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Oct 25, 2024 at 8:13 AM
Mar 13, 2018
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nowhere and everywhere

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Self proclaimed lazy ass - friend, Male, from nowhere and everywhere

Pyrate Contributor

Trying to find a good movie to take the wife to in the theater... any of these worth watching? Jul 12, 2024

dasman66 was last seen:
Oct 25, 2024 at 8:13 AM
    1. dasman66
      Trying to find a good movie to take the wife to in the theater... any of these worth watching?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. dasman66
        TBH, the pickings seem pretty slim...
        Jul 12, 2024
        fraggler likes this.
      3. Azimuth
        Nerdy as the plot is, Fly Me to the Moon is supposed to be a romantic comedy.
        Jul 12, 2024
      4. imackler
        What did you see?
        Jul 13, 2024
    2. dasman66
      mj3... everything they say is true
    3. dasman66
      Totality is freaking amazing in person
      1. Pocomo, zottel, Case and 6 others like this.
    4. dasman66
      Amazon delivery sucks, and there's nothing we can do about it
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      2. crenca
        Never expect consistency from the government or any any institution of any size. You're just a number, not a person /customer. Randomly you will be hit with this or that policy, and then the next time randomly you will not.... Sorry for the cynicism it's true and we all know it
        Apr 7, 2024
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        No need to be sorry: that's simple facts!

        Govt doesn't give a toss.

        Corporate gives a huge toss --- for its profits and its billionaire founders. Not for its customers. And any other impression, when a business is young, is just a loss leader.
        Apr 8, 2024
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Amazon Prime membership... Thanks @lithium. Yes, this deserves a rethink.
        It's cheaper in this country. But what are we paying for?

        It should be rebranded "Just Give Us A Bit More Money."

