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Oct 24, 2024 at 11:39 AM
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Friend, Male, from Charlottesville


Any SBAFers in the Virginia-ish region interested in my Dynaudio Contour 20i? Got ‘em listed elsewhere, but leery of shipping. Jul 17, 2024

Josh83 was last seen:
Oct 24, 2024 at 11:39 AM
    1. Josh83
      Any SBAFers in the Virginia-ish region interested in my Dynaudio Contour 20i? Got ‘em listed elsewhere, but leery of shipping.
    2. Josh83
      To paraphrase Neil Young, it seems like I’m headin’ for that big divorce, Virginia-style.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Armaegis
        Speaking from experience: do not throw yourself into work, do not power through it. I stubbornly thought I could fix myself and it threw me into such a gradual downward spiral that I did not recognize the depression that was so cleverly hidden that I fooled even myself. Lost nearly ten years of my life after the split which was longer than the time we were together.
        Apr 26, 2024
        lithium, Cryptowolf, Soups and 8 others like this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Out of C, S, N and Y, Y is my least favourite. But I'll listen to the song, thanks @Josh83.

        All the best with the life rearrangement. Happened to a friend of mine a couple of years ago. Financially, it put him back 30 years, but he still says he's happier (and looks it) and having a better life now.
        Apr 27, 2024
        Josh83 and RestoredSparda like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        "I'll listen to the song"

        ... Enjoyed it.

        I have found in the past that Young's songs don't ring true. Like he's nowhere near as wise as he's pretending to be. I found that even more since I got old. But this one did.
        Apr 27, 2024
    3. Josh83
      If there are Cream fans on SBAF, I just wrote one of my TBVO articles on Wheels and Goodbye. Link below.
      1. roughroad, zottel, Merrick and 4 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Josh83
        Thanks so much for the kind words everyone!
        Oct 13, 2023
      4. Josh83
        I’d definitely grab one of the Drake Goodbye discs @Merrick. They’re cheap, plentiful and far and away better than the MFSL due to the superior tape source.
        Oct 13, 2023
      5. Merrick
        @Josh83 It’s not the sound quality that’s making me skip Goodbye… ;)
        Oct 14, 2023
    4. Josh83
      Are any SBAFers located in Cleveland whom I might be able to pay for a favor?
      1. Josh83
        To clarify: Totally legal, not creepy. Just picking up something at Progressive Field.
        Apr 25, 2023
        RestoredSparda likes this.
      2. Kunlun
        Sorry, I provide sexual favors only

