IEM general discussion thread

Discussion in 'IEMs and Portable Gear' started by Griffon, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. Warrior

    Warrior RIP 2021 Pyrate

    Mar 8, 2016
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    I've been grabbing some older IEMS lately. My little Sony Trifecta has been quite good. Sony Xb90ex, Sony EX800st, and Sony ex1000 nudes.

    All 3 are amazing and slightly different. All 3 are gems. The ex1000 is studio tuned, very responsive to eq.

    The EX800st are basshead IEMS, but with crystal clear mids, and excellent treble extension. We figured out in our basshead iem (hewd-fi) to tape the vents and with taped vents, this iem hits as hard as either of my asg g2.5 or my asg g2, if not harder.

    Then, of course, the Xb90ex. The only one that fits without making you look like Frankenstein. A but more uncomfortable than the other 2.

    If you can get over the looks and the ridiculous proprietary cables (not on Xb90ex but other 2), you have some of the best IEMS I've ever owned or listened to. So much so, I'm probably going to get their Z5 hybrid...

  2. JewBear

    JewBear Almost "Made"

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Anyone ever tried the Audiofly AF180? Not much written about them here or even hype-fi.
  3. Warrior

    Warrior RIP 2021 Pyrate

    Mar 8, 2016
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    I've never heard them, but a few people I know seemed to really like them. I might be able to get them as a loaner, possibly sharing them here as well.

    For anyone interested, I also have a pair of Shozy-zeros, they were sent to me to review. I'm in the process of burning them in. When I finish with my review, I'll share them here if anyone is interested. They are getting a very warm reception at head-fi. Punching well above their price, which I believe is only $50.

    Also, if anyone is interested in listening to my Sony ex1000 nudes, let me know. I'll send those out for a tour too. I just have a mini review I'm completing, hopefully tomorrow. They are mine, I purchased them at full price. They are really nice IEMS and deserve more love.
  4. GettingBuckets

    GettingBuckets Almost "Made"

    Feb 23, 2016
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    The more info we get on IEMs (especially budget and affordable universal ones) the better. There is a lot more info available for full-size cans on here, but the IEM info seems to mostly cover >$400 universals and CIEMs. With the ridiculous number of Chinese IEMs and manufacturers and the circle-jerking that goes on in that section over there, it would be nice to get some actual reliable info.
  5. Warrior

    Warrior RIP 2021 Pyrate

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Yes, it's extremely difficult to sift through some of the Chinese iem threads. Too many fan boys hopping on the hype train. I'm more of an iem guy than headphones. I only own one pair of headphones, Th900, which is more than enough for me. I do have interest in one or two other headphones, but nothing definite. IEMS are my preference.

    I really enjoy different IEMS. I recently was able to listen to several different ones. Flc8s, Dunu T3, and Dunu T5. I enjoyed them all. Flc8s were nice, but I didn't care much for the filter system. More of a pain in the ass for me. Definitely alters the sound pretty significantly. If you are looking for something along those lines (changing the sound sig), the flc8s have proved to be the best of its class. I've owned a few setups like that, Shure Se846, rha T20 and T10. The flc8s had the most significant changes, as where the RHA were not very noticeable, and the Shure Se846 were decent, but not great.

    The Dunus I really enjoyed a ton. Great for ear buds, and reasonably priced. Overall, a pretty smooth presentation with very nice mids. Bass presence was there when called for. Not my preferred sound signature, but excellent performers.

    I should be getting my hands on some of the new Dunu line as well. They have several new IEMS coming out in the near future. A couple of hybrids, if that's your thing. I love hybrids, beat of both worlds. Although my recent love affair with Sony has swayed me back to DD IEMS. My favorite iem overall is still a hybrid, but those Sonys, I can't say enough about them. They really are incredible. Drawbacks are they need power, and fit/appearance that I mentioned earlier on.
  6. GettingBuckets

    GettingBuckets Almost "Made"

    Feb 23, 2016
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    For me, I realized that most of the portable cans are not worth their price in sound quality, and I can find IEMs for cheaper, better, and much more convenience.
    I already have a pair of 650s at home, so I'm settled there.

    I've always heard that the DUNUs were pretty bright, so that is the main reason I've stayed away from them there.
  7. Warrior

    Warrior RIP 2021 Pyrate

    Mar 8, 2016
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    So have I, the titans weren't to my ears. Not bright, not rolled off either. I enjoyed the treble on the titans. Their new line is supposed to be even better (of course, all manufacturers make that claim though).
  8. GettingBuckets

    GettingBuckets Almost "Made"

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Alrighty I've recently acquired some DBA-02 (original kind) for a solid price, and I have two gripes with them that may cause me to sell them.
    One: the cable is flimsy as hell. There is no outer layer or coating to protect them from fraying or anything.
    Second: I cannot find the right tips for these. Therefore, they definitely get bright and sibilant on me.

