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Feels like everything I want to do on Windows 11 takes an additional step or two. Jan 16, 2022

Melvillian was last seen:
Feb 23, 2024
    1. Melvillian
      Feels like everything I want to do on Windows 11 takes an additional step or two.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. atomicbob
        The "geniuses" in the MS UX group have to put their special stink on everything. I use Open Shell to make Win10 somewhat more bearable. Still keep several Win7 machines running in the lab. I don't even want to think about Win11. Just no.
        Jan 17, 2022
      3. Melvillian
        @atomicbob Some of the changes are just inexplicable. They've added a new layer of menus over most things that were easily accessible. It's completely backwards
        Jan 19, 2022
      4. atomicbob
        @Melvillian - you are a brave person. I appreciate your dive into the gauntlet of insanity called Win11 and reporting about it.
        Jan 19, 2022
        Melvillian likes this.
    2. Melvillian
      1. Woland, spwath, fraggler and 2 others like this.
      2. Priidik
        Nice find.
        Nov 15, 2021
        Melvillian likes this.
      3. fraggler
        Unfortunately I want to start doing metalwork after watching that. Didn't know brass was so easy to work with.
        The mic part is cool too :)
        Nov 15, 2021
        Melvillian likes this.
      4. Melvillian
        Yeah I feel like he makes it look deceptively simple.
        Nov 15, 2021
        Woland likes this.
    3. Melvillian
      Is there a reliable place for getting a matched pair of tubes for the SW51?
      1. yotacowboy likes this.
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      3. Melvillian
        Thank you both. I bought a pair of Russian tubes from Tubedepot for an old ECP amp in 2018 and when I sent the amp to Doug for service, he said one of the tubes was bad, so I’m a bit skeptical of some of these stores. I’ll reach out to nostubestore. Thanks for the recommendation.
        Oct 9, 2021
      4. Melvillian
        @edd @yotacowboy thank you for the recommendation. Really happy with
        Nov 16, 2021
        yotacowboy and edd like this.
      5. yotacowboy
        He's really a no-bullshit seller, and really knows tubes. He's kinda the kind of the Turkish Brent Jessee.
        Nov 16, 2021
        Melvillian likes this.
    4. Melvillian
      Will Drop be restocking the Fostex TH-X00 PH?
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      2. Sqveak
        Pretty sure the ones for sale recently were the stock they had held on to to cover for the warranty period of the final run. If you can find a set of cups left over from someones Lawson mod you can fit them to an E-MU Teak.
        Sep 26, 2021
        Tchoupitoulas and Melvillian like this.
      3. Melvillian
        I bought an Ebony version from sbaf that was in bad shape, but I fixed it up. I used to own the PH and I remember liking it more. I don’t mind the Ebony, just need to do a cable mod so I can comfortably use it with my phone with a short cable. Was hoping to buy a newer PH with detachable cable from Drop. I suppose I can try the Teak as well.
        Sep 26, 2021
        Sqveak likes this.
      4. Sqveak
        There are also the current Denons which use a newer (or bespoke?) version of the drivers. They have a dryer timbre vs. the older models. Less organic but still a biocellulose sound. Also a flatter tuning.
        Sep 26, 2021
        Melvillian likes this.
    5. Melvillian
      My coworker is looking for headphones. Budget is $200. For open back I suggested HD6XX, but I know those won’t sound their best without amp
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      2. Claritas
        Yes. AD900 sounded fine unamped. But the AT headband doesn't work for everyone.
        May 4, 2021
        fraggler and Melvillian like this.
      3. Melvillian
        Thanks for the suggestions. I think the AD900 might be a good for him.
        May 4, 2021
        Cspirou likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        The AD900 was my first serious headphone. Liked it very much. Got on well with the wings too: very comfortable. Several times, forgot I was wearing it and got brought up sharp by the cable.
        May 5, 2021
        Sqveak and Melvillian like this.
    6. Melvillian
      Apparently Fry’s is officially going out of business.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Melvillian
        The cool thing about Fry’s were the electronics. It was a true electronics store. Not just computer parts.
        Feb 24, 2021
        dubiousmike and Cspirou like this.
      3. netforce
        Fry's had been in pretty rough shape for the last year and a half. Late 2019 they switched to a consignment model and their current distributor dropped them. They were able to find a much smaller distributor but they were on a death spiral since then.
        Feb 25, 2021
      4. netforce
        Not like the pandemic helped, last time I went was in 2019 and I was super confused thinking I was in a store that just opened since there was no people and nothing on shelves.
        Feb 25, 2021
    7. Melvillian
      Any USB DACs compatible with the PS5 that aren’t too pricey? My Hegel integrated works but I’m planning on selling it.
      1. rlow
        If the PS5 supports UAC 2 standard output I would think it just about anything with a modern USB input would work. If it doesn’t, you could try a used Hegel DAC (HD11 or HD12 I think). Otherwise, get a converter that supports UAC1 and converted it to SPDIF and then you can use anything that has an SPDIF input.
        Feb 22, 2021
        Melvillian likes this.
      2. Melvillian
        I think the issue people are having with the PS5 is that it doesn’t support UAC 2. I’ll look into the Hegel dacs. Do you know of any converters that support UAC 1? The eitr doesn’t work.

        I did a google search and JDS labs has optional UAC 1 firmware that works. Might go this route.
        Feb 22, 2021
      3. rlow
        Pretty sure Hegel stuck to UAC 1 on their DACs for quite some time - for some reason the lead guy seems to think it sounds better. Should be easy to find out in their documentation. Also if they show a limit of 96k on their USB input, chances are it’s UAC1
        Feb 22, 2021
        Melvillian likes this.
    8. Melvillian
      Discovered KCRW Berlin this morning only to google it and find out it’s no longer around? Last of the American radio stations in Berlin.
    9. Melvillian
      Do two Aegir produce as much heat as one M-22?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Melvillian
        I love my M-22 but I’m already thinking about summer time. Last summer it was in storage because of how hot it gets. Seems like the Aegir run significantly cooler
        Feb 1, 2021
        yotacowboy likes this.
      3. yotacowboy
        I do stop using mine during the summer months for daily-driving radio playing though. I picked up a cheapo class-d for background music.
        Feb 1, 2021
      4. crazychile
        I don’t get how people complain about the heat of Aegir. It’s not a cool running amp but I’ve ran amps from Bryston and Counterpoint that were waaay hotter. But maybe compared to Vidar it’s a toaster.
        Feb 2, 2021
        Melvillian likes this.
    10. Melvillian
      1. Gazny, crenca and LetMeBeFrank like this.
      2. crenca
        Not a volt or sine wave in sight, all marketing and auidophoolery, yet somehow I was entertained and not offended.
        Oct 3, 2020
        Melvillian and Gazny like this.
    11. Melvillian
      Was having a rough day at work until I received an email about a very young cancer patient under 10kgs who desperately needs our treatment.
      1. rott, Cryptowolf, Deep Funk and 8 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. JK47
        I've had one friend lose their kid to leukemia, and another beat it, and live a healthy life...
        Sep 4, 2020
        YMO and Melvillian like this.
      4. Pogo
        A sick child deserves all of our best efforts.
        Sep 4, 2020
        Deep Funk, Case and Melvillian like this.
      5. rott
        Working on the IT side of the cancer domain, shit I complain about ultimately is so trivial compared to what the patients undergoing treatment so commonly go through. Perspective, right, but so easily forgotten.
        Sep 5, 2020
        Melvillian likes this.
    12. Melvillian
      Listening to the Crowded House “Woodface” album on Qobuz. The original version they have is so much better than the remastered.
      1. gixxerwimp and Merrick like this.
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      3. dubharmonic
        Aug 19, 2020
      4. Merrick
        The bonus discs on the remasters are great, I just use the original releases for the main albums.
