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Oct 23, 2024 at 7:03 AM
Sep 6, 2016
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Funemployed/Fatcat capitalist

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Friend, Male, from GR, MI

Pyrate BWC Contributor

Power went out again, 3 degrees F outside, luckily it came back on before pipes started freezing. Jan 15, 2024

bobboxbody was last seen:
Oct 23, 2024 at 7:03 AM
    1. bobboxbody
      Power went out again, 3 degrees F outside, luckily it came back on before pipes started freezing.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Merrick
        @JK47 Great call! Thank you for the heads up.
        Jan 15, 2024
      3. Vansen
        This is why I haven’t converted my wood stove in the basement into something else. Seattle is about one day every five years w/o power. CT was 12 days a year and had a generator for it.
        Jan 15, 2024
        JK47, Merrick and bobboxbody like this.
      4. Qildail
        The idea of using Folkvangr as an emergency block heater came up once it dropped below -15F here yesterday...

        Good luck there, mate. Stay safe.
        Jan 15, 2024
        bobboxbody and JK47 like this.
    2. bobboxbody
      My pro audio gear insanity continues, Prism Sound Lyra 2 in the house.
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      2. bobboxbody
        @Thad E Ginathom I think it would be pretty neutral if it wasn't playing through an all 60's system other than the DAC. Chain is Prism Lyra 2 > HH Scott LK48 > Altec 604E's. That said it's a pleasing mix to my ears so far, and more revealing than the hifi DAC. I've spent more time snowblowing than listening since I got it though.
        Jan 14, 2024
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. bobboxbody
        @rhythmdevils thanks, I'm having fun working on musical projects and learning about recording, so I'm trying to stretch my hobby budget wherever it can overlap.
        Jan 14, 2024
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. Soups
        I've started drinking the pro audio kool-aid as well and just picked up a used Crane Song Avocet 1.5 for my pre-amp needs. I figured if its good enough for famous mastering engineers, I might be happy with it. ;) Definitely the most transparent pre I've ever heard (for better and for worse). Will eventually try to write something up...
        Jan 14, 2024
        bobboxbody likes this.
    3. bobboxbody
      Lost my keys over the last 3 days without leaving the house, locksmith did a new car key for $140, vs $380 at the dealership, small victory.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. bobboxbody
        The reason I went all out with the trash is because I threw my wallet in a trash can at a beach about 10-15 years ago and then 1-2 years later the contents showed up in my mailbox in a ziplock bag
        Dec 29, 2023
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Did someone mention fridge?

        @bobboxbody, *check the fridge*. Look under the mouldy carrot. And defrost the freezer. Found a precious knife hidden in the ice one day. Had spent months wondering what happened to it..

        Also interrogate local crows, magpies, etc.
        Dec 30, 2023
        Cryptowolf and bobboxbody like this.
      4. bobboxbody
        @Thad E Ginathom fridge has been checked and flocks of migratory birds are under analysis for oracular flight patterns. We lose power enough here that the freezer gets defrosted at least a few times a year. At this point though I'm satisfied that I have a car key, I'm no longer actively searching, they'll likely show up in the stupidest possible place sometime this decade.
        Dec 30, 2023
    4. bobboxbody
      I'm happy @rhythmdevils is feeling well enough to continue his music blog, and hope it's an indication of general increased well being.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. lithium
        @rhythmdevils music blog is the source of so much outstanding music. I used to revisit the blog frequently even when it was inactive.
        Dec 28, 2023
        bobboxbody likes this.
      3. zonto
        Woohoo! Now we just need his MIB review (unless I missed it?).
        Dec 28, 2023
      4. rhythmdevils
        Thanks so much everyone! I’ll try to keep posting music I love <3

