Looking For General Advice (Whole New Stack + Headphones)

Discussion in 'Advice Threads' started by Alexander, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. Alexander

    Alexander Acquaintance

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Hello all. Just figured I'd drop-in since I'm looking to make a new audio purchase.

    It all started with this: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/1141633-looking-for-soundcard-or-dac-that-can-do-it-all

    I just figured I'd drop-in here to ask for advice. Probably not a good idea to seek advice from a singular source and all.

    From the thread there it ultimately narrowed down to Massdrop Elex + SMSL SU-8 + SMSL SP200. Does this sound like a good setup?

    My tastes in sound are more highs/treble-sensitive than most. I think my preference is for the midrange to be the main feature (thus my love for Shure mids), then the highs, then the bass is in the back as a foundation of sorts -- and I like all of this to be in a good soundstaging environment.

    Past favorites of mine has been the Shure SRH940 and AKG K7XX, and I did like my old Oppo HA-2 more than my Schiit stack I do believe, unfortunately I sold it when I got the stack.

    Any thoughts, or has the advice I've been given thus far seem pretty accurate?

    I suppose I'm looking at the $1000 range overall, since the Elex is $600 on it's own and the stack on top of that will probably push a bit beyond $1k. I'll be selling old equipment to try to make-up for costs -- I hope that a Schiit Stack 3 + Interprose with HD6XX bundle will sell for a fair bit. I'd thrown in my old K7XX and SRH940 if it could get me an extra $200.

  2. dasman66

    dasman66 Self proclaimed lazy ass - friend

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    nowhere and everywhere
  3. Alexander

    Alexander Acquaintance

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Seems odd to have a "Advice Threads" category that stands unlocked if you prefer everyone post to included megathreads instead (should lock the category and just leave the threads unlocked, then), but alright then.

    I only posted here because there were lots of similar threads in the category, but now that I look at them, most of them just have people saying "Post in the megathread" as a response, followed by locking their threads. So yeah, you may really want to consider just deleting all other threads and then locking the category from new threads. I'm not sure what forum software the site runs off of but when I used phpBB in the past you could lock a category without locking the threads inside (EG: People could still reply to existing topics, just not make new topics). Just figured I'd pitch that to remedy the issue of people posting independent threads if you really don't want that.

    I do notice that there's some threads that aren't "advice" so much as questions like "identify this". But in that case just make another megathread titled "All Other Questions" or something. Figure forcing people to go to either one thread or the other would put a stop to the issue of random advice questions in the parent category, because otherwise people will post to the parent category because they want their topic to get more attention than it would in a megathread.

    Just a good way to cut-down on moderator workload and users having to repeat themselves to the newbies.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
  4. drgumbybrain

    drgumbybrain Science Nut

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Lives in Fortaleza, Heart in Girona
    What do you have now and what do you want to improve?

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