Comments on Profile Post by Erikdayo

  1. sheldaze
    I did not do much research, just personal observation. I have felt HD800 headband pads that were comfortable, and some that were hard as a rock.
    Aug 10, 2018
    Erikdayo likes this.
  2. Erikdayo
    That’s interesting. It’s not the first HD800 I’ve used, and I believe I found the other ones much more comfortable. I figured it was because I got used to my ADX5000 which puts basically 0 pressure on top, but it could also be headband pad variation.
    Aug 10, 2018
  3. westermac
    Ha yup, me too. Just sold a HD800 for the same reason. If the clamp were just a bit firmer it would help alleviate all the weight going to the thin headband pad, or maybe it's just me. No problem wearing heavy Audeze cans with a suspension strap for hours.
    Aug 10, 2018
    Erikdayo likes this.
  4. Erikdayo
    Ah. that's another interesting point that could be a factor. The HD800 has basically zero clamp for me. From now on I do plan on sticking with only full suspension along with A-T wing system and ADX5000 style.

    I found the MrSpeakers AFC very very comfortable though not the most enjoyable sound. They are a bit heavier, but I am definitely interested in Audeze and HiFiMAN offerings.
    Aug 10, 2018
  5. westermac
    Now that I have the Elex where I want it I may be letting go of my LCD-2 rev2 pre-fazor. Shoot me a message if you're interested. I like it a good deal better than either the LCD-X or LCD-2 fazor
    Aug 10, 2018