Comments on Profile Post by Vtory

  1. Vtory
    Not the fanciest YT review by any means.. but he doesn't seem to beg views, ads, subscriptions, or even likes. I can feel very high level of sincerity. And his love of 007 (on vocals) has something I can easily agree with..
    Oct 25, 2021
  2. Tachikoma
    Given that I own the 007mk1 and never found it _that_ amazing (technically great but left me a little cold)... the X9000 would probably be fine for me. Not that I'm ever owning one.
    Oct 25, 2021
  3. Vtory

    Wait, is it cold to you? Did you mean it's on the colder side among entire Stax spectrum? My a couple of meet impressions were rather the opposite (a little soft and warmer than the rest). By "spectrum", I'd like to include at least 009, 007, and legacy lambdas.

    Not very familiar with 007 versions tho (kinda unsure between a, mk1, mk2, 2.5, