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Oct 25, 2024 at 1:18 AM
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Jun 6, 1966 (Age: 58)

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What I would like to see for an Yggdrasil "sidegrade"...All four sets of boards, switched on the fly. Could that be done w/ a newer chassis? Sep 20, 2024

GoldfishX was last seen:
Oct 25, 2024 at 1:18 AM
    1. GoldfishX
      What I would like to see for an Yggdrasil "sidegrade"...All four sets of boards, switched on the fly. Could that be done w/ a newer chassis?
      1. Sqveak likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Armaegis
        Look guys, if we can have open air PC cases, you can have open air Yggys ready and waiting for your next card swap.
        Sep 20, 2024
        roshambo123 likes this.
      4. internethandle
        The plus chassis makes this pretty easy. I know Jason said no to all four in one case, but I could see them doing something BF2-style with the “autonomy” architecture and the slide-in cards.
        Sep 21, 2024
      5. Ti_Leo
        Why am I thinking about 4 GPU-hub-like boxes, connecting to a switch, and each box has its own external PSU, for keep the board warm? No...
        Sep 22, 2024
    2. GoldfishX
      Decided to test the Monarchy 22B I had. Surprised it still powers on! Hopefully it opens up a bit, very congested. VERY strong low end.
      1. gsanger likes this.
      2. gsanger
        Not quite 24 hours since you posted - how's it coming along? I love my Monarchy amps, and am always tempted any time one of his DACs come up for sale to buy one. Curious how they hold up against modern offerings.
        Sep 17, 2024
        GoldfishX likes this.
      3. GoldfishX
        I would say warm and smooth, but congested. Sounds much better than last night. Beats Yggdrasil in the bass quantity (I had to turn my Audioengine 6's down), but loses pretty bad in bass texture and overall midrange/imaging. It doesn't show the variances that Yggdrasil does from recording to recording. I'm probably going to put it in my retro game setup, but very, very enjoyable. I plan on keeping it.
        Sep 17, 2024
        gsanger likes this.
      4. GoldfishX
        Also worth noting...This thing has been in storage the past 5 years and I do think I see a smudge of rust in the balanced connections (hoping the RCA jacks don't have the same issue). This is the first time feeding it a good source since I had it, so trying to give it as fair a shake as possible.
        Sep 17, 2024
        gsanger likes this.
    3. GoldfishX
      Dug out my Peachtree Dacit from storage. I think I have this still in my HF profile gear. Tempted to try it again, but Yggdrasil is no
      1. joch likes this.
    4. GoldfishX
      I've realized that "testing a rig" means listening to 1/3 to 1/2 of my entire music collection on it. My ratings are so inconsistent.
      1. HotRatSalad likes this.
    5. GoldfishX
      The retro game community is abuzz about the $750 Retrotink 4k, but in the context of audio gear, getting best-of-breed for $750 is amazing!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. GoldfishX
        As to why it costs more than a PS5, it's because it's a niche device from basically a one man company that is basically the ONLY option for 4k scaling on lower sources (and that is an increasing use-case, given the way the TV market is) and will likely be the only option for a few years. The expectation was that it would be over $1000 a few months ago!
        Dec 1, 2023
      3. GoldfishX
        I remember looking for the Framemeister! I didn't want to deal with the OSSC compatibility issues. I basically solved the problem by buying a new CRT every time I moved, eliminating the need for a scaler.
        Dec 1, 2023
        Mr.Sneis likes this.
      4. YMO
        I’m old enough when I had the XRGB2 device. Those were the days. Nowadays MiSTer is super convenient.
        Dec 1, 2023
        GoldfishX likes this.
    6. GoldfishX
      Urd has arrived. :) So glad I made the decision to grab my CD's out of storage last month. First time hearing about Stream Unlimited.
      1. Cryptowolf, Azimuth, Qildail and 4 others like this.
      2. GoldfishX
        *not LITERALLY arrived, but it's available for purchase.
        Jul 13, 2023
    7. GoldfishX
      Best/favorite version of the Can-Can music?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        The temperature's rising?

        (Or am a century out of date? It happens. Often)
        Apr 14, 2023
      3. Claritas
        The 80's Shoprite ad is my second favorite.
        Apr 14, 2023
        Slade01 and GoldfishX like this.
      4. GoldfishX
        Okay, I would die for a lossless version of those ads. Also, 5 cans for 99 cents is impressive.
        Apr 14, 2023
        Claritas likes this.
    8. GoldfishX
      When you keep balking at the price of a new OLED even when on sale, while considering adding a LIM to an already-deep DAC lineup.
    9. GoldfishX
      Slowly discovering how much I prefer techno/electronic music on speakers (vs headphones). Really digging some Ridge Racer tunes right now.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. GoldfishX
        I'm generally happy with mid-bass on headphones in my setup for stuff like pop or even metal or EDM, but electronic stuff that isn't really melodic grates my nerves. It needs room to breathe.
        Feb 18, 2023
      3. caute
        hp that are good for metal or EDM are usu good for any other genres, ime—if they can do those challenging ones, they are typically also good allrounders
        Feb 18, 2023
      4. Phantaminum
        Feb 18, 2023
        Sqveak and GoldfishX like this.
    10. GoldfishX
      No scientific evidence to back this, but noticing better playback on internal SSD vs external USB HD. More focus, more engagement, etc
      1. View previous comments...
      2. internethandle
        You can also play around with stuff like Foobar's "Ram Disk" plugin, which will sort of on the fly load tracks to RAM for playback and flush them when new tracks are sent to it. Fairly similar principles. There's other playback software that plays with loading tracks to RAM too, though, if you poke around.
        Jan 29, 2023
      3. Biodegraded
        PlayPcmWin is another RAM player (free).
        Jan 30, 2023
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Unapologetically copy/pasting from a few minutes ago. It seems to be the day for this...

        You can play music off a CD, which must be slowest storage device on any computer that doesn't still have an antique floppy drive.

        Importance of storage device? Hmmm... maybe punched cards wouldn't work too well.
        Jan 30, 2023
    11. GoldfishX
      Audioengine 6's with Yggdrasil make a great travel pair. The 6's definitely let me know if the warmup isn't done yet (upper mids are nasty)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Whoops... wrong place
        Aug 31, 2022
      3. rlow
        Personally I like to strap my Yg-gy to the back of my phone.
        Aug 31, 2022
        Soups, Boops, nithhoggr and 6 others like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Aug 31, 2022
    12. GoldfishX
      I'm a Schiit fanboy for one reason: Before their MB DAC's, my music sounded good but not addictive. Now, it's on a whole different level.
      1. atomicbob, zottel, Riotvan and 3 others like this.
    13. GoldfishX
      Reading impressions, it sounds like the Magni Piety compares more to the Vali 2+ than the 3+. 3+ upper mid hots are a no go for me.
      1. Lyander and Merrick like this.
      2. Gazny
        No tube, no worries
        Jul 24, 2022
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Lyander
        Tube sound without having to worry about tube longevity seems to be the endgame (for me, YMMV, etc)
        Jul 24, 2022
        Thad E Ginathom and Gazny like this.
    14. GoldfishX
      Trying to acquire as many of the Rock Candy reissues as possible. A lot of care went into these remasters and can tell they are real fans!
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
    15. GoldfishX
      A lot of the vinyl resurgence is due to people not knowing how to squeeze as much potential as possible out of digital media.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
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      3. GoldfishX
        @purr1n You'd be surprised how many people are not aware of the role of an external DAC in the system. It's probably not helped by the fact that it's impossible to find even a budget DAC on store shelves, but you're almost tripping over budget turntables in the stores. More of an awareness issue than a setup issue. Imagine if Walmart started stocking Modi's or something like that.
        Jul 16, 2022
      4. purr1n
        If you are talking regular folk, digital from an iPhone > random Numark table at Best Buy. I still think it's curiosity and novelty, especially given how modern record releases don't sound all that good. In some cases, they sound much worse than from iTunes or Spotify.
        Jul 16, 2022
      5. GoldfishX
        Yeah, regular folk. Ones that aren't going to be auditioning a digital rig against their Numark turntable and PC speakers, but still pay that premium for vinyl (novelty, as you say). The difference in pressings is another reason I'm far more comfortable in the digital realm. I've been very pleased with a lot of remasters of late (compared to the junk from the late 90s and early 2000s, especially on rock/metal).
        Jul 16, 2022
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    16. GoldfishX
      Does anyone remember the Digizoid Zo? Some of my favorite IEM pairings were with that thing (first one). Impossible to find nowadays.
      1. Claritas
        Which IEMs?
        Jul 1, 2022
      2. GoldfishX
        I used a pair of Brainwavz B2 back in the day. Fairly bright/neutral, but paired well with the Zo's crazy warm signature and big soundstage. I stopped using IEM's because of constant ear infections.
        Jul 1, 2022
        Claritas likes this.
    17. GoldfishX
      Keep trying to follow ASR logic, but it seems like a cult that doesn't actually listen to gear or music.
      1. PsiPhi likes this.
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      3. Cspirou
        @Thad E Ginathom - “Avoid Amir everywhere else”

        He’s infected all my other audio groups. They post his measurements all the time even if they contradict other sources. Even online merchants feature an ASR stamp of approval on their products
        Jun 26, 2022
        Case, Thad E Ginathom and Cryptowolf like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom

        Ye Gods, that makes Amir more dangerous than Coronavirus!

        So glad I don't have to view SBAF through protective goggles. I have given up other audio sites, except for checking the for-sale forum of a local one. But I don't post there. It's the opposite to ASR: full of radical subjectivist bullshit! They'd hate Amir, but for all the wrong reasons, lol.
        Jun 27, 2022
        Cspirou likes this.
      5. atomicbob
        "so much work to offer nothing of value" except this type of effort skews the marketplace significantly to appease those same, self-serving deaf ears stroking their own egos while lining pockets.
        Jun 27, 2022
        PsiPhi, Thad E Ginathom and GoldfishX like this.
    18. GoldfishX
      Got my Valhalla 2 out of storage. Was never in love with it, but might try rolling WE 396A's into it to liven it up. Great soundstage!
      1. Qildail, Gazny and CEE TEE like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. GoldfishX
        I've never read anything that explained why I should upgrade from 1 to 2. It's warm and slammy, but I struggled to find tubes that sounded good in it. Used "holy grail" Voshkods for years, but I much prefer the 396.
        Jun 23, 2022
        Case likes this.
      4. Case
        I upgraded from Vali 1 to Valhalla 2, but never fell in love with it either. I listen to a lot of shoegaze, a poor match. Should have held on to the Vali
        Jun 23, 2022
        GoldfishX likes this.
      5. GoldfishX
        I believe it was purrin that suggested 396 w/adapter, I think in a Vali 2 discussion. I stumbled on that discussion one random night on here, lol. The price was right.
        Jun 23, 2022
        Case likes this.
    19. GoldfishX
      The way I would describe Mike Moffat bass is "you hear it, you want to eat it, you can't get enough of it and you don't gain weight"
      1. sheldaze likes this.
    20. GoldfishX
      1. Senorx12562
        Phil's daughter?
        Jun 18, 2022
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    Jun 6, 1966 (Age: 58)