        I actually haven’t listened to the MIB yet. It’s burning in constantly but I have been messing with my amps too much to have anything stable where I could change DACs and have an opinion.
        Dec 28, 2023
    5. bobboxbody
      Need to pad my LinkedIn profile a bit, never had one before and trying to switch from life long service industry/entrepreneur to tech-ish
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. bobboxbody
        I'm not doing real tech, more like tech support for companies, software administration. Tons of postings on LinkedIn for what I'm looking at.
        Dec 12, 2023
        YMO likes this.
      4. Merrick
        I’ll friend you on LinkedIn. I do independent consulting, focused on CRM implementations, with a specialty in HubSpot.
        Dec 12, 2023
        bobboxbody likes this.
      5. bobboxbody
        I had to contact LinkedIn because I found out no one was receiving my connection requests, or possibly job applications, and now my account is suspended due to "suspicious activity"
        Dec 13, 2023
    6. bobboxbody
      Ordered bulk cable for interconnects for the MOTU M4, debating a limited loaner tour for the Sunvalley Model 2 DAC once the cables are done.
      1. Pocomo and RestoredSparda like this.
      2. bobboxbody
        Let me know if you're interested. Established members only, preference given to those who might be interested in purchasing. No removing the case to swap tubes/tinker, I've found a pair with good synergy, the paint chips easily and some of the case screws are a battle to replace without cross-threading.
        Oct 30, 2023
        Lyander, Gazny and RestoredSparda like this.
    7. bobboxbody
      DIY lesson learned today: don't let myself force a cosmetic improvement on an otherwise functional project, I will break something.
      1. Cryptowolf, gsanger, zottel and 9 others like this.
      2. Azimuth
        DIY is a failure-success roller coaster and everything in-between. We learn more from failures than we do from success. Don't get discouraged.
        Oct 25, 2023
        Cryptowolf and bobboxbody like this.
    8. bobboxbody
      Bob Boxbody's has always boxed bodies and performed body re-boxings and the like with today's most popular boxes for all bodies.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JK47
        Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore
        Oct 22, 2023
        bobboxbody likes this.
      3. bobboxbody
        @Vansen Bob's only boxes bodies for the style, comfort, and protection of consenting adults. Come get a quote on your dream box today!
        Oct 22, 2023
        Vansen likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        How much body would a boxbody box if a boxbody could body boxes?
        Oct 23, 2023
        Vansen and bobboxbody like this.
    9. bobboxbody
    10. bobboxbody
      I've fallen back into electric guitar insanity again after 15 years of mostly just playing acoustic upright bass
      1. View previous comments...
      2. bobboxbody
        @k4rstar I'm still playing the same Jazzmaster I bought in high school in the 90's. I've done some modding over the years so no much is still stock. Recently got a nice deal on a Matamp head that has a buzz I'm trying to sort out. It's a really interesting amp, switchable between 1 tube SE, 2 tubes PSE, 2 tubes PP, 4 tubes PPP and your choice of fixed or cathode bias based on input jack.
        Sep 25, 2023
        k4rstar likes this.
      3. bobboxbody
        P.S. I really like the looks of that hollow body you have, and I've always been a Telecaster fan.
        Sep 25, 2023
      4. k4rstar
        TY! It's a 1964 Harmony H59. All three electrics I own are the same ones Courtney Barnett played in her career. She inspired me to pick up the instrument
        Sep 25, 2023
        bobboxbody likes this.
    11. bobboxbody
      Blew out a rear tire going 80mph on the highway yesterday and found out my car has no jack in the toolbox.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. zonto
        Glad you got it sorted (it sounds like?) and that you're ok.
        Sep 18, 2023
        RestoredSparda and bobboxbody like this.
      3. bobboxbody
        $350 later I have 2 new tires and the 2 older, but still recent ones from the front moved to the back(front wheel drive) plus alignment, man the car drives so much better. Always feels like a waste to me spending money on a vehicle that still functions, but it's also nice to get where I'm going without shit breaking.
        Sep 18, 2023
        Lyander, M3NTAL and RestoredSparda like this.
      4. Gazny
        scary, glad you are ok. Happened to me when I was young, it gets wild!
        Sep 18, 2023
        bobboxbody likes this.
    12. bobboxbody
      Going to see Melvins play Bullhead tonight, saw them play Ozma/Gluey Porch Treatments/Houdini about 10 years ago in Chicago, great time.
      1. bobboxbody
        Also Boris playing the 2002 version of Heavy Rocks at the same show. Plus Boris is the opening track on Bullhead, did Boris name themselves Boris after Boris?
        Sep 12, 2023
        ilikebananafudge_ and jexby like this.
      2. ilikebananafudge_
        Jealous!!! I saw Boris live once and it was a fantastic show. Also, they did name themselves after the Melvins track.
        Sep 12, 2023
        bobboxbody likes this.
      3. bobboxbody
        I saw Boris a few times in the mid 00's - My favorite was at pitchfork when they kept blowing the fuse for the stage then finally said "Very sorry, not enough electricity" and walked off. I think that one was with Michio Kurihara, was bummed I didn't get to hear a complete set, but the number of amplifiers on stage was ridiculous. Everyone had a huge master tube head with several slaves driving walls of cabinets.
        Sep 12, 2023
    13. bobboxbody
      Late 60's Amperex 6DJ8s sound like hot garbage in the Sunvalley DAC. Luckily they should be easy to sell for what I paid.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Azimuth
        No. I saw a Sunvally DAC that used 12AU7's. Yours might be different. If it uses 6DJ8/6922's now, you can use 12AU7's with an adapter.
        Sep 8, 2023
      3. bobboxbody
        That's the newer model that uses 12AU7, this one is older, mayhaps I will consider adapter if the Vavlos don't pan out, but now I'm kind of liking bugle boy/sovtek combo.
        Sep 8, 2023
        Azimuth likes this.
      4. bobboxbody
        I'm an idiot. I had to switch amps to take pictures for a prospective buyer and the tone controls on the one I put into the system were all over the place, the orange Amperex sound fine now. Didn't notice until I put on a record last night with the big speakers and the sound was way off.
        Sep 9, 2023
    14. bobboxbody
      Weekend of Starfield turned into helping friends clear post-tornado trees and brush instead. Chainsawing>log hauling, I mostly did hauling.
      1. bobboxbody
        Great workout though. If I was 20 years younger I would consider tree removal work just to get ripped.
        Sep 4, 2023
    15. bobboxbody
      Starfield is here and it's all I've done today besides a little break to play guitar and a few tea steeps.
      1. Cryptowolf, zottel, Qildail and 2 others like this.
    16. bobboxbody
    17. bobboxbody
      Tornado came through a close by and broke shit. Everyone is ok but no power for over 24hrs sucks and makes me realize how spoiled I am.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rfernand
        “Sweaty reading”… D.H. Lawrence? Danielle Steele? June 1978 Hustler?
        Aug 25, 2023
      3. joch
        Grateful it’s only electricity that’s lost!
        Aug 25, 2023
        bobboxbody and gsanger like this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        Woah, I'm glad you're ok.
        Aug 26, 2023
        Tchoupitoulas and bobboxbody like this.
    18. bobboxbody
      Found a pair of new testing 1963 Amperex Holland 6DJ8 for $51 shipped on AK, they will be slow to arrive though.
      1. Qildail, caute and RestoredSparda like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. bobboxbody
        I messed up the dates, the orange printing pair is 1968, the bugle boy is 1963
        Aug 23, 2023
      4. caute
        yeah I was ab to say, if you see orange (or worse, green) on an amperex, or any tube really, it means a later than mid-60s mfrd date. you want white lettering fs. looks like a non-a frame getter, which is also a good sign, for the 6922s.
        Aug 23, 2023
        bobboxbody likes this.
      5. caute
        as a gen rule of thumb, the earlier the tube, the better, lotsa ppl will try to claim Siemens over telefunken or CCA or btfo or pinched waist/7308 amperex or just die, but really, you just want an early 60s 6DJ8.