        Aug 19, 2020
      5. Melvillian
        I’ll see if they have the bonus content on Qobuz.

        @dubharmonic you’re right, poor choice of word on my part. I was referring to the “loudness wars”
        Aug 19, 2020
        dubharmonic likes this.
    13. Melvillian
      1. jexby
        Deep in the valley
        In the trunk of an old car
        In the back of a Chevy
        I got sand in my mouth you got sand in your mouth
        Aug 16, 2020
        Melvillian likes this.
    14. Melvillian
      Building a balanced to single ended convertor using Cinemags. I'm an idiot, made the holes for the XLRs too big :-/
      1. Melvillian
        I'll be sending this on a loaner tour when I'm done. If you're interested let me know. Would like to get an idea for how many people will be on the tour. Will include a Jensen 4:1 for comparison
        Aug 16, 2020
    15. Melvillian
      1. Raimei Templar
        Raimei Templar
        All of Beatos stuff is fascinating, I didnt know anything about music before watching his videos. His top lists are great too, found so many artists and songs I didnt know before because of them.
        Aug 6, 2020
        Melvillian likes this.
      2. Melvillian
        It is interesting. It’s great YouTube content. He reminds me of my music nerd friends in high school I was in bands with. I could never listen to music without them constantly playing air drums and telling me to listen to this and that detail in a song.
        Aug 6, 2020
        Raimei Templar likes this.
    16. Melvillian
      UPS and FedEx are not very reliable lately. For small and medium sized packages, USPS has been very good for me for a while now.
      1. Jinxy245, Kernel Kurtz and penguins like this.
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      3. Kernel Kurtz
        Kernel Kurtz
        Couple weeks ago UPS delivered my package (a firearm no less) to a home a couple blocks away. Even put that (wrong) address in the delivery notification.
        Jul 28, 2020
        Melvillian likes this.
      4. TheIceman93
        Got a UPS delivery from Poland that was beat to hell and FedEx sent my GSX-Mini to Arizona by mistake. Ya, quality is down for sure. At least FedEx found it and it made it to my door in one piece.
        Jul 28, 2020
        Melvillian likes this.
      5. crazychile
        Biggest issue I've noticed over the past few months is that when I order something it can sit in the sellers warehouse for 2-3 days after the shipping label is created.
        Jul 29, 2020
    17. Melvillian
      Is it ok to use RCA and BNC out at the same time on the Digione Sig? Going to two different DACs
      1. Vtory
        Why not. I did it in comparing different dacs together!
        Jul 19, 2020
      2. Melvillian
        Just want to be safe since I know nothing about how this stuff works
        Jul 19, 2020
    18. Melvillian
      Looking through my boxes of tubes. I really need a tube amp. Should fix my BH Crack
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      2. Melvillian
        I want an SW51+, just don’t know how to get one. Contacted him but no response.

        @Mithrandir41 i love my crack, but one channel isn’t working.
        Jul 4, 2020
      3. Mithrandir41
        @Melvillian I had the same problem. It was a capacitor.
        Jul 4, 2020
        Melvillian likes this.
      4. JK47
        Really, he's usually very quick to respond to PM.
        Jul 4, 2020
    19. Melvillian
      Your favorite Beetles album? Mine is between Rubber Soul and Revolver, leaning towards Rubber Soul
      1. monacelli and gaspasser like this.
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      3. RobS
        @Skyline what do you think of the 2018 remix?
        Jun 29, 2020
      4. Skyline
        I'm a fan of all the remixes, really. If I had a complaint, I'd say they boosted the bass a hair too much on some of the tracks, but my preferences lean towards being a bit bass shy anyway.
        Jun 29, 2020
        RobS likes this.
      5. HotRatSalad
        I don't listen to the Beatles much but love abbey road lots
        Jun 29, 2020
        Melvillian likes this.
    20. Melvillian
      Anyone else experiencing issues with FedEx lately?
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