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Sadomasochistic cat, Male, from WA

Pyrate Contributor

Unexpected dilemma: trying to decide between keeping Moondrop Cosmo (w/ some mods for moar bass) or Modhouse Tungsten DS. Oct 3, 2024

Soups was last seen:
Oct 25, 2024 at 8:59 AM
    1. Soups
      Unexpected dilemma: trying to decide between keeping Moondrop Cosmo (w/ some mods for moar bass) or Modhouse Tungsten DS.
      1. Soups
        Will eventually write up Cosmo bass mod that elevates both sub & mid bass (easy, cheap, reversible). An improvement, but does not make it a 'bassy' hp by any means.
        Oct 3, 2024
        Sqveak and JK47 like this.
      2. AlPastor
        Curious if you've heard the Venus and how the Cosmo compares.
        Oct 4, 2024
      3. Soups
        Unfortunately haven't heard the Venus... which I've read could be a bit bright, which is not at all an issue with Cosmo.
        Oct 4, 2024
        AlPastor likes this.
    2. Soups
      Yes, the 7 month and 1 week wait for the Modhouse Tungsten DS was worth it.
      1. zottel, Azimuth, Inoculator and 5 others like this.
      2. Soups
        Such a shame they're so hard to even pre-order. Was hoping for something that trades blows with the Caldera. Caveat - these really need power to unlock their potential. They sounded only ok off MJ3. But they sound incredible off Tyrs. Will write more once I log some more time, mostly being lost in the music.
        Aug 30, 2024
      3. Armaegis
        Just looked at the specs... wow only 78 db/mW?? that's like og he-6 levels of inefficiency.
        Aug 30, 2024
        Soups likes this.
      4. Soups
        Although I've only heard the he-6se, one thing that initially intrigued me was how some were calling Tungsten a spiritual successor to the he-6. The he-6se, while being much easier to drive, is definitely a few tiers below the Tungsten.
        Aug 31, 2024
    3. Soups
      Only took 7 months (and a day) but my ModHouse Tungsten has actually shipped. Hope it's worth the wait.
      1. Qildail, Lyander, joch and 4 others like this.
      2. RestoredSparda
        Damn near DNA wait times. I hope you dig it!
        Aug 28, 2024
        ilikebananafudge_ and Soups like this.
      3. Tchoupitoulas
        Single or double sided? If it's not worth the wait, hit me up! ;)

