The All Purpose Advice Thread

Discussion in 'Advice Threads' started by purr1n, Sep 26, 2015.

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  1. Streamline

    Streamline New Contributor

    May 9, 2018
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    Is it generally frowned upon to mod a Zana Deux? I'm asking because there is one listed and I am debating on going the extra distance to try and bring it to Boston. It's S/N #3, modded with hi/lo Z switch (but I gather high is 12 ohm and not the 20 of current Supers) . I'm a little surprised no one has snapped it up. I have no problem owning older gear, and am not bother by a little cosmetic wear/tear. Headphone paring would be with HD800/SDR -- I'm very new to the HD800 but I get it!

  2. Thenewerguy009

    Thenewerguy009 Friend Pyrate

    Oct 11, 2015
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    The thing is that it will be shipped from Japan & shipping will in all likely cost a few hundred. You also have to account custom fees as well.
  3. Dr J

    Dr J Friend Pyrate

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Some hopefully helpful pointers and a slightly selfish suggestion.

    Schiit Saga has been recommended as a tube buffer for Jot by experienced folks to tame Jot and as preamp for speakers. Search with sagaheim or saga and jotunheim.

    Schiit Lyr3 gets a lot of attention, and in the Lyr3 thread you can find an updated spider chart comparing Schiit headphone amps, incl Ragnarok. Also check Marvey's original spiderchart/comparison.

    Project Horizon and Massdrop MCTH seem also to be worthy considerations.

    There are also hints of rumours of an interesting new amp, so might be worth waiting a bit.

    Worth also checking which threads in headphone amplifier forum get a lot traffic to see other interesting options.

    In case you are interested in Yggdrasil and Ragnarok, as it happens I am thinking of replacing my Yggdrasil with the new Analog 2 Yggdrasil and my Rag with Freya as I need a preamp rather than headamp for the speaker setup.

    I am located in Helsinki region. Drop me a PM if you happen to be in this neighborhood and wish to give Yggdrasil and Rag a listen, e.g. to test Yggdrasil with Jot.

    Edit: Project Horizon.
    Last edited: May 18, 2018
  4. Streamline

    Streamline New Contributor

    May 9, 2018
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    Customs could be risky, but I've done things like buy LEGOs and board games from Germany, and there was that one time we self-imported an induction cooktop from the UK ... knock on wood but it's not been an issue. Even if shipping is $200, getting a ZD without a wait for %50 of current new is really tempting. Unfortunately I'm too much of a rando to do business with (already been politely turned down), but I'm still thinking of trying again.
  5. Streamline

    Streamline New Contributor

    May 9, 2018
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    I've had the LCD-2 (late 2017 build) now for three weeks and I need to decide if I want to keep it -- honeymoon is wearing off fast I suppose. It's been a really intense three weeks; I'm probably averaging 6 hours, 7 hours a night. It's my first encounter with a planar and that bass is to die for, and it's been hard to put it down, what with Tidal spread out before me. The rest of my chain is MBP, Benchmark DAC1 Pre via USB I've had for around 10 years or so, and a Mjolnir 1 recently purchased from Schiit on closeout. I listen to equal parts electronica (VNV Nation, Covenant, The Upbeats), classical (solo piano/cello/violin through quartets to Mahler/Bruckner/Shostakovich symphonic), jazz (Billie Holiday to Dave Holland), rock, pop, rap, folk, world ... pretty much everything. And I also have an HD800/SDR.

    My question is specific and hopefully straight-forward: is there an Audeze over-ear planar that will render Oscar Peterson's piano on "Corcovado" from the album We Get Requests (Tidal MQA) correctly. The dip at around 4 - 5K is really obvious and just destroys the upper octave of the piano. It's not a matter of sparkle; on the LCD-2 that top octave isn't there and it sounds like Oscar Peterson is playing a broken piano. Through the HD800 driven by the same chain, he's playing the piano again. I'm not looking for HD800 performance there -- just something that doesn't sound broken, because I do like Ray Brown's double bass on the LCD, and I'm sure I want an Audeze in the lineup... just maybe not an LCD-2 and maybe not this particular LCD-2.
    Last edited: May 19, 2018
  6. PWEdgar

    PWEdgar New

    May 16, 2018
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    I'm struggling to know where to spend my dollars on what will be my first higher end quality/price headphones/IEM's.

    Budget: $1500
    Sound: Open to ideas, but don't like heavy thumping bass unless super well controlled
    Style: No idea - really struggling to decide between IEM's or Over-Ear - I know I do not like on ear
    Sound: Not sure. My current IEM's are 1More Quad drivers, and to me they sound great for the price.
    Issues: I do not like physically heavy over ears, as I did already try the Audeze LCD2-Classic, I also felt the Sennheiser HD660S was great, but I wanted "more." I am not sure I will like behind the ear IEM's, like the Andro, but I hear it is comfortable and sounds great. If I could, I would prefer an IEM that can be worn line down. I really don't want any microphonics in the cabling.

