SE amps with XLR inputs - what's the deelio?

Discussion in 'General Audio Discussion' started by rhythmdevils, Aug 1, 2022.

  1. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

    Apr 15, 2020
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    So some SE amps have XLR inputs.

    Many DAC's sound better out of the XLR outputs than the SE outputs.

    So I'm at first thinking win! I can run my SE amp directly from the XLR outputs of the DAC and bypass the transformer XLR -SE converter. But I talked to a few people and it seems it may not be that simple, and there is no free lunch.

    So what's the deal with this situation? Do XLR inputs on SE amps let you bypass the transformer coloration and get the sound straight from the XLR outs of the DAC? Or is there more to the story?

    I was thinking of having XLR inputs added to an SE amp I have but then it seemed not so simple.
  2. uniqusrname

    uniqusrname Acquaintance

    Jan 26, 2017
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    A better approach would be use an XLR to SE cable and utilize one-half of balanced signal out of DAC. A typical xlr input on SE amp could be converting balanced to SE internally which will introduced another stage in signal path and source for colouration.
  3. hifiandrun

    hifiandrun Almost "Made"

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Per Schiit’s bit definition, connect half of the XLR output to a SE input, you would lost 1 bit. Hence the Yggdrasil OG is a 21 bits MB DAC (2 20bit DAC chip per channel). The summing circuit is analog, thus the SE from the Yggdrasil OG should be still considered as 21bits, in theory. I made a pair of XLR to SE cables for my Gungnir MB. Those have a 22k resistor soldered between the negative pin 3 to the ground pin 1 (small enough to be hidden in the Neutrik connectors) thus is safer to the DAC. I feel the Cinemag CMLI15/15B are more engaging and have better resolution (a bit blacker background?)
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2022
  4. ChaChaRealSmooth

    ChaChaRealSmooth SBAF's Mr. Bean

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    Yes, you are right; there is no such thing as a free lunch. In fact, most unfortunately I believe the most common way is to use some sort of XLR to SE transformer, so it's likely there's going to be a transformer in there somewhere.

    Allow me to use the venerable DNA Stellaris as an example. The Stellaris is undeniably one of the best headphone amps that money can buy period. It's a single-ended amp, but can be ordered with XLR inputs. What Donald does as his solution is to use a transformer; on the Stellaris the transformers used are both extremely expensive and extremely capable (Audio Note transformers). That being said, it would be frankly idiotic to think that even those transformers don't affect the sound in some way even if it's extremely subtle.

    I would be VERY cautious about doing such a thing without consulting the manufacturer. Grounding half the signal can absolutely destroy your DAC.

    This is also why if you own something like a DSHA-3F and you take it to a meet, be prepared to watch it like a hawk. Some dumbass WILL try to plug in their SE headphones with an adapter which will ground the center taps and fry your $3k amp
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2022
  5. dBel84

    dBel84 Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Some amps are designed to take a balanced input despite being SE. The Pass First Watt Aleph is a good example


    You can see the inputs go to the differential input pair.

    .. dB

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