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Sep 27, 2015
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On planet
acoustic research scientist

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dScope Yoda, Male, from On planet

Pyrate BWC MZR

Sorry to be offline for awhile. Much catching up in order. Been through enough CT scans I might begin to glow in the dark ... Jul 2, 2024

atomicbob was last seen:
Jul 8, 2024
    1. atomicbob
      Sorry to be offline for awhile. Much catching up in order. Been through enough CT scans I might begin to glow in the dark ...
      1. zottel, Qildail, Case and 9 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Armaegis
        On the plus side, if you glow then you won't need a nightlight to go to the bathroom...
        Jul 3, 2024
      4. purr1n
        Take care of your health. Always a seat for you here.
        Jul 3, 2024
        Pocomo, Case, atomicbob and 2 others like this.
      5. atomicbob
        Thank-you all for the kind thoughts.

        There will be good days, and some not so good. Still recovering from those &!%* statins.

        It has provided me incentive to prioritize living each day as if it might be my last.
        Jul 3, 2024
        zottel, Qildail, Case and 2 others like this.
    2. atomicbob
      If anyone ever receives a dislike from me it is most likely aging eyes, trembling hands, fat fingers on a mobile device.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. joch
        Been there done that! Glad there’s an undo option.
        May 31, 2024
      3. zottel
        This has happened quite a number of times to me, too. I always immediately corrected it. At least I hope so.
        May 31, 2024
        atomicbob likes this.
      4. roshambo123
        My one dislike here was an accident from a senior member. I wear it proudly
        May 31, 2024
    3. atomicbob
      Augmenting auditory evaluations with palatial delights in the form of fermented red of good character.
      1. Qildail, yotacowboy, Case and 6 others like this.
      2. bixby
        That coupled with brain wave timing especially after the witching hour can be a transformative listening experience.
        May 19, 2024
        Grattle and atomicbob like this.
    4. atomicbob
      If I seem terse & unclear keep in mind I am 15 days recovering from 58 days of statins. Statins lower cholesterol at the price of ...
      1. bixby likes this.
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      3. atomicbob
        @internethandle : works for some of which you are fortunate to be one. Others can suffer miserably.
        @Erroneous : thank-you she is getting around pretty well now. We both are back to having smiles on our faces.
        May 10, 2024
      4. bixby
        Statins are shit. My med record says I am allergic to statins (yes thanks to those side effects, stopped after 4 -6 wks and two types ), Drs no longer say hey you need to be on statins. And no $$$ for big pharma and just a slight bit above the level they set to get everyone on them.
        May 19, 2024
        atomicbob likes this.
      5. bixby
        When you actually take a deep dive into the science, lower cholesterol from statin use has a lower all cause morbidity stat of something approximating 12 days. IIRC
        May 19, 2024
        atomicbob likes this.
    5. atomicbob
      ETA ADA and Vali 3 make such a great combination. I'm listening to DSotM all the way through for the second time this week, very rare.
      1. Grattle, Baten, Jinxy245 and 14 others like this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Each to their own, but I don't think that DSoTM is going to figure for me even once this century.

        Meddle, perhaps. Or Atom Heart Mother.

