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Feb 17, 2025 at 3:30 PM
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Mar 15, 1991 (Age: 33)

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Almost "Made", Male, 33, from 90745


Curiosity led me to find out that Yggdrasil MIB can't handle intersample overs. It leads to crack/distort the signal on poorly mastered tracks Jan 31, 2025

theveterans was last seen:
Feb 17, 2025 at 3:30 PM
    1. theveterans
      Curiosity led me to find out that Yggdrasil MIB can't handle intersample overs. It leads to crack/distort the signal on poorly mastered tracks
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
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      3. roderickvd
        I believe you like the Schiit filter. Why not simply attenuate with enough headroom, without external OS?
        Feb 3, 2025
        theveterans likes this.
      4. theveterans
        Attenuating at 6dB headroom, I still perceive an ever so slightly ISP with Daft Punk Doin it Right, but beyond 6dB, I’m losing amp headroom for Susvara with the Aegis. For now I compromise by only using the Roon filter on 3 specific tracks that’s really bad with the Burrito filter
        Feb 3, 2025
      5. theveterans
        The Burrito filter seems to be as complicated as the mega scaler from HQPlayer that it requires a lot more headroom than simple built-in off the shelf DS DAC chips
        Feb 3, 2025
    2. theveterans
      Digital nervosa rabbit hole is a PITA. It always feels like a tradeoff and never complete
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      2. theveterans
        Placebo-fi is more effective to my nervosa than any other banned substances. I should stop chasing the dragon at some point it’s getting out of hand :)
        Jan 23, 2025
      3. roderickvd
        Jason encouraging “spend most money up the chain” makes me wonder when we can get our hands on an amp more expensive than the Yggdrasil ;-)
        Jan 23, 2025
        theveterans likes this.
      4. theveterans
        A grown up Lyr hybrid similar to Riviera AIC-10 Bal parts level (also a hybrid amp) for the ultimate planar experience would be nice :)
        Jan 23, 2025
    3. theveterans
      Can't tell if I'm just in great condition or I'm getting a ridiculously clean power this night since everything sound so perfect past 9pm
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
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      3. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Funny enough, I know some people say solar made things sound worse. I don't worry about it too much though; at any rate it hasn't gotten in the way of me enjoying my music so there!
        Dec 19, 2024
        theveterans and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      4. roderickvd
        Power quality out of solar inverters is amongst the worst. Ugly buck converters producing ugly waves with lots of harmonic pollution on the power lines.
        Dec 19, 2024
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Damn! I feared as much.
        Dec 20, 2024
        theveterans likes this.
    4. theveterans
      Just received Caldera Closed loaner 1hr ago and liking it so far with DIY Aegis on low Z setting...
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      2. theveterans
        I'm just jotting notes here: CC tonal coloration in the mids is in-between Atrium Open (less colored) and Verite (more colored) with Susvara OG as reference (no coloration). Coloration in a sense of tasteful tonality (e.g. wetter/lusher mids)
        Dec 10, 2024
        Tchoupitoulas likes this.
      3. theveterans
        CC's presentation makes me not want to analyze music at all and just enjoy it at its most basic level. Feels like a DD presentation in a planar factor with Aegis. Probably the most non-fatiguing sounding planar headphone ever made. Atrium Open is actually more fatiguing in long term listening than CC
        Dec 10, 2024
        RestoredSparda and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      4. theveterans
        Midgard pairs incredibly well with the CC! Holographic, refined treble albeit less planton, less clean and less immediacy than Aegis. Pretty punchy and great extension on both extremes as well! Airy treble, a bit laid back but still very balanced! Unbelievable value for $219 seriously!
        Dec 11, 2024
    5. theveterans
      Recently acquired a DIY Aegis amp. Reminds me of DNA Supernaut qualities that I heard back in November last year. Great DIY amp indeed
      1. DenverW, joch, zach915m and 10 others like this.
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      3. penguins
        Actually now that I think about it, if we can't figure out what this other event was / is I'll make a poll for appoximate timeframe and location.

        Open to somewhere in SD or LA county as well but someone else will have to go check the spots in those areas. But just off the top of my head I can think of more suitable venues in OC and SD county than in LA.

        Sorry to derail your status post theveterans.
        May 21, 2024
        DenverW, JK47 and Gazny like this.
      4. theveterans
        No worries @penguins . Looking forward to any future local meetups for sure!
        May 22, 2024
      5. DenverW
        Amazing amp! Whoever built it must be a fantastic guy! :)
        But in all seriousness, I'm glad it's found a good home. What color should the next one be?
        May 28, 2024
        theveterans likes this.
    6. theveterans
      I'm torn between NOS mode and OS mode with the MIB. While I love the beautiful timbre of the NOS, I lose the "dreamy" sound of the OS sigh
      1. Cryptowolf, internethandle and JK47 like this.
      2. theveterans
        Dreamy in a sense that there's this harmonious blend of air and instrument transients along with sweetness in the tone that are woven together to have that "dreamy" presentation. NOS takes away the air/ambience in exchange for a more intimate and focused sonic presentation with emphasis on timbre
        Nov 16, 2023
        internethandle likes this.
      3. purr1n
        Yeah, you get two DACs in one.
        Nov 16, 2023
        RestoredSparda and theveterans like this.
      4. internethandle
        Should probably make it clear that those of us getting the MIB cards for self-install won't get the NOS option unless we also upgrade to Yggdrasil+, as far as I know. Old chassis/front panel board doesn't support it.
        Nov 16, 2023
    7. theveterans
      Aah, that wall-o-guitars caramelized sweet sound from the MIB (quoting Marv) never fails to put a huge smile on my face :)
    8. theveterans
      My initial impressions from the MIB thread might have led readers that it's a boring sound overall, but I assure you guys it's far from it!
      1. zonto, HotRatSalad and joch like this.
    9. theveterans
      I'm liking the More Is Better so far. It's a DAC that doesn't show off and doesn't get in the way of your music. Nice Schiit!
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      2. zonto
        Thanks for sharing! What’s the rest of the chain?
        Nov 5, 2023
        internethandle and theveterans like this.
      3. theveterans
        No problem! It’s paired to a Schiit Saga OG 5692 then to ampsandsound Forge 300 ohm taps with JJ KT88s/JJ 6SL7 and Susvara. Everything is single ended
        Nov 5, 2023
        internethandle, Cryptowolf and zonto like this.
      4. theveterans
        Third day it's much better than day 1 and day 2. The sound is a lot more musical this time. That dreamy sound is much more prominent now while macrodynamics significantly improved! NOS mode will get tested once MIB has settled in for 200 hours
        Nov 6, 2023
    10. theveterans
      A/Bed the Focal Bathys and ETA Mini C both on BT. It’s no contest that Mini C is on another level than the Bathys
      1. gsanger, Merrick, Riotvan and 6 others like this.
      2. zottel
        How did you feed the Mini C via Bluetooth?
        Apr 14, 2023
      3. theveterans
        Using PlusSound V3 EXO Copper BT cable
        Apr 14, 2023
        zottel likes this.
    11. theveterans
      ETC Mini C with PS V3 BT Exo Copper is currently the best closed back BT headphone ever! It's non DSPfied and non ANC BT that kill plankton
      1. Gazny, Jinxy245, edd and 1 other person like this.
    12. theveterans
      Andromeda CK Blue scales up pretty well with the SP2000 Cu! Nicely Done!
      1. Melvillian likes this.
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    Mar 15, 1991 (Age: 33)