    I am also not sure if I should spend less on cans and get a mid-range item that scales well and spend dollars on an AMP/DAC like Shiit Joutenheim or whatever.

    Analysis Thx.
  7. Ice-man

    Ice-man Friend Pyrate Banned

    Oct 12, 2015
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    @PWEdgar Consider:

    1. hd6x0 (kiss mod for more clarity IF you feel that you need it after some break in time) $200
    2. lyr3 with new production Tung Sol $525. As an alternate choice amp choice Headamp Gilmore lite mkii if you prefer solid state and prefer more clairity/transparency. $500
    3. Modi multibit $250
    4. Schiit EITR $180 (solves all usb issues)

    Total of around $1150...spend the rest on music or your wife/significant other.
  8. PWEdgar

    PWEdgar New

    May 16, 2018
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    Hmm, that is a really compelling idea. It would also give me the gear to add more cans later I suspect. Would it give comparable sound quality to say spending the full $1500 on IEM's or flagship style headphones? Really appreciate the advice.
  9. Ice-man

    Ice-man Friend Pyrate Banned

    Oct 12, 2015
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    You can certainly use that rig to spend big money on a higher dollar headphone. I'm no expert on totl iem, but others here can help you with that. I've always found that over ear cans gave me a better experience than iems.
  10. PWEdgar

    PWEdgar New

    May 16, 2018
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    Makes sense. I have a question though. Why do I need an Eitr and why do I need a Modi with the Lyr, isn't the Lyr 3 and DAC and AMP combo? Appreciate it.
  11. Ice-man

    Ice-man Friend Pyrate Banned

    Oct 12, 2015
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    Modi MB is generally accepted as a step up in performance from the add-in card and just $50 more. Please you would have more flexibility with a separate dac.

    You may not need the EITR, but I've found even with high end/custom pc's that the EITR still makes an appreciable improvement.
  12. PWEdgar

    PWEdgar New

    May 16, 2018
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    Got it, cool. I find this option kind of exciting actually. Would you recommend Sennheiser HD 600/650 or 660 S?

    Also, I think I understand now - the Lyr 3 would come as AMP only with the new tubes, and the DAC would be the Modi with Multibit and the Eitr would clean the stack links to and from PC etc?
  13. kirayamato

    kirayamato Friend Pyrate

    Oct 18, 2015
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  14. MellowVelo

    MellowVelo Friend Pyrate Contributor

    Sep 5, 2016
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    @Ice-man has given you solid advice.

    For an amp, both the Lyr 3 and Gilmore Lite mk2 would serve you well. You ultimately have to make a decision based on personal preference (tubes vs. solid state, more warmth vs. clarity/transparency).

    Same goes for headphone choice. You can't go wrong with either the HD600 or HD650. I think that the HD650 is generally a little more loved around here than the HD600, but the HD600 has plenty of admirers. Many feel that the HD600 is just a little faster and more dynamic, while many feel that the HD650 is more refined and scales better. I wouldn't get hung up on it because they're more similar than they are different. I personally prefer the HD650.

    The general consensus is to stay away from the HD660S. Many feel that it was a step backwards in terms of design and doesn't scale as well.
  15. PWEdgar

    PWEdgar New

    May 16, 2018
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    Thank you all so much, this has been an awesome help, and without it, I never would have landed here. I can see now why it makes so much sense. I ordered the Schiit stack and the HD 650's. All should be here by Monday evening. Can't wait.

    Thanks again.
  16. PWEdgar

    PWEdgar New

    May 16, 2018
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    Oh one more thing I just thought of, do I need any special cables to connect the Schiit stack together and to my home PC/Headphones, and do I need any special upgrades to the stock HD650 cables? Thx again.
  17. kirayamato

    kirayamato Friend Pyrate

    Oct 18, 2015
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    just get rca cables the schiit pyst cables are great if you got the eitr you will need a spdif cable am not sure if it comes with one u can check and a usb type a to type b the same used on printers
    Last edited: May 19, 2018
  18. Elnrik

    Elnrik Super Friendly Pyrate

    Jan 10, 2017
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    Don't go crazy on headphone cables yet. Get everything else nailed down first. Let it sink in, get used to the sound, etc. Otherwise, what @kirayamato said.
  19. PWEdgar

    PWEdgar New

    May 16, 2018
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    Got it, cool - will stick with RCA for now. Thx.
  20. Gemini

    Gemini Facebook Friend

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Is the Jotunheim worthy enough to pair with the YggyA2?

    Current phones: Z1R, Fostex Massdrop PH, T1 2nd Gen, Elear, HD650
    Music: pop, rock, hip hop, female vocals
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