        Or even Ummagumma, which was the first non-classical record I ever bought
        Apr 24, 2024
        atomicbob likes this.
      3. atomicbob
        @Thad E Ginathom
        Several species of small furry animals gathered together in a cave and grooving with a Pict.
        Apr 24, 2024
        Thad E Ginathom and Jinxy245 like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Yes! And just watch what you're doing with that axe ;)
        Apr 25, 2024
        atomicbob likes this.
    6. atomicbob
      Holo Audio Cyan 2 passes the Pink Floyd DSotM test. On to Animals.
      1. Grattle, Qildail, Merrick and 14 others like this.
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      3. atomicbob
        @Azimuth and @jowls , those are good points, which hopefully I have provided some insight on my particular evaluation method.
        Apr 16, 2024
        Azimuth, jowls and gsanger like this.
      4. Azimuth
        You should also hear tape hiss on the piano intro The Great Gig in the Sky.
        Apr 17, 2024
      5. Azimuth
        Now I need to try this on some lesser DACs...Yggdrasil A1 with MJ1 clearly passes the test.
        Apr 17, 2024
    7. atomicbob
      Sometimes it takes getting smacked in the face with the dead fish of cold reality to remind us how fragile it all is.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. joch
        Wow. I’m glad your loved ones are OK.
        Apr 12, 2024
        atomicbob likes this.
      3. Brian D
        Brian D
        Thankful they are ok, I feared the worst.
        Apr 12, 2024
        zottel and atomicbob like this.
      4. atomicbob
        I am thankful too, though I realize how close the situation came to changing our family forever. Don't take anything for granted.
        Apr 12, 2024
        Cryptowolf, zottel and Brian D like this.
    8. atomicbob
      Beginning the journey into the next stage of my life cycle. Over 100 ultrasound images taken of my heart and cardiovascular system.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. crenca
        You said once a while back 'getting old is not for the faint of heart', It does have its rewards however. Courage brother!
        Mar 19, 2024
      3. JK47
        Rooting for a full speedy recovery!!
        Mar 19, 2024
        Grattle, atomicbob, Jinxy245 and 2 others like this.
      4. loadexfa
        Best of luck on a full and quick recovery <3
        Mar 21, 2024
        Grattle and atomicbob like this.
    9. atomicbob
      Have been in a dark mood for several weeks - thankfully great music can help bring light to the darkness.
      1. Grattle, Cryptowolf, Qildail and 19 others like this.
      2. atomicbob
        Are You Going With Me - Pat Metheny Group is particularly poignant at the moment.
        Mar 16, 2024
        Jinxy245 likes this.
    10. ViktorStoynov
      Mine Motu ultralite mk4 was electried,so I left it to be repaired,but the guy who was fixing it did nothing and even forgot to put back one small chip,so now I can't fix it.Can you help me identify it?
    11. atomicbob
      Wife is able enjoy short periods of unassisted outdoor walks now. Slowly returning to a more normal life, though sleep cycles still suck.
      1. Syzygy, sheldaze, gsanger and 42 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. yotacowboy
        That's great news, Bob!! wishing you and your wife the smoothest and most expedient return to normalcy!
        Feb 14, 2024
        atomicbob and Cryptowolf like this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        Let me add to the chorus by wishing you well. Being able to get out in nature makes such a difference.
        Feb 14, 2024
        atomicbob likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Good news! All the best...
        Feb 14, 2024
        Cryptowolf and atomicbob like this.
    12. atomicbob
      I have been offline for five weeks dealing with issues similar to Death by 1000 cuts …
      1. Joshvar likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. roshambo123
        Feel better!!
        Jan 26, 2024
        atomicbob and Cryptowolf like this.
      4. MLegend
        You will always be missed while you're away atomicbob, but you and your wife's health is what's truly important.

        I wish you and your wife the best and a quick recovery.
        Get some rest, buddy.
        Jan 26, 2024
        atomicbob and dasman66 like this.
      5. Cryptowolf
        Thank you for checking in and all my best wishes for recovery for you both!
        Jan 28, 2024
        atomicbob likes this.
    13. atomicbob
      "I have become comfortably numb"
      1. sheldaze, Joshvar, hifiandrun and 9 others like this.
      2. atomicbob
        Feeling a tad melancholy given the combined empathetic stresses from world events, loss of pyrates, and continuing to provide care for a sick wife. She appears to be turning a corner, for the good, as of this morning. When her constant cough ceases, maybe the sleep deprivation will be somewhat relieved.
        Dec 12, 2023
        Cryptowolf, Kolohe, Joshvar and 15 others like this.
      3. Case
        'I can’t even feel the pain no more'
        Dec 13, 2023
    14. atomicbob
      Spotty participation again for awhile. Wife had RSV for month+, cough requiring medical intervention and now a nasty cold. Music soothes.
      1. Pocomo, zottel, Skyline and 8 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Skyline
        Sorry, Bob. I can relate. My wife has had a fever for 2.5 weeks now and nobody can figure out's pretty miserable. I wish for all the peace and healing for you and your wife as this infection hopefully passes soon. Music soothes, indeed.
        Dec 6, 2023
        atomicbob and Case like this.
      4. Armaegis
        Wishing you all the best for a quicker recovery and smooth holidays Bob. SBAF will still be here when you get back and we'll do our best to not let the magic smoke out in your absence.
        Dec 6, 2023
        atomicbob and Case like this.
      5. atomicbob
        @Skyline - FUO is serious. I hope a diagnosis can be made and a recovery path begun.
        Dec 6, 2023
        Skyline likes this.
    15. atomicbob
      As long as I live and breath I shall cherish all those who have enriched my life by their interactions with me.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. bixby
        Well, Don't stop breathing you enrich us as well. Cheers!
        Nov 2, 2023
        Cryptowolf and atomicbob like this.
      3. rhythmdevils
        Nov 2, 2023
        Cryptowolf and atomicbob like this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        You've added so much to my understanding of audio and I deeply respect your methodologies.
        Nov 5, 2023
        zottel and atomicbob like this.
    16. atomicbob
      Bedsitter people look back and lament, Another day's useless energy spent.
      1. Slade01
        ....but we decide which is right, and which is an illusion.
        Oct 30, 2023
        atomicbob, yotacowboy and Pocomo like this.
    17. atomicbob
      With the loss of @shotgunshane & @yotacowboy furry companions it reinforces my determination to enjoy my two ginger kitties every day.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. roughroad
        Same for my tuxedo cat of 11 years.
        Sep 30, 2023
        yotacowboy, Gazny, Cryptowolf and 2 others like this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        It's been a bad time for furries.

        Had to be The Ferryman a few days ago for my wife's daughter and one of her dogs on that dreaded final visit to the vet.

        Poor sweet Sasha was in a terrible state, and it was the right decision. She passed away gently, quickly and peacefully.