        Fee schedule available on request
        Apr 25, 2023
        batriq, YMO, Josh83 and 1 other person like this.
    5. Josh83
      It's been about a year since I asked for IEM recs, and those like @ChaChaRealSmooth who said Kato was the way to go were right.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ChaChaRealSmooth
        I try not to recommend things I think are complete shit. Good to see it worked out for you
        Mar 28, 2023
        Josh83 and Claritas like this.
      3. DigMe
        I have really enjoyed mine as well!
        Mar 28, 2023
      4. JayC
        I liked the Kato, but REALLY liked the S12 with micropore tape. RD offers one with an airflow/tuning mod on it which might be even better..
        Mar 30, 2023
    6. Josh83
      Major thanks to @Tachikoma for buying a box set in Malaysia and shipping it to me in the US!
    7. Josh83
      Any chance there’s an SBAFer in Malaysia who’d be willing to ship a CD to me in the USA?
      1. Tachikoma
        I could, what do you need?
        Feb 10, 2023
        Kernel Kurtz, Josh83, Mdkaler and 7 others like this.
    8. Josh83
      Is the UERR a good buy at its $900 Drop price? Or has it been surpassed by the Nair and similarly tuned IEMs?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. shotgunshane
        UERR is a step below UERM IMO. Gaudio Nair is as close as you’ll get to a UERM nowadays and the Nair build is far and away better.
        Jan 23, 2023
        Josh83 likes this.
      3. Vansen
        I'd stay away from the UERR. UERM> UERR. The UERM was incredible in its day, but IEMs have come so far over the past decade that even it feels dated today.
        Jan 23, 2023
      4. JeremiahS
        I don't recommend it, like @Vansen said IEM is improving at a quite fast pace and UE unfortunately cannot keep up with newer models. At that budget and if you're looking at neutral sound profile I think I would just demo Symphonium Helios or ThieAudio Monarch MK2 and figure out where your preference lies with.
        Jan 23, 2023
        Josh83 and Vansen like this.
    9. Josh83
      If I can do some shameless self-promotion, I'm really excited that my favorite t-shirt company, Austin's FSG, is making my t-shirt design:
      1. Josh83
      2. Gazny
        pretty bad ass
        Oct 4, 2022
        Josh83 likes this.
      3. Boops
        Love it
        Oct 5, 2022
        Josh83 likes this.
    10. Josh83
      Most of my headphone cables are XLR. Are there any legit/safe XLR to 1/4 adapters to use with single-ended amps?
      1. scblock
        For any normal headphone and amp I've ever encountered there really should be no risk going from an SE source to a balanced wired headphone. The adapter just needs to tie L+ and R+ to L and R on the 1/4 inch jack, and L- and R- to a common ground. The amp will see L, R, G as normal. I think the risk is going the other way, putting a common ground into a differential amp.
        Jul 11, 2022
    11. Josh83
      I’m an IEM noob and am only interested in some for bedtime listening out of an iPad. Is an Ara or Andro2020 pointless?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Josh83
        Thanks for the recommendations everyone. Really enjoying the Kato. I also picked up a Hi-MDAC dongle for $75, but might try to upgrade to a L&P W2 or something with selectable filters.
        May 10, 2022
        YMO likes this.
      3. YMO
        Kato club is cool club. L&P is if you are already losing your hearing. :p
        May 10, 2022
      4. Josh83
        Haha. I take it you’re not a fan of the L&P. As far as I can tell, it and the RU6 are the only dongles with selectable filters…
        May 10, 2022
    12. Josh83
      The three most recent DACs for sale, in order and all from different sellers, on USAudioMart are Topping D30, D50, and D90. Regrets.
      1. Ti_Leo
        Really topping the charts.
        Apr 23, 2022
        Josh83, Joshvar, obsiCO and 7 others like this.
      2. Azimuth
        PS Audio and Topping on USAM. Always.
        Apr 23, 2022
      3. yotacowboy
        NO REGRATS!
        Apr 23, 2022
        FlySweep and Josh83 like this.
    13. Josh83
      1. Case
        Love the "I don't believe" shirt.
        Apr 16, 2022
      2. Josh83
        Thank you!
        Apr 16, 2022
    14. Josh83
      Anyone on SBAF in/around Russia who might be able to help me buy this CD and ship it to the U.S.?
      1. Josh83
    15. Josh83
      Anyone on here from South Korea willing to help me out with buying a CD and sending it to the US?
      1. ext1 and songmic like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. songmic
        I'm willing to help.
        Oct 26, 2021
        Josh83, ext1 and YMO like this.
      4. Josh83
        So I tried a shipping forwarding service, but the CD actually ended up being out of stock. So now I'm looking for an SBAFer in/near Russia who could maybe try another site for me...
        Nov 17, 2021
      5. Aelms
        If you haven’t tried Japan feel free to DM me the CD info!
        Nov 18, 2021
    16. Josh83
      Anyone have experience with a USB-powered amp/DAC that's sufficient to drive the HD6XX? Will the Fulla 4 do it satisfactorily?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. scblock
        I wouldn't put it in the same class as any of my bigger amps, but I've used my HD650 from a Fulla 2 with no real complaints about ability to drive them.
        Sep 2, 2021
        Qildail likes this.
      3. Biodegraded
        Not extensively, but did 6XX again today to check. Seems like plenty of power, with more room on the volume dial than Hel v1. Was going to point you to the Cheap Dac Off thread, but I see you were there :)
        Sep 2, 2021
      4. yotacowboy
        Likewise, I find iFi Nano BL + HD650 Kiss to be perfectly serviceable for all-day office listening but no replacement for Jot2+BF2 or even bigger boi amps/dacs.
        Sep 2, 2021
    17. gixxerwimp
      Thanks to your TBVO "So", I'm enjoying a rare remaster that improves on the original. Thanks for the amazing analysis!
      1. rott, Josh83 and Ringingears like this.
      2. gixxerwimp
      3. Josh83
        Thanks so much for the kind words!
        May 9, 2021
        gixxerwimp likes this.
    18. Josh83
      1. MisterRogers
        Good read mate
        May 1, 2021
      2. crenca
        That's more detail than I thought possible ;) Interesting how much some artists put into something and then never even listen to it later...
        May 1, 2021
      3. gixxerwimp
        Really liked this album when it came out. Hadn't heard it in ages, and it sounds AMAZING from my current rig.
        May 2, 2021
        Josh83 likes this.
    19. Josh83
      I can’t believe it took me this long to use AES for my Crane Song Solaris. Wow.
      1. Syzygy and EagleWings like this.
      2. bixby
        So is your sources' USB gimped or is the Cranesongs'?
        Apr 17, 2021
      3. Josh83
        When I first got it, I remembered the USB being “meh,” but I haven’t used it since. Instead, I’d been using the Solaris’s digital RCA. But I’d never tried AES. Hard to say if it’s about the different USB to SPDIF converter or AES. Might need to do some controlled listening.
        Apr 17, 2021
    20. Josh83
      Can any EE friends give me some help ensuring this Parasound DAC2000 I bought is 120v?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. cameng318
        I'm mostly sure it's good. From the picture, the soldering job looks a little poor. It's blur to tell if the soldering pads are touching. Even if they are, they are probably already touching internally, which would be fine. If possible, double check with the seller about what they did to the unit.
        Apr 11, 2021
        Josh83 likes this.
      3. Josh83
        Do you want me to take a better photo of the soldering job? I just asked the seller. Turns out they were using it 120v and didn't even notice the sticker on the back. So it must've been a while ago that someone converted it.
        Apr 11, 2021
      4. cameng318
        Since it worked for the seller, the soldering job should be fine. It makes sense the pads are internally connected for the ease of drawing. Have fun listening!
        Apr 11, 2021
        Josh83 likes this.
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    February 2
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