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Friend, Male, from Franconia, Germany

Pyrate Contributor

The Neo iDSD (+HQPlayer) is paradise. I don’t think I’ve ever been so emotionally touched by music since I’m into the hobby. Jul 5, 2024

zottel was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 11:20 AM
    1. zottel
      The Neo iDSD (+HQPlayer) is paradise. I don’t think I’ve ever been so emotionally touched by music since I’m into the hobby.
      1. TheIceman93
        Are you talking about the original Neo iDSD? I've tried the Neo iDSD 2 and I was super impressed with it. As a DAC only, I actually liked it more than the Bifrost 2/64. The built in headphone amp is really quite decent as well.
        Jul 5, 2024
        zottel likes this.
      2. zottel
        It’s the original one, yes, which I got for cheap. It’s a great package, sounds totally great alone already, I would be more than happy with it. But paired with my Meier Jazz FF amp (which has a little fuller and more natural sound, resolves better and has more power) and HQPlayer, it’s spectacular, IMHO.
        Jul 5, 2024
        roderickvd likes this.
      3. zottel
        I think it’s the first time that I have a DAC that doesn’t at least have some tendency towards insipidity. Compared to what I had before, there’s especially a bit extra oomph in lowest registers, which helps to get the best out of my HEDDphone Two. Perfect! :)
        Jul 5, 2024
        roderickvd likes this.
    2. zottel
      Just snatched a B stock iFi Neo iDSD with full warranty etc for € 460,–. Yes, I know that the iDSD 2 is out, but for the price …
      1. Lyander and HeyWaj10 like this.
      2. zottel
        Will give me a lot to play with in terms of comparing the DAC native and with HQPlayer to the DACCORD and the D-6, and the amp with the Jazz FF.
        Jul 2, 2024
      3. HeyWaj10
        I personally really liked the Neo iDSD, even just with redbook FLAC (didn't try any DSD files with it). To me, it was the first DS dac that I felt satisfied with, having R2R qualities. IMO, it was the price (a bit outside my budget at the time) and the looks that turned me away from it. Look forward to your impressions!
        Jul 2, 2024
        zottel likes this.
      4. Lyander
        Never gotten ears on this one, would be curious to hear your thoughts on it vs the other iFi stuff that might be more known elsewhere! Pricey it definitely is, but hey if it sounds grand...
        Jul 2, 2024
        zottel likes this.
    3. zottel
      The Courage of Others by Midlake: Perfect music for a melancholic evening.
    4. zottel
      HQPlayer does “something” to the signal even when staying in PCM and with filter and dither set to “none”.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. zottel
        Yes, there’s digital volume reduction going on, also going from 16 bits to 32 bits. But switching DAC bits to 16 in HQPlayer doesn’t remove the effect, and digital volume reduction using Roon doesn’t cause the effect.
        Jun 30, 2024
      3. zottel
        Anyway, after listening to the D-6/HQP for some weeks, I wanted to compare to the DACCORD again. It remains the same: D-6/HQP at DSD256 >> DACCORD/HQP at 192 > DACCORD at 44.1 >>> D-6 at 44.1
        Jun 30, 2024
      4. Cellist88
        I don’t understand the obsession with Hqplayer. I always feel something very artificial in the sound.
        Jun 30, 2024
        JK47 likes this.
    5. zottel
      Just stumbled over the band Lawn Dogs and their album Lost Dogs. Amazing! And phenomenal sound quality.
      1. Cryptowolf, rhythmdevils and Qildail like this.
    6. zottel
      Listening with the Clear Mg for the first time since a while. Completely different from the HEDD2, but I really enjoy it right now.
      1. Cryptowolf, Qildail, Jinxy245 and 2 others like this.
      2. zottel
        Not as natural and “real” by far, kinda artificial in comparison to what I got used to over the last few months, but totally great.
        Jun 7, 2024
      3. zottel
        Some change every now and then helps a lot to enjoy music more again, IMHO.
        Jun 7, 2024
    7. zottel
      Suddenly hearing treble distortion in the SMSL D-6 + HQPlayer that wasn’t there before.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
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      3. wbass
        Do you have the HQP volume at -3 dB? That’s the recommendation.
        May 24, 2024
        zottel likes this.
      4. zottel
        Ok, I just found that I had accidentally left HQPlayer in PCM mode instead of SDM, which means the DAC’s filters aren’t circumvented, and quite some extra sizzle on this particular DAC. I had experimented with that before.
        That explains it. And shows once again how much influence the filters have.
