagons, etc.

    It's gone bonkers and totally out of control. I'd rather they do 20 drill questions, the 20 drill questions leading to the making of one higher level conceptual drawing.

    It's not that it's hard. It's just that many kids are not ready for it, the textbooks are badly written with no examples, and that the process is so inefficient that there is no time left over for repetition / reinforcement of learning.
  4. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 25, 2015
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    @Ringingears is a teacher too.
  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Yeah, but @Ringingears is a cranky old fart like me set into outdated traditional ways.
  6. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin Staff Member Pyrate MZR

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Irvine CA
    I'm concerned about education. Specially college tuition.
  7. winders

    winders boomer Banned

    Feb 13, 2017
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    San Martin, CA
    Old? I was a big Apple software pirate back in the late 70's. If I wasn't cracking the copy protection on a new game or business program I was out trading software with friends. Cracking was how I learned 6502 assembly language. We never did crack Wizardry though...we had to use Locksmith 4.1 to copy it.
  8. Skyline

    Skyline Double-blindly done with this hobby Pyrate

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I teach high school Calculus. AB, BC, and Multivariate. I was Nashville's teacher if the year last year, for whatever that counts.

    I also have a 2nd grader in public schools going through the common core process.

    All I'll say is that Common Core isn't the problem. The larger issue is poorly trained teachers. Common Core isn't capable of "failing" a child, but poor teachers are.

    A lot of elementary school teachers struggle with math...they certainly weren't required to take anything past college algebra and most of them struggled with that. I remember taking physics with some elementary ed majors who thought simple two-step equations was the equivalent of rocket science. But, the larger education world is okay with them teaching math at the elementary level, because you's just arithmetic.

    The problem is that they often have a fear of math and lack the long-range vision to understand when and why and how all this stuff will eventually come into play. They stick to the textbooks like a life raft and think that the methods presented therein are THE ONLY WAY rather than using them as simply one more representation that may help pull a kid in that thinks a certain way. It's not their fault. I love my daughter's teachers dearly. They could be trained to implement the stuff correctly, but training is expensive and good trainers are hard to come by.

    It turns out that, while you may not need to know Calculus to teach elementary math, it certainly doesn't hurt.

    As an aside, parents flipped when we introduced common core in TN due to all the controversy surrounding it. So, TN told parents that they were abandoning the national norms and were going to do what was best for our children. So, TN Core was invented. What parents don't realize is that it's EXACTLY the same thing. They, quite literally, just renamed it (and this was intentional on their part). And, wouldn't you know it...parent complaints vanished overnight and TN Core was the hero, overcoming all those hippy leftists and academic elites and their poisonous attempts to tell us how to teach our children.

    No joke. I was in a meeting where TDOE folks said this flat out and laughed.

    I'm not sure which side I'm sadder for here, but I'm throwing it out there for whatever it's worth.
  9. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    I guess the problem is different in California. There are school admins / KGB agents disguised as cooks who monitor the teachers and ensure that they are teaching exactly according to the CC textbooks.

    When the teachers can, they throw the CC textbooks away and teach how they taught five years ago. When the admins come in to observe the classes, the teachers bring back Mao's sayings, I mean the CC books to show they are toeing the line. My daughter laughs when she tells me this.

    The teachers don't suck. The brilliant minds who came up with this shit suck, because they underestimated the costs, the amount of training necessary for the teachers to pull it off correctly. This level of incompetence in the corporate world gets executives fired.

    As a citizen who pays tens of thousands in property taxes, I demand accountability. I want blood.

    P.S. My wife, being involved in the PTA, school volunteering, etc. says the district seems to be backing off. The teachers are sick of it, doing their own thing, and not relying on the textbook exercises that ask the kids to illustrate 5 x 5 twelve different ways. Math is more like math, with drills, like when I was a kid, rather than trick reading problems or writing essays to solve math problems. Writing is now back to daily journals, more leeway for creativity, more writing. Less facist and constrained structures, which is particularly important for elementary school kids.

