Aklegal's Recent Activity

  1. Aklegal rated roshambo123's post Agreed, ditto, +1 in the thread Schiit Mjolnir 3 Impressions.

    Interesting idea and product. The visual disturbance is pretty brutal though.

    Jul 24, 2024 at 3:50 PM
  2. Aklegal commented on Aklegal's profile post.

    Thanks, I just read some of his thoughts in the headfi thread.

    Jul 23, 2024 at 3:34 PM
  3. Aklegal liked Gazny's comment on Aklegal's profile post

    @uncola has one

    Jul 23, 2024 at 3:02 PM
  4. Aklegal liked Michael Kelly's post in the thread Dummies Guide to Pi2AES! Throw away your PC or laptop..

    With mercury we decided to limit the hats to the PI2AES 2.0 only. We are looking at a new hat in the fall that will include analog (as...

    Jul 23, 2024 at 2:17 PM
  5. Aklegal Anyone heard the Geshelli Labs Dayzee? »

    Jul 21, 2024 at 4:41 PM
  6. Aklegal rated shotgunshane's post Agreed, ditto, +1 in the thread Ray Samuels Audio B-21 Raider.

    Is he still selling amps? The last I checked he hasn’t updated his site in a few years.

    Jul 20, 2024