I tend to forget that I'm watching in imax after about 10 minutes into the film. If the theater is completely dark, imax vs regular theater...
Dune really has no business being a movie or couple of movies. I read the book in advance before watching Villeneuve's adaptation, then I saw...
I was actually pleasantly surprised and pleased with the original HD800's tonal balance for the most part. Bass extended lower than people gave...
Yes. I went ahead and replaced the perforated with stock pleather pads. Here are the results of replacement 1 vs replacement 2 both with stock...
Hey everybody! I haven't posted on SBAF in a while, or any other headphone forum in a while for that matter. I hate to say it, but I've gotten...
I found the ending satisfying enough. Some of the transitions were rough, and I wasn't too satisfied with how they handled the scenes after Jon...
F1.4 makes your pet pop out of the picture at you. [IMG]
Jon will die killing Dany, leaving Arya and Gendry to rule the kingdom, with Sansa being queen in the north.
Two weeks sounds accurate. In the very first episode of the show, it took Robert a month to go from king's landing to Winterfell, but that was...
They shoulda just had Jon pound Mellisandre one last time before she decided to kill herself to create a shadow assassin to go stab Cersei in the...
I'm a sucker for night-time shots. [IMG]
No they're all fundamentally different techs. In reality, QLED is just a regular LCD tv though, it's mostly just marketing on Samsung's behalf,...
OLED still can't get past the burn-in issue either, but for purely netflix and movie watching, should be fine. I'm not sure if it'll be ever to...
I've never much liked calibrated displays to 6500k. It's far too cold for my tastes. I usually sit around the 57-5800k mark.
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