Purchased a set from Amazon in 2022 that I've been really procrastinating in selling, and I'll throw in the Audeze XLR balanced cable for free...
I agree that ANH is the best sounding of the SE sets. I think I read on some forum a while back that the original plan was to release only ANH for...
The 1993 Anthology boxset is still probably the best official release of the soundtracks. Bought a copy back when I first started getting into...
^Absolutely! I want to do some more switching, but right now I'd say impressions definitely seem to favor SE and no feedback.
I've only had my amp for a few hours so it's much too early for me to post detailed impressions, but I did want to alleviate anyone's concerns...
Holee Schiit...!!! (He1000 Stealth, SE Class A, no feedback... staging and details galore...)
Picked up Mjolnir 3 from the Schiitr today. Gonna be a good weekend methinks.
Surprised the HEK Stealth and HifiMan price cuts aren't discussed more here. $1.4K, beats the pants off LCD-X and just as easy to drive.
I remember finding these two posts by @k4rstar very helpful when I started my search.
I got this same player off of eBay a year or so ago and couldn't agree more; simply replaced a belt and works and looks almost good as brand new....
Yggdrasil LIM -> SW51+ -> Vérité C is quite nice to my ears.
My inner pyromaniac loved that, but my inner worrywort was nervous that they were using that thing inside!
Oscilloscopes are WAY more interesting to look at than spectrums and VU meters.
Thanks for your thoughts. Noise hasn't been a problem with the Adcom, thankfully.
Separate names with a comma.