        May 24, 2024
        Riotvan likes this.
      5. zottel
        Correction: There’s still quite some edge where I first noticed it: Bach’s Matthäus-Passion in the Harmonia Mundi recording with Raphaël Pichon and Pygmalion. I now think it’s simply the recording, and I just didn’t notice with my previous DAC and its mild treble. The edge I found in OTHER recordings, though, was me leaving HQPlayer at PCM.
        May 24, 2024
        Riotvan likes this.
    8. zottel
      SMSL D-6 is here! Flat and boring in PCM, but with HQPlayer DSD256 that goes unchanged to the DAC, it sounds grrreeeaat!
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
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      3. crenca
        The truth is, you probably have a $2K dac at least! (probably more ;) )
        May 10, 2024
        Cryptowolf and zottel like this.
      4. zottel
        I think so, too. I wish there was a simple D/S DAC with a chip that supports not getting in the way, together with a great “rest”, i.e. clock, USB interface, output stage, PSU, and whatever else I might have forgotten.
        May 10, 2024
        crenca likes this.
      5. crenca
        Holo could make such a DAC - a "Cyan" (i.e. decent USB, decent discreet output stage, decent power suply, etc.) with a good modern AKM for $1300, maybe less...too bad they probably won't
        May 10, 2024
        zottel likes this.
    9. zottel
      New Focals! Closed and open, light-weight, Bathys platform. Nice to see a manuf. add new models at the LOW end of the lineup for a change.
      1. Ziva, Kolohe, Qildail and 4 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Rustin Cohle
        Rustin Cohle
        @ColdsnapBry I snagged mine for like $350 open box (effectively new) at headphones.com. It's probably $400+ over there right now.
        May 8, 2024
        ColdsnapBry likes this.
      4. zottel
        SG Akustik in Germany still have b stock Elegia (not Elex!) for less than € 500,–. Probably better value, yes, if you’re not specifically looking for a light-weight HP.
        May 8, 2024
      5. zottel
        Actually, not even b stock, but you have to accept a magazine subscription, which IIRC doesn’t include extra costs if you cancel it on time, though. And you can get another 20% off if you send them any old working headphone or loudspeakers in return. X-)
        May 8, 2024
    10. zottel
      Has anyone heard the SMSL D-6? Thought I’d maybe try it to play around with HQPlayer a bit more and not spend tons of money.
      1. zottel
        May 5, 2024
        crenca likes this.
    11. zottel
      Listened to Bathys on USB for first time in a while. 1) Yes, MUCH better than AAC BT. 2) So much fun, uncomfortably close to the big stuff.
      1. Merrick, ilikebananafudge_ and crenca like this.
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      3. zottel
        @crenca I wouldn’t even say that I hear more detail. Maybe I would in an A/B test, but that’s not what makes the difference to me. Somehow, I enjoy the music much more lossless, but can’t really say why. I always wanted to try with aptX, but never got around to it yet.
        Apr 24, 2024
      4. Merrick
        I’ve debated selling my Auteur for a Bathys. I use headphones infrequently and when I do the noise canceling and ability to use as a wireless headset is something I need.
        Apr 24, 2024
        zottel likes this.
      5. zottel
        @Merrick I don’t think I will ever buy a closed-back again, I have the Bathys for that duty. Plus, they are my travel headphones for hotel room/good quality as well as for train/plane wireless and ANC requirements, and I use them as a headset for meetings when I’m at the office. Great allrounders.
        Apr 24, 2024
    12. zottel
      Been at a family event today, ate far, far too much, now happily dozing on the couch with great music on the headphones. Wonderful day.
      1. dasman66
        those days are the best... I love those days.
        Apr 6, 2024
        zottel likes this.
    13. zottel
      I always wanted to avoid tubes, but Vali 3 really has me tempted to at least try (outside of meet conditions). Gotta resist …
      1. Cryptowolf, ChaChaRealSmooth and joch like this.
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      3. Merrick
        @joch It doesn’t help that the Vali 2+ with the WE tube sounded noticeably better than with many other tubes I tried. :(
        Mar 17, 2024
        joch likes this.
      4. Jinxy245
        It is inexpensive enough and will likely be easy to flip if not to your liking, but I do understand the hesitation. This hobby can easily become obsessive if not careful.
        Mar 17, 2024
        zottel likes this.