        they were created by Phillips in '58, but you won't find any of those around. matching isn't *that* important in a DAC/preamp as it would be in an amp or power section, but nice to have fs.
        Aug 23, 2023
        Cryptowolf and bobboxbody like this.
    19. bobboxbody
      1. yotacowboy and caute like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Cspirou
        Looks professional and yet it's a tube DAC.

        Do you know what year it was made and the DAC chip?
        Aug 12, 2023
        bobboxbody likes this.
      4. bobboxbody
        @Cspirou I think it's a burr-brown chip, but not sure which one, and I don't know the year, just that the company puts out nice tube amps and kits so I took the chance
        Aug 12, 2023
      5. yotacowboy
        I was just looking at these old SV dacs. definitely share some impressions!
        Aug 12, 2023
        bobboxbody likes this.
    20. bobboxbody
      Driving to Heyboer Transformers to pick up my newly wound LK-48 replacement power transformer.
      1. Cryptowolf, Gazny and EagleWings like this.
      2. bobboxbody
        They said it would take a month and then had it done in 3 days.
        Aug 2, 2023
        JK47 and Gazny like this.
      3. bobboxbody
        Went to do the swap today and realized it was missing the B+ taps for bias voltage, turns out they gave me the wrong one. Now I wait a week for a new one.
        Aug 4, 2023
      4. bobboxbody
        tested posting an image in comments, didn't work.
        Aug 4, 2023
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  • About

    GR, MI
    Funemployed/Fatcat capitalist
    Gear List:
    Desk: PC>Gungnir Multibit(A2 Unison)>HH Scott LK48>DIY planet10hifi Mar-Ken10pT/ESX-900
    Lazyboy behind desk: PC digital chain or Basis 1400/Origin Live Illustrious/Nagaoka MP500>Abbas EL84 SE Phono>HH Scott LK48>Altec 604E
    Living room: Dual 1229/Denon DL160(fresh Soundsmith retip)> or Pi2AES>Modi multibit> McIntosh MA6200>Ohm Walsh 2

    All interconnects slowly being replaced with DIY SC Carbokab 225 except mystery magical phono cables from OL which are soldered directly to the tonearm wire.