I got tired of waiting for a chance to pick up a replacement OEM headband, so I picked up a Sony R10 style headband on AliExpress. The 120mm...
That's wonderful news! Where should we pay attention to find out when these become available? Kickstarter, your website, ???
I asked @Garuspik and last I knew he had his hands full building complete headphones. If a standalone V2 headband ever becomes available, I'm all...
Man, I just got a chance to listen to the Hifiman Edition XS. The whole time I was aware of listening with headphones, analyzing the sound,...
I found some research that might explain my changed perception of the LCD2. Like most filters, the effect of earwax varies across frequencies....
I'm not going to tip toe around it - my ears build up wax quickly, and I'm not great at fighting the wax. Lately, music wasn't really doing it for...
FWIW, I use an $80 speaker amp with these because my actual headphone amp can't even manage 1W into 50 Ohms, and at that price it's cheaper than...
I'm happy to say it wasn't just a honeymoon period thing. Everytime I go back to this setup, it always sounds right. I did some back to back...
Okay, if you love the HE6SE but you wish it didn't have the Hifiman dip or just generally wish it sounded more like a Sennheiser HD6X0, go get...
I think my hearing must be broken or something. I'm used to the Hifiman house sound from the HE4XX and the HE6SEv2, namely clean bass, good...
How does the bass respond to a broken seal like with glasses?
How does the GONAD chart for the Verite on each of those amps compare? Are they interesting with that specific headphone differently?
Yes, I keep toying with the idea of getting a sensitive enough instrument to actually do that. Cool, that's what I would have assumed. So, I'll...
Yes , GONAD is a useful improvement over SINAD. It doesn't answer my question though. What I'm curious about is, if you take a typical well...
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