    Any advice?
  9. take

    take Friend Pyrate

    Dec 27, 2015
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    Comply's site lists 100 series as compatible with the DBA-02. Have you tried them?
  10. GettingBuckets

    GettingBuckets Almost "Made"

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Not yet. I usually use Comply tips for my IEMs, but these have some really narrow nozzles so the ones I do have don't fit. I'll definitely have to check those out.

    Double Edit: Just checked the site. Grabbed some T-100s. We'll see how they do.
    Last edited: May 31, 2016
  11. Warrior

    Warrior RIP 2021 Pyrate

    Mar 8, 2016
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    I caved in and made a deal with a good friend on head-fi for the Z5. I'm not sure if I'm keeping it, but my recent new love affair with Sony, I had to try them. I'd be impressed if they sound "better" than what I have already.

    Anyone here heard them?
  12. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Super deep insertion, and even then, they are still a bit on the bright side. When these were recommended on Changstar years ago, there wasn't so much choice.
  13. sphinxvc

    sphinxvc Gear Master (retired) Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Lol. I remember he once posted a pic with just the cable coming out of his ear. Freakish.

    There's no fix, unless you can lodge it into your temporal lobe apparently. It's a bright IEM. You have to be in the mood. The mood to hear everything from mid-bass on up resolved at hyper lightspeed.

    It's a baby UE-4.
  14. GettingBuckets

    GettingBuckets Almost "Made"

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Urgh. For me, the mood for brightness is almost never. Gonna put them up on the forums here. Anybody want to take them off my hands?
  15. hifi01170

    hifi01170 Acquaintance

    Oct 12, 2015
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    Don't you find the ex1000 a bit too lean sounding?
  16. Serious

    Serious Inquisitive Frequency Response Plot Pyrate BWC MZR

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Try them without any tips to see if you can get deeper insertion. I'm serious.

    EDIT: Also listen to sweeps to tell where the peak is. With normal insertion depth it is around 8kHz for me. It's unlistenable like that, just way too bright. Ideally the peak should be way above 12kHz. Deep insertion will also substantially improve the treble extension and balance the bass out a little. This IEM needs the deepest insertion you can get.
    I like to pick my ear at the back so the ear canal widens and then just shove it in as deep as possible.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
  17. Skyline

    Skyline Double-blindly done with this hobby Pyrate

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Finally have the Pinnacle P1 in my possession.

    These are my first IEMs, so I'm not going to attempt a serious review. I have no idea what the competition is like.

    Suffice it to say that I'm really enjoying them. I haven't had any issues with harsh treble as a few others have, but I'm assuming it has to occur when using the silicone tips. The comply tips are far and away giving me the best seal/sound. Nice and smooth without destroying detail in the process.
  18. Serious

    Serious Inquisitive Frequency Response Plot Pyrate BWC MZR

    Sep 28, 2015
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    near Munich, Germany
    LOL, I can't stop laughing at this pic:

    @GettingBuckets I hope yours aren't boxed yet. They should actually go a little deeper. The best way to tell is still to use this website:
    I always use small tips with IEMs as the other ones don't fit me. My ear canals aren't that big. This is without using any eartips. Surprisingly, getting a seal isn't an issue without eartips. When I have time I will try 30 different silicone eartips to find the "best" ones, but for now I use them without eartips. I thought that the peak would lower without eartips as the two reflective surfaces are now actually further apart, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I guess this is because of the shape of the ear canal and the angle of the nozzle, but this is really a topic for another time.
    When listening to sweeps I get a dip from around 7kHz on. They're less bright than my UERMs. (They were much brighter than UERM with shallow insertion.). The peak is somewhere around 12-13kHz (I forgot) and much wider and less high (Lower Q and less amplitude). Extension all the way up to the limits of my hearing is excellent which isn't the case with BA IEMs most of the time. Ideally the peak should maybe be at 15kHz. Maybe someone can insert them much deeper than I can. Actually the crossover region in the upper mids is the most annoying to me.

    That said, Marv is right. It's still not a warm IEM. They fit my preferences but may not fit yours even with super deep insertion. Also, some people may not be able to get deep enough insertion, but when I bought them I honestly expected that I would never be able to insert them deep enough and was ready to sell them within hours of receiving them.
  19. Warrior

    Warrior RIP 2021 Pyrate

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Yes, but it takes a ton of eq and some power and you have a wonderful basshead iem that is crystal clear.
  20. hifi01170

    hifi01170 Acquaintance

    Oct 12, 2015
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    can you please share your eq parameters ?

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