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As of Oct 2024, what yall say are the best HD650 amps under $2000 but not mid-fi? Oct 19, 2024 at 10:52 AM

roshambo123 was last seen:
Oct 25, 2024 at 1:39 PM
    1. Woland
    2. roshambo123
      As of Oct 2024, what yall say are the best HD650 amps under $2000 but not mid-fi?
      1. FlySweep likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. roshambo123
        @Woland So, the only example of this I know which correlates is DAC2541 has hp output that honestly ain't that bad.
        Oct 21, 2024 at 10:46 AM
      4. roshambo123
        I'm happy with my MJ3. I'm asking for a friend who has been on Vali 2 + MMBv1 for a long time and was 100% content but woke up and now is curious. I said just spend small coin on a Lyr 3 to keep the same signature and add clarity, but now he has discovered planar bass and so all bets are off. MJ3 I think is the best recc, assuming he bought a new DAC also.
        Oct 21, 2024 at 10:48 AM
        gaspasser likes this.
      5. Gazny
        I love the pietus max a lot
        Oct 21, 2024 at 2:36 PM
        CEE TEE and roshambo123 like this.
    3. roshambo123
      Anyone who has heard Piety^2 compared to Pietus Maximus?
      1. RestoredSparda likes this.
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      3. roshambo123
      4. RestoredSparda
        It's been too long to say specifically. But I think I posted impressions in that thread. From memory, the Piety Squared was more bombastic, slammy and had better Prat. I preferred it over PMax with Yiggy A2 and over MJ3.
        Oct 16, 2024
        roshambo123 likes this.
      5. RestoredSparda
        Obviously too many variables and personal preferences are involved to say one is better than the other. But if I was to own one it would be the Piety Squared as it had excellent synergy with all my ZMFs and JAR 650.
        Oct 16, 2024
        roshambo123 likes this.
    4. roshambo123
      Even with the 12" fan blowing directly on MJ3 I'm unable to get it to fully cool off in this heat.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. dubharmonic
        Water cooled MJ3?
        Sep 10, 2024
      3. Armaegis
        Sep 10, 2024
        Cspirou likes this.
      4. roshambo123
        At that point y not cryo
        Sep 10, 2024
    5. roshambo123
      Back to new stock Senn silver-copper hybrid HD800 cable. Relief from pure copper. Just how stop the stock Senn cable from fraying
      1. gsanger, Wilewarer and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      2. JK47
        How would you describe the difference in sound?
        Aug 22, 2024
      3. Tchoupitoulas
        When I had the Yggdrasil A2, Stratus and HD 800 SDR combination, I found a copper cable took the sound too far in a warm direction. The sound was more HD 6X0 - thicker, fuller, warmer - but at the expense of the HD 800's speed and wide headstage, so, yeah, I preferred the silver-copper hybrid.
        Aug 22, 2024
        JK47 likes this.
      4. Wilewarer
        Yeah... the stock cable on my HD800 frayed, so I got a used Norne copper cable. In completely related events, my search results are now full of things like "how to solder" and "soldering station recommendations".
        Aug 22, 2024
    6. roshambo123
      Right channel MJ3 sounds like it died. HP and pre out 99% toast
      1. View previous comments...
      2. roshambo123
        Mine is a silver case with black caps / 2nd run also.
        Jul 21, 2024
      3. roshambo123
        Sucks a bit because my Jot 2 blew up in February. Schiit takes care of this stuff promptly but still :(
        Jul 21, 2024
        zottel, crenca, Cryptowolf and 2 others like this.
      4. roshambo123
        Repair finished, sounds like it was very non-trivial. "Replaced resistors, capacitors, and diodes in hi volt circuit for both channels."
        Aug 2, 2024
        joch likes this.
    7. roshambo123
      SCOTUS Jarkesy ruling probably means new golden age for scam crypto is coming. Be wise what you invest in.
      1. Cryptowolf, gsanger, joch and 2 others like this.
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      3. crenca
        Let them all choke;)
        Jun 29, 2024
        gsanger likes this.
      4. yotacowboy
        @crenca have you communicated this desire to your representatives in Congress?
        Jun 29, 2024
        gsanger likes this.
      5. crenca
        No, but I'm sure several congressman read this forum...surely...
        Jun 29, 2024
    8. roshambo123
      120 bug bites, poison oak, and my hiking buddy tested positive for Covid. #Nature #Blessed
      1. View previous comments...
      2. roshambo123
        They were spared. I am a diseased animal but ready for love
        Jun 16, 2024
        Claritas and YMO like this.
      3. penguins
        ... wow. where did you go?
        Jun 16, 2024
      4. roshambo123
        Mount Wilson and Strawberry Peak
        Jun 17, 2024
    9. roshambo123
      A FB friend posted about how there were historically two black Queens of England, one in 1776. When I corrected them they unfriended me.
      1. Thad E Ginathom and Deep Funk like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        People need to read more. History and science from times past is very educational. More music before I write an essay...
        May 13, 2024
        YMO, roshambo123 and Azimuth like this.
      4. roshambo123
        It's really a missed opportunity for me to ask them "Exactly what was the story of how George III married her again?
        May 13, 2024
        JK47 likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I first went to school in 1957. For quite a few years, Britain was still living in nostalgic cloud of the pink maps on the classroom walls. Pride in that empire, albeit gone. I was a lousy history student --- but I don't recall any mention of non-white royals. Even /Scottish/ was thought of as a bit foreign!
        May 14, 2024
        roshambo123 likes this.
    10. roshambo123
      Fallout Season 1 opinions?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Grattle
        I think they captured the vibe well. I wish they had kept the environmental music from Fallout 1 & 2. It’s got a little wokeness, but that’s unavoidable these days.
        Apr 21, 2024
        roshambo123 likes this.
      3. Grattle
        As far as plot goes, it is stronger than the latter Bethesda games.

        I can’t wait to see the turbo plasma rifle.
        Apr 21, 2024
        roshambo123 likes this.
      4. Merrick
        Really liking it so far. It’s refreshing to see “heroes” that are morally ambiguous, in a world where moral ambiguity is all that could possibly survive.
        Apr 22, 2024
        roshambo123 likes this.
    11. Svadhyaya
      Hi there! I'm Justin. Pretty new to the hobby. Reaching out cause you're from LA, and I'm in San Diego area, so wondering if you have any meet-ups in Socal? I would love to connect with some of y'all and get a chance to hear some gear without wasting so much $ on the buy and sell (I've already dug myself a nice money pit and I haven't even been into this for a year)
      1. roshambo123 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. JK47
        Let's have a meet on a sail boat charter
        Apr 17, 2024
        penguins, Gazny and Lyander like this.
      4. Svadhyaya
        Wow I work in Oceanside, wasn’t expecting it to be right on my doorstep! ok so if you all did want to meet here, I own a yoga studio with a 2000 sq ft empty room that I would happily host you in!
        Apr 17, 2024
      5. Svadhyaya
        It’s got at least a dozen wall outlets and connects to a lobby with a dozen more. I know I’ve only been on the forum a few weeks so happy to hop on a FaceTime or what have you to verify I’m on the level :D let me know, would be so stoked to host my first meet!
        Apr 17, 2024
    12. roshambo123
      Schiit said static blewup the op amps on my Jot 2. Apparently not the first instance of this happening, early model issue
      1. AlPastor and Lyander like this.
    13. roshambo123
      My Jot 2 repair shipped back and it said "Replaced both channel op amps." I thought fully discrete meant no op amps. What am I missing?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Gazny
        Maybe flybacks
        Feb 20, 2024
      3. purr1n
        probably failed servos. the DC servos use opamps.
        Feb 20, 2024
        Cspirou and internethandle like this.
      4. roshambo123
        So it blew after I plugged in a pair of 579's to the 1/4. Just cascading component failure?
        Feb 20, 2024
    14. roshambo123
      Now oats are contaminated? porkers
      1. View previous comments...
      2. roshambo123
        The frustrating part is they didn't disclose what brands lacked contamination, other than basically everything not organic, of which 12.5% still tested positive
        Feb 19, 2024
      3. roshambo123
        Feb 19, 2024
        Claritas likes this.
      4. Josh83
        EWG generally does good work. Yeah, it tends to have much more conservative thresholds than government agencies (or, of course, the chemical industry). But if you’d prefer to err on the side of caution, it’s not a bad source, especially because the number of consumer publications doing lab testing is dwindling.
        Mar 6, 2024
    15. roshambo123
      My Jot 2 just blew a puff of smoke out the top after I plugged an old pair of Senn 579s in. Still works but no idea what happened.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. AlPastor
        Any updates on what blew? The volume knob on my Jot 2 is extremely hard to pull off (push on not set screw).
        Feb 2, 2024
      3. roshambo123
        None yet.
        Feb 2, 2024
      4. Vansen
        My money is on a blown capacitor since it still works.
        Feb 2, 2024
        Cryptowolf, Syzygy and gixxerwimp like this.
    16. roshambo123
      How many headphone amps and DACs have you owned over the course of your life? For me, Amps: 8 DACs: 4
      1. View previous comments...
      2. roshambo123
        I'm waiting for the hidden SBAF Zenmaster to come out of the shadows and say "1 of each. My satisfaction was immediate and lasting, and I knew there could be no more, so bought nothing else." Cue gong as they bow and disappear for another 1000 years.
        Jan 23, 2024
      3. Cryptowolf
        I've been in the headphone/amp hobby for almost 20 years. I started with a Headroom Total Bithead and a DT880 and slowly worked my way up to TOTL over time. I have found a measure of satisfice with my current gear, but I know I would not have achieved this without the journey through mid-fi and endless tweaking.
        Jan 24, 2024
        zottel, Sqveak and fraggler like this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        In other words, the reason I'm satisfied with the Phonitor X and Kenzie Ovation for ZMF headphones is because this gear synergizes and best meets my weirdsies regarding audio.
        Jan 24, 2024
        zottel likes this.
    17. roshambo123
      Schiit told me the silver lathed 30mm knobs are no more. Sucks, they look way better than the beadblast version that doesn't shine.
      1. joch
        That's a shame, but I guess cost and availability probably played into it
        Jan 16, 2024
      2. Azimuth
        That is terrible. The powder coat gray is not to my liking either.
        Jan 17, 2024
        Grattle and roshambo123 like this.
    18. roshambo123
      Running Dante > AES > Yggdrasil. Yup, AES is good. Tried Dante > AES on Modius and realized that DAC is better than I credited it.
      1. Cryptowolf, Soups, Northwest and 2 others like this.
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      3. roshambo123
        Dante Virtual Soundcard on the PC > Audinate ADP-AES3-AU-2X2
        Jan 9, 2024
        Justin S likes this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        interesting...very interesting (twirls moustache)
        Jan 9, 2024
        RestoredSparda and roshambo123 like this.
      5. roshambo123
        Had to use a USB-Eth dongle because the Asus Mobo and Dante didn't play nice. Rare but I've seen NICs that hate this or hate that device for no good reason
        Jan 9, 2024
        Justin S likes this.
    19. roshambo123
      Thanks to @penguins got some new Sovtek 6922s on MJ2. Bit lean and polite but overall, actually very clean
      1. penguins and Qildail like this.
    20. roshambo123
      Anyone else feel Unison treble transients can be a bit dry? Unison lows are tight but I prefer jittery toslink for slightly softer highs.
      1. Sqveak likes this.
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      3. purr1n
        Could also be your PC / laptop. USB takes two. The sender makes up 50% of the sound. PC / laptop USB implementations will vary.
        Dec 26, 2023
        RestoredSparda and roshambo123 like this.
      4. joch
      5. Azimuth
        I never like the idea of bad digital connections for good synergy.
        Dec 28, 2023
        roshambo123 likes this.
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  • About

    Los Angeles
    Distracting the masses
    Gear List:
    • Dante Virtual Soundcard > ADP-AES3-AU-2X2 > Yggdrasil GS or A2 > Mjolnir 3 > HD800SDR / HD6XX

    • Schiit Unison > Modius > Jotunheim 2 > HD600

    • Mjolnir 2
    • Darkvoice 336SE
    • Folkvangr
    • Ragnarok 2
    • Gungnir Multibit A1
    • LCD-2 (rev1)
    • ZMF Aelous
    • DCA Ether 2
    • Modi Multibit
    • Loki Mini
    • Vali 2
    • Lyr 3 (4490 G2)
    • Wyrd
    • Ultrasone 750
    • HD579


    Home: Dante Virtual Soundcard > ADP-AES3-AU-2X2 > Yggdrasil A1/A2 > Mjolnir 3 > HD800 SDR / HD6XX
    Work: Schiit Unison USB > Modius (AKM) Bal > Jotunheim 2 > HD600