    Maybe your TN textbooks aren't as retarded as the ones in CA. I know that in my district, the parents, and the teachers were up to the gates of the ivory towers with pitchforks and torches. And no, we're not so stupid as to fall for a relabeling of CC.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
  10. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Padre Island CC TX
    Oh God. Wizardry. Locksmith. Apple ][. I guess that was one advantage of being a victim of experimental magnet school programs where all work was optional and self tracked. We actually had Apple computers in elementary school.
  11. Prydz

    Prydz Friend Pyrate

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Just like in any profession, there will be people who are not suited for it.
    Its obviously easier to become a teacher than an engineer, so therefore it will be more garbage teachers.
    As a student, you easly notice if the teacher is good or not. In fact, I believe you notice it within the first day or week :D
    Ive had some teachers who teached me more in 1 months then I learned in 1 whole year by others.
  12. Junki

    Junki Facebook Friend

    Aug 13, 2017
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    United States
    The Sennheiser HD 660S helps teachers and educators better resolve Common Core policy nuances. Electrical engineering.

  13. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Padre Island CC TX
    I would not say that is necessarily true. It's just that the US, or CA system discourages very capable people who wish to teach. I once considered being a educator, until I learned I had to take special calculus classes for educators when I wanted to take the hard calculus classes for hard core Vulcans. I was like screw this shit. The educational system is setup for people who thrive in bureaucracy.

    Sally has nine foam disks. Steve is known to swallow one out of every three foam disks given to him. Bob likes the transient response of the HD700. A similar effect can be had with the HD650 when all foam disks are removed. Merv has a Jotunheim, so he likes the K mod which uses only two layers of foam. How many disks does Sally need to give Steve so he can shit out the appropriate number of disks for Bob's HD650 where he is starting with new drivers without any disks. Merv does not like to use whole disks, but instead splits each disk into two. How many disks does Sally need to give Steve so Steve can shit out the correct number of disks for Merv's HD650, assuming that Merv also has new drivers, but in this case starts with one disk.

    Finally draw a picture illustrating the flow of foam disks from Sally to Steve's mouth, and from Steve's anus to Bob's HD650. And to Merv's HD650. How many discs does Sally have left? How many discs did Steve digest?
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
  14. ipm

    ipm Acquaintance

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
    I'm a chemical engineer. I do data analysis and related math for a living. My focus is on industrial data of all kinds for fault detection and predictive modelling. My work is literally all math expressed in computer code.

    I agree with the posted comment completely.

    Eventually one faces the idea that a result is needed and not a method or a general approach. I don't think focusing on method means anything without the ability to provide results. Providing results mean that the underlying fundamentals have to be as natural as breathing otherwise it takes too long to obtain a result if one can be obtained at all. This was true in graduate school even more so than at the bachelor's level.

    How 'bout dem Jay's, eh?
  15. AppleheadMay

    AppleheadMay Friend Pyrate

    Nov 6, 2015
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    Older fart here I guess.
    We had Apples in high school as well around 1983. First time we had computers at school here. In elementary school in the 70s we didn’t have them yet.
    I had a ZX spectrum at home before that and a C64 after that. Used mainly to crack games and give us infinite lives by comparing and editing savegames.

    Just out of bed and not really in the mood for a deep discussion but though I do agree fundamentals need to be strong in order to be succesful in studies later on I did have a different experience with math.
    I easily got high grades in all courses in high school, science, languages, etc ... but three; arts, sports and math. For math I really had to study hard to get C- (or 60% as we graded here back then in Europe). By 5th year highschool (11th grade you call it I guess) when we started with differentials, integrals and derivatives (loosely translated) I started scoring higher since doing these equasions explained how all the math we learned before worked together. Guess I had problems believing something was true and proof gave me understanding.

    So much for the rant, I ended up as a BBA later but didn’t bother to do an MBA. Always regretted that as the plan was to do an MBA in the States together with a friend. But things had gone south with his life and we never got to it. I probably would have stayed in the USA, that’s the only reason I regret it. Dammit!
  16. ipm

    ipm Acquaintance

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

    I like stuff. Do you like stuff?
  17. ipm

    ipm Acquaintance

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
    I did this after graduate school. Its an OK experience and there are certainly good people in these programs, but having an MBA is not really worth it by it self. It boils down to corporate training rather than building business acumen.
  18. ipm

    ipm Acquaintance

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
    This is what I was hoping for as well.
  19. AppleheadMay

    AppleheadMay Friend Pyrate

    Nov 6, 2015
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    I wonder what this one will sound like. I ordered it anyway, I’m too big a fan of the 600/650 not to.
    Also got me a Magni 3 and Loki. Been holding off to get the Loki long enough and really wanted to try it.
    This little set could serve me well connected to the Realiser to finetune the HD800S.
  20. Ardacer

    Ardacer Friend Pyrate Contributor

    Oct 15, 2017
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    I'm trying my best to search for any relevat updates on the 660s but cant find anything. I guess they just gave them to jude and nobody else?

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