      5. Claritas
        There was a period (2017–19) where my solid state amps were unable to make me *feel* the music. The OG Vali 2—with a hundred dollar Mullard—fixed that. Since then, however, I use solid state most of the time. If you’re pleased with your current amp, save your money. You never know what real need you’ll need it for. Bear in mind, if this is applicable, that a hybrid won’t cut it with the good Sennheiser phones.
        Mar 17, 2024
        zottel likes this.
    14. zottel
      Already said so in World of Headphones post, but have to repeat it: The Raal 1995 Immanis are absolutely unbelievably good.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Soups
        As a Raal fan, I have to ask - how was the bass?
        Mar 2, 2024
      3. SoupRKnowva
        how did they compare to the magna? Id never heard of these till I saw your impressions in the world of headphones thread.
        Mar 2, 2024
      4. zottel
        @Soups One word: Wonderful.
        @SoupRKnowva I didn’t hear the Magna. There were always people there, of course (world premiere at this World of Headphones), and I was happy to get some listening time at all shortly before I had to leave.
        Mar 2, 2024
        Cryptowolf, Soups and SoupRKnowva like this.
    15. zottel
      I had nearly forgotten about the good old Bourée by Jethro Tull, didn’t listen to it for quite a while. Boy, it sounds great with the HEDD2!
      1. zottel
        In fact, hearing better again after a bad cold over the weekend, _everything_ sounds amazing right now.
        Feb 19, 2024
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. HotRatSalad
        If you have not heard the whole "stand up" box set from a few years ago that Steve Wilson was involved with, you really should. Fantastic from start to finish. Amazing album, Bouree was non album track if I remember correctly but it's on that box.
        Feb 19, 2024
        zottel likes this.
      3. loadexfa
        I love Bourée. It's also a ton of fun to play on the flute. :)
        Feb 19, 2024
        zottel likes this.
    16. zottel
      Damn, the HEDD2 sounds fantastic with my new Forza Claire HPC Mk 2. Better separation and sense of space, even more plankton.
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      2. Merrick
        I also used to be a cable skeptic but have had enough experiences hearing clear differences that I now am a convert.
        Feb 13, 2024
        dubharmonic, Pocomo, zottel and 2 others like this.
      3. ilikebananafudge_
        Same. I really didn't want cables to make a difference, because life would be simpler that way. But then I built a bunch myself to test that theory and was surprised at how much of a difference they made. I've settled on building my own using Neotech chassis wire, though, and that's worked quite well for me.
        Feb 13, 2024
        zottel, RestoredSparda and Merrick like this.
      4. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Cables are snake oil BS....or so I thought until I tried a silver plated one for my HD600
        Feb 13, 2024
        zottel likes this.
    17. zottel
      It seems that the Forza cable I ordered has been shipped. \o/ Though, according to DHL, the destination is “HI”. Hawaii?
      1. RestoredSparda likes this.
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      3. zottel
        The shipment has arrived in the local sorting center, so it should be ok. Still going to “HI”, though. Not sure what this is supposed to tell me. “Hidden”, maybe? An untranslated string? It goes to “HI” in the German version of the tracking site, too.
        Feb 12, 2024
      4. zottel
        Nice, BTW, that Matt is asking for feedback in either a Head-Fi thread or our Forza thread here.
        Feb 12, 2024
      5. zottel
        It’s here! \o/ And it’s great! There might be even more plankton than before, but I could be imagining that. Didn’t A/B yet. It definitely isn’t worse than before, though. :)
        Feb 13, 2024
        Gazny likes this.
    18. zottel
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. zottel
        While I was aware of HRTF/HpTF, I would never have guessed that differences of 15 dB in certain regions are possible. That’s insane.
        Feb 7, 2024
        Cryptowolf and ChaChaRealSmooth like this.
      3. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Yeah headphone measurements can be wonky. That is why they can't necessarily be compared across different users, systems, etc.
        Feb 7, 2024
        Ardacer, Cryptowolf and zottel like this.
    19. zottel
      More than 50h in now, HEDDphone Two is still becoming better. More bass, more detail, more awesome.
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. zottel
        Might well be mental/psychoacoustic burn-in, of course. But whatever it is, it’s great. :)
        Feb 7, 2024
    20. zottel
      Currently listening to Bach’s Matthäus-Passion conducted by Raphaël Pichon (harmonia mundi) on the HEDDphone. Absolutely addictive! <3
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  • About

    Franconia, Germany
    Gear List:
    Meier Corda Daccord ff, Jazz ff
    HEDDphone Two, Clear Mg, HD650
    Dynaudio Music 5
    Roon, HQPlayer, Zen