        Come to think of it, it means they must be implementing *slower delivery to non-prime customers* !
        Apr 8, 2024
        Cryptowolf and lithium like this.
    5. dasman66
      RD-x on my head... I still can't get over how good this is... I want one... real bad
      1. View previous comments...
      2. dasman66
        @Tchoupitoulas - I actually heard the RD-x over a year ago at this point (both the mk1 and mk2 mods) and I put my name on the waiting list then (I already have a stock 2021 LCD-x sitting and ready to go). I wanted to hear them because this is the final mod version and I wanted to confirm that I still wanted to wait for RD to restart modding. TLDR... I'm going to keep waiting.
        Mar 15, 2024
      3. dasman66
        @rhythmdevils... I'm afraid to listen the to RD-4, because I can't afford them...
        Mar 15, 2024
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        I can’t believe it’s been a year now. f**k this illness. :-/
        Mar 15, 2024
        Pocomo likes this.
    6. dasman66
      ugh... have to go to philly all next week and just got the Bakoon hooked up to headphones yesterday.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rhythmdevils
        You can hold onto the RD-X until you get back and can listen to them. :)
        Mar 8, 2024
        Case, zottel, yotacowboy and 2 others like this.
      3. dasman66
        Mar 8, 2024
        Case, Jinxy245 and rhythmdevils like this.
      4. YMO
        Might be for the best
        Mar 9, 2024
    7. dasman66
      IC - thinking of shrinking the dac herd... Holo Spring 2 KTE and Walnut X.3 Amorphous might go up for sale...
      1. Melvillian, Slade01, Gazny and 2 others like this.
      2. Northwest
        Definitely interested. I've been looking for a good example of a DS dac to use with the T3.
        Jan 18, 2024
    8. dasman66
      anyone have the EC Studio B manual and can send me a scan? I can't find mine and want to wire up some speaker cables
      1. joch likes this.
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      3. joch
        Any recommendations on smallish efficient speakers?
        Dec 13, 2023
      4. yotacowboy
        @joch I'm an ANUK junkie, so take that as a grain of salt, but maybe try tracking down some AN-K's
        Dec 13, 2023
        joch likes this.
      5. dasman66
        @atomicbob ... Thank you! (I simply had to turn my amp around... smh)
        Dec 13, 2023
    9. dasman66
      Has Allo gone away? I'm trying to get support from them and not getting a response... their support site on Audiophilestyle is also gone...
      1. gsanger likes this.
      2. gsanger
        Last social media post was three years ago, too. Kinda inauspicious. I’ve got two Allo streamers, sounds like I should keep a backup plan for if/when they kick the bucket. Hope you get your issue resolved!
        Dec 2, 2023
        dasman66 likes this.
      3. dasman66
        But yet it looks like they will still sell you stuff... website appears to be operational. But I suppose they could take the money and not be shipping anything... forcing everyone to do chargebacks
        Dec 2, 2023
    10. dasman66
      sad emoji... my Allo USbridge Sig player ethernet seems to have died. Now nothing to feed clean USB to my Walnut x.3 dac...
      1. gsanger and Ziva like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. joch
        Oh that’s not good news.
        Dec 5, 2023
        dasman66 likes this.
      4. joch
        Dec 18, 2023
        sheldaze and dasman66 like this.
      5. dasman66
        I never knew that list existed... I'll have to go look (I already returned the ones I had purchased) THANKS!
        Dec 18, 2023
        joch likes this.
    11. dasman66
      For those wanting to order the MIB - schiit is experiencing a "slight production delay".
      1. dasman66
        To set anyone's expectations... mine has been on order since Nov 1 @ noon... at the time their site quoted ships in 1-3 days. As of right now, they don't have a date.
        Nov 7, 2023
        internethandle likes this.
      2. dasman66
        I guess they sold better than expected
        Nov 7, 2023
        internethandle likes this.
      3. AlPastor
        MIB shows shipping in 5-7 days now on their site.
        Nov 7, 2023
        dasman66 likes this.
    12. dasman66
      Has anyone with a set of Ollo headphones had trouble getting a response from customer support?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jinxy245
        That's tough to hear, I had high hopes for them after hearing the S4X. If they don't do right by the customer that's a no-buy for me.
        Sep 23, 2023
      3. dasman66
        Update... I put up the profile post, and they respond this morning... stating that my junk mail filter must not have let their message thru. They are supposed to be arranging for it to be picked up (presumably via UPS or something) on Monday. Will update
        Sep 23, 2023
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      4. dasman66
        Further update - DHL arrived to pick up the headphones today. Unfortunately, they're going back to Slovenia... so I assume it will be quite some time before they make their way back to me.
        Sep 25, 2023
    13. dasman66
      So, now I am in possession of a JAR600b (new to me this morning) and one of the driver domes is crinkled. Any way to fix?
      1. dasman66
        FWIW, I haven't listened to it yet - I don't have any Senn cables here at the office.
        Sep 15, 2023
      2. M3NTAL
        used canned air or other clean & light pressure air source. Use said tool to lightly blow the back of the driver. Start further away and slowly get closer if the job isn't getting done. Senn driver will be fine.
        Sep 15, 2023
        Tchoupitoulas, fraggler, joch and 2 others like this.
      3. ilikebananafudge_
        Sep 15, 2023
        Vansen, ext1, Tchoupitoulas and 7 others like this.
    14. dasman66
      jeezus... the jar600 and jar650 loaners landed within days of each other. Toss in with my custom can modded HD600's... head is spinning...
      1. caute
        Only missing JAR580, JAR800, and JAR6x0 v1.5, and you've caught them all!
        Apr 19, 2023
    15. dasman66
      Looking for a 2-pin to 2-pin power cable to connect power out from soundbar to power in to TV. Samsung TV & soundbar
      1. View previous comments...
      2. mitochondrium
        Given the price for one cable, get two of them, cut both and reconnect the two males via a terminal block which you can then insulate using tape, might not be easy on the eye but it should work
        Apr 12, 2023
        dasman66 likes this.
      3. dasman66
        @mitochondrium ... yep, I was going to do that if no one could point me at a finished product. It will be hidden behind the TV so it's not like anyone will see the splice. But I'm sure my wife will ask whether its safe (that's what she does)
        Apr 12, 2023
        mitochondrium likes this.
      4. mitochondrium
        Well terminal blocks are standard issue to connect lamps to wiring and back when there still light bulbs those drew more current than most TV do nowadays ( probably do not need to convince you). You may use a heat shrink tube instead of tape for the insulation, might look more convincing
        Apr 12, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom and dasman66 like this.
    16. dasman66
      I just rec'd a Schiit email about the Yggdrasil+ and clicked the "Learn More" button. It took me to the regular Yggdrasil page.
      1. Mindbender likes this.
      2. dasman66
        Is this something new and the email beat the website update? Or is this marketing the old?
        Nov 9, 2022
      3. AdvanTech
        Look closely. New casing, now with remote, NOS mode.
        Nov 9, 2022
        Mindbender and dasman66 like this.
      4. penguins
        Very curious about the NOS mode as well.
        Nov 9, 2022
    17. dasman66
      back at work after 2 wks in Spain/Italy... asking myself why I got back on the plane...
      1. nishan99
        That's why I legit don't take vacations :)
        Oct 17, 2022
        dasman66 likes this.
      2. DigMe
        You got back on so that you have the money to go back to Spain/Italy. :)
        Oct 17, 2022
    18. dasman66
      new hard drive - box beat to hell from shipping... should I be concerned?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ChaChaRealSmooth
        If it seems fine I wouldn't be TOO concerned. Main concern with impact damage on a hard drive is that the drive heads will make contact with the magnetic platters, and if that didn't happen you should be fine
        Jun 21, 2022
        Cryptowolf and dasman66 like this.
      3. Kernel Kurtz
        Kernel Kurtz
        In particular heads hitting a spinning platter is very bad, but in an unpowered drive the heads should be "parked" and less sensitive to impact. Also, the packaging has done its job, like the crumple zones on a car, so much better than an impact to a bare HDD. I'd do a scan for bad sectors and check the SMART info before you reshape/rebuild your RAID with it, but probably nothing to worry about.
        Jun 21, 2022
      4. atomicbob
        Jun 22, 2022
        dasman66 likes this.
    19. dasman66
      Really enjoying the sonics of the LTS v3 loaner... but uncomfortable on my big head/dumbo ears...
      1. dasman66
        I feel like I'm shifting this around every 10 minutes...
        May 24, 2022
    20. dasman66
      Been out of commission for almost 2 wks due to an out of town family emergency... got back last night... not fun times at all
      1. Jinxy245, crenca and Rustin Cohle like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. rhythmdevils
        I hope you’re doing ok and i wish all the best for your family.
        Mar 12, 2022
        atomicbob likes this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        i hope your struggle resolves soon. Warm regards
        Mar 13, 2022
        atomicbob likes this.
      5. dasman66
        Appreciate the kind words... close call, but things will be ok.
        Mar 13, 2022
        atomicbob and rhythmdevils like this.
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  • About

    nowhere and everywhere
    Gear List:
    Pi2AES, Mercury, iFi Zen Stream
    Yggdrasil+ MILF, ECP Walnut x.3, Spring2 KTE, Modded Modi MB, Bifrost 2/64, SFD-1 Mkii SE
    BH Crack, Mogwai SEv2, SW51+, ECP 3F, Studio B, LAuX, Piety
    Auteur OG, Eikon, Clear OG, LCD-X, Verum 1, JAR 600b, HD600, Ollo S4R


    My Intro Post
    too much audio shit to list