        Odd thing: the other dog of the house, an eccentric poodle, who never seemed to even like Sasha, is now heartbroken.
        Oct 1, 2023
      4. atomicbob
        @Thad E Ginathom so sorry you had to play the role of The Ferryman, but again it sounds like Sasha had a good life with a loving, caring family.
        Oct 2, 2023
        yotacowboy and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    18. atomicbob
      iDSD Diablo: tl:dr - ECO mode is all you need. 2W is plenty and it sounds very good for a portable device. No need to burn battery time.
      1. Azimuth
        That amp gets loud in a hurry.
        Sep 25, 2023
    19. atomicbob
      "The whole universe is completely insane" - Mr. Natural (R. Crumb)
      1. ilikebananafudge_
        Sep 5, 2023
    20. atomicbob
      Listening to The Acid Queen but really should be listening to Old Folks Boogie.
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  • About

    On planet
    acoustic research scientist
    Gear List:
    See information section for my opinions
    My enjoyment of particular recreational music systems is inextricably intertwined with my personal preferences. The following lists are representations of my tastes in music, components and listening levels. The section on music is only a sample of my library but should provide sufficient insight into my musical preferences. I am rigorous and exacting with component measurements. That doesn’t automatically make my opinions worth anything without context. Use the following information to decide how well your own preferences converge or diverge with mine when I make comments about equipment in the forum. DO NOT blindly assume a positive comment from me about some component or headphone will automatically translate to auditory happiness on your part. Likewise you may find yourself enjoying something that I don’t. Consider (learning) your own personal preference.

    50s, 60s & 70s jazz
    Louis Armstrong, Charles Mingus, Thelonious Monk, Sonny Rollins, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington, Cannonball Adderly, Les McCann & Eddie Harris
    Recorded by Columbia (Frank Laico, Fred Plaut), Bluenote (Rudy Van Gelder), Contemporary Records (Roy DuNann)

    More recent jazz artists
    Wynton Marsalis
    Dave Grusin
    Dave Brubeck
    Bela Fleck
    Chick Corea
    Christian McBride
    Wycliffe Gordon
    Ingrid Jensen
    Steve Treseler
    Terell Stafford
    Ronnie Earl
    Steve Gadd Band
    Charlie Haden
    Brad Mehldau

    Medeski, Martin & Wood
    Medeski, Scofield, Martin & Wood
    Ill Considered
    Snarky Puppy
    Pat Metheny

    Artfully deviant
    Steve’n’Seagulls - Thunderstruck
    Two Cellos - Thunderstruck

    A class by himself

    60s & 70s rock
    Emerson Lake & Palmer
    Blood Sweat & Tears
    Pink Floyd
    Jethro Tull
    JJ Cale
    Little Feat
    Dave Matthews Band
    Cat Steven – Tea for the Tillerman
    Grateful Dead
    Lead Zeppelin

    Tangerine Dream
    Bruce Becvar
    Gary Stroutsos

    Classical composers

    Canadian Brass

    Listening Levels dBSPL
    60~70 quiet, background listening
    70~80 recreational and critical listening
    80~90 rocking out, often with libations at hand
    90~100 Santana Black Magic Woman / Gypsy Queen, ELP Tank - drum solo

    I tend to listen at quieter levels where electroacoustic transducers exhibit greater linearity. Higher levels are more likely to have greater distortion and require higher power amplification. The result is substantial deviation in opinions by listeners attempting to compare headphones when they are listening at different levels.

    Holo Audio KTE Spring2
    Schiit Bifrost2
    Matrix Audio X-Sabre Pro
    Lavry DA11

    Schiit Yggdrasil A2
    Schiit Gungnir MB A2
    Soekris 1421

    Work (recording, editing, acoustic measurements)
    Lavry DA11, AD11
    RME ADI-2 Pro

    Rather not listen
    Auralec Vega
    Resonessence Labs Concero
    Topping D30
    Objective DAC

    Universal Turd
    Audio-gd S19

    Eddie Current Studio B
    Eddie Current Zana Deux SE
    ECP Audio DSHA-3F
    ECP Audio T4
    Shortest Way 51+
    Cavalli Liquid Crimson

    Cavalli Liquid Platinum
    Schiit Lyr3 with PSVane 6SN7
    EC ZDT Jr after hum reduction modifications
    BottleHead Crack (PS modified, no speedball, e80cc driver)
    Cavalli MCTH
    Schiit Magni3+
    Schiit Vali2 with 6CG7
    Project Sunrise with 12BH7 and Linear Power Supply

    Rather not listen
    Objective 2
    Topping anything


    Sennheiser HD800-Jmod
    Focal Stellia
    Sennheiser HD600

    Sennheiser HD650
    Focal Clear
    HiFiMan HE-500

    Rather not listen
    Most anything planar except for the HE-500

    I developed a VST chain dubbed Immersion Virtualization System which I employ for my recreational listening. This has a substantial influence on my perception of component performance. See the IVS descriptions in the following links:




    Organizing chaos for seven decades.