        Joking aside, I hope you like it. I really enjoyed the ones I heard at CAF last year; like an LCD-4 but with better tuning and a bigger headstage.
        Aug 28, 2024
        Claritas and Soups like this.
      4. Soups
        Double-sided. I was optimistic enough to pre-order without hearing them. I am mostly hoping for good synergy with my Tyrs!
        Aug 28, 2024
        Gazny, Lyander and Tchoupitoulas like this.
    4. Soups
    5. Soups
      Know any good articles explaining the current state of the global IEM market/demand (and why there's such a glut of brands/supply)?
      1. Claritas likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lyander
        Only have my limited perspective to go off, but I imagine the plethora of manufacturers is at least in part borne of folks ripping designs off and not wanting to be too obvious about it. IEMs are also effectively jewellery for a lotta folk, ergo the multi-kilobuck stuff. Think Vertu smartphones and how idiotic that whole business model is.
        Apr 26, 2024
        Soups likes this.
      4. Ksaurav402
        I know in India, it’s either IEM or speakers. TOTL headphones have little to no market there. There is great interest and demand for IEM.
        Apr 26, 2024
        Claritas, Lyander and Soups like this.
      5. Gazny
        Humidity is one of my guesses.
        Apr 26, 2024
    6. Soups
      Last time I buy anything from So many better options that actually respect their customers...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Phantaminum
        I bought a Aeon 2 directly from Headamp since I really liked the Aeon. Their return policy was 60 days which was great. I listened to the headphones for a few days and decided it wasn't for me. I sent an email telling them I wanted to start a RMA and they asked "Why!? What's wrong with them?". I told them I didn't like it. Then follow up email made me feel like I was being interrogated for a crime.
        Apr 22, 2024
        Soups likes this.
      3. crenca
        Maybe you were supposed to select 2 day even though there was a cost associated, which would have been zeroed at the end of checkout….but then, maybe you were supposed to read minds ;)
        Apr 22, 2024
      4. Soups
        @crenca - Mind-reading would come in handy, ha. I definitely wondered if I missed something, so I double-checked before reaching out. Turns out, they offer not just 1 or 2 but *7* different 1 or 2 day shipping options for that item - none free, and ranging from $17 to $96. Honestly, a simple explanation or apology would have gone a long way, but from what I can tell, that's not how they handle business.
        Apr 22, 2024
    7. Soups
      Way impressed with World's Best Cables Ultimate Speaker Cables. 7 awg version...
      1. Cryptowolf, Azimuth and Climber like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Hrodulf
        Hey, if it works for you, there's nothing more to add! I've wrangled with 10AWG snakes and they were a bitch to terminate. Ended up soldering them into speak-ons.
        Apr 11, 2024
        Cryptowolf and Soups like this.
      4. zonto
        Interesting. My speakers (Magnepan 1.6QR) have the option to biwire or go stereo+jumper and I've always done the latter. Just never got around to trying the biwire option. My Mogami cables are from Take Five Audio in Canada (3103 cable) and use the same z-plug banana connector as the WBC do it looks like.
        Apr 11, 2024
        Soups likes this.
      5. Soups
        Yes, I was actually hoping the cleaner bi-wire option would work just as well or better, but it seems the low freq binding posts just benefit from whatever extra juice they're able to draw from that thiccc stereo cable, with no noticeable decline in hi-freq quality via jumper cable (also WBC Ultimate).
        Apr 11, 2024
    8. Soups
      Feel like this article helps makes sense of what's been my typical experience.
      1. Jinxy245 and Tchoupitoulas like this.
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      3. Merrick
        I’m confused, they say political activism is invading “everything”, like football. Is this the same football that has massive odes to the American military at every game? How is that apolitical?
        Apr 10, 2024
      4. Soups
        I guess if you think a military wouldn't exist apart from partisan politics. My hunch is, any nation that wants to continue existing would have some sort of military.
        Apr 11, 2024
        crenca likes this.
      5. Merrick
        The army would exist even without partisan politics, but choosing to loudly and gratuitously venerate the military every game is not an apolitical choice.
        Apr 11, 2024
    9. Soups
      Some LPs really capture how much my musical tastes have changed over time... For example, Tears for Fears, 'Songs from the Big Chair'...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. YMO
        At least you stop listen to depressing stuff from Songs from the Big Chair.
        Mar 25, 2024
      3. Josh83
      4. Soups
        @Josh83 - looks fascinating, thanks for sharing (and writing)!
        Mar 27, 2024
    10. Soups
      ETA Ada - so spacious, lush, balanced, clear, dynamic, intimate, easy all day listen. CHOO-Freakin-CHOO, all aboard the Ada hype train!!!
      1. Erroneous
        Still an on ear vs over ear tho? My delicate prissy ears prefer things not touch them.
        Mar 23, 2024
      2. Soups
        Ha, I also prefer over ear - but no pain, no gain! And Ada is actually very comfy for an on-ear. And I'd take it over wearing any of my IEMs... which I place in the 'necessary evil' audio category.
        Mar 24, 2024
      3. Soups
        My 6 yr old son saw me listening to the funky looking Ada and asked to listen. Put a track on for him and he immediately gets a big smile on his face and says "I...feel...good." About sums it up. 8)
        Mar 25, 2024
    11. Soups
      Campfire IEM users - any non-foam ear tip recs? Recently got the Cascaras, and stock tips are meh.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. theveterans
        I've been using the Pentaconn Corier Brass tips to make my Bonneville's bass tight and punchy rather than rounded and thick. It should also give the same effect to the Casara
        Mar 7, 2024
        Lyander, yotacowboy and Soups like this.
      3. Vansen
        One more vote for Spiral Dots from me.
        Mar 8, 2024
      4. Cryptowolf
        I use sprial dot on my Lyra and Vega.
        Mar 10, 2024
        Soups likes this.
    12. Soups
      Received Mjolnir 3 and iBasso DC Elite in the same week. A glut of gud sound.
      1. Cryptowolf, zottel, Qildail and 3 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Soups
        I had never heard of ROHM until the DC Elite. I'd say, for the use case of a sub $500 dongle, iBasso's implementation is excellent. Continue to be impressed with its stage, layering, dynamics, resolution, tonality. So much so that while it has no true line out, I have a 4.4mm to Dual XLR adapter coming to see how this thing sounds through my other amps.
        Feb 20, 2024
        Lyander and yotacowboy like this.
      4. Soups
        I'm not optimistic about companies like SMSL using ROHM. Because like with most DACs, implementation is almost everything.
        Feb 20, 2024
        Lyander and yotacowboy like this.
      5. yotacowboy
        I caved and should have a DC Elite here later this week. If it sucks, it goes back to Jeff Bezos.
        Feb 20, 2024
        Lyander and Soups like this.
    13. Soups
      Anyone order a Mjolnir 3 in late November and seen it ship? Curious if I'm part of some big backlog or some recent production snag...
      1. SSL
        Email their orders support. I've had them just forget to ship items before. Also had an item get lost in shipping.
        Dec 14, 2023
      2. Soups
        Yup, did that after the first week went by. Got the 'sorry, it'll ship in a week, you're not forgotten' reply. Another week goes by, still haven't gotten any updates. Trying to give the benefit of the doubt, but curious/impatient nonetheless. :)
        Dec 14, 2023
    14. Soups
      By chance any Prism Sound owners using any of their gear with Schiit URD? Can't get the USB working between them.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Soups
        Yes, that sounds about right. Schiit basically gave me the "Dunno, probably Prism's issue..." response, and I'm expecting Prism to volley me back to Schiit. As for drivers, I'm trying to feed directly from Urd's USB out to Callia... would a driver install address that? Otherwise, I know I'm running Callia's latest firmware.
        Dec 1, 2023
      3. Armaegis
        At this point it wouldn't hurt to try the drivers. Leave the Urd plugged in but disconnect Callia. Install driver. Plug in Callia to Urd when prompted and it should finish the rest of the install. Knock on wood and hope that works?
        Dec 1, 2023
        Soups likes this.
      4. Soups
        Thanks @Armaegis, I'll be sure to give that a try!
        Dec 1, 2023
    15. Soups
      Now in line to find out whether one can/should power a Raal CA-1a w/ Mjolnir 3. Hoping for some first watt class A magic...
      1. JK47
        How was it? I'm seriously curious about the CA-1a. It's bigger bro didn't fit me very well
        Dec 1, 2023
      2. Soups
        My MJ3 hasn't shipped yet, but hope to share impressions soon, comparing with the Tyrs. Despite the fit, did you otherwise like the SR-1a? The CA-1a comes close in resolution/speed, but with moar bass. I still use EQ to tame the treble and boost the upper-mids.
        Dec 1, 2023
    16. Soups
      See that Urd is backorderd to Oct! Don't always feel great about 4-figure impulse buys, but no regrets about this one.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. Soups
        Urd + Yggdrasil A2 Unison + Tyrs = Droolingly good. Need to write up some impressions.... but can't stop spinning CDs.
        Aug 14, 2023
    17. Soups
      Any recs for a modest gaming laptop under $1K that's also good for work?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Cspirou
        One way to go is an eGPU through a Thunderbolt port.
        Apr 21, 2023
        Soups likes this.
      3. Mr.Sneis
        Apr 21, 2023
        Soups likes this.
      4. Soups
        Thanks all for the feedback and helpful leads.
        Apr 21, 2023
    18. Soups
      Tyrs driving HE6se is pretty pretty pretty good.
      1. Cryptowolf, Cspirou, FlySweep and 3 others like this.
      2. Soups
        Bought the HE6se over a year ago. Sounded lean on all my amps back then (Jot 2, SW51) so I returned them. Glad I repurchased because via Tyrs, they sound very well controlled - w/ impressive slam and resolve (albeit slightly bright).
        Jun 5, 2022
        Cryptowolf and wbass like this.
      3. yotacowboy
    19. Soups
      1. Josh83, Syzygy, zottel and 14 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. penguins
        As long as we don't start growing hair out of our eyeballs and all
        May 3, 2022
      4. Cspirou
        Would love this. Not because of some audiophile need recover high frequency hearing but rather for tinnitus relief
        May 4, 2022
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Google shows a lot of research into this problem. From drug-based to genetic engineering. It's too much for my non-medical mind to process. But I think I am far too old to be a beneficiary of any successes.

        (Talking about the hearing loss, not the arse hair ;) )
        May 4, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    20. Soups
      Danny at Raal is a great guy. Another reason I'm happy to be an SR1a owner.
      1. Soups
        Just called with a sales question but turned into a fun hobby chat. So easy to root for Raal's success with people like Danny behind it.
        Apr 21, 2022
        nishan99, fraggler and Gazny like this.
      2. nishan99
        I second this, I had a chat with him years ago when I had some questions about the SR1A. Great guy indeed.
        Apr 21, 2022
        Soups likes this.
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