Comments on Profile Post by Ti_Leo

  1. Ti_Leo
    But it's really weird that the first time I turned it on, both channel had sound and I even did a channel check. But the second time I tried it, the right went silent, as it should.
    Jul 18, 2021
  2. Ti_Leo
    Ah, I guess I know how to make the right channel back: turn on the amp for 1 min, turn it off, swap the 2 6C33C-Bs left to right, turn the amp back on, STEREO SOUND! But I sense some smell of a working hair dryer coming out of the amp.
    Jul 18, 2021
  3. thegunner100
    Jul 18, 2021
    Case and Ti_Leo like this.
  4. Ti_Leo
    @thegunner100 My unit has a different problem I think: The seller broke one of the rectifier tubes, so I guess it took something in the right channel with it. But I can use both of the channels after "warming up" the tubes, and the volume on right channel stays, or even the it sounded a bit loud or brighter to me. Anyway, thank you all the same, and glad to see your amp is working now.
    Jul 18, 2021
  5. thegunner100
    Ahh sorry to hear that. It was worth a try :(
    Jul 18, 2021
  6. Ti_Leo
    It's OK, I bought this unit hoping it's just a broken tube problem, but planned for much worse, like there's only bricks in the package. (I'm in China, so...) I guess the broken is not toooo big? At least one of the channels still works, so I can use it as reference. Time for me to learn some real electricity!
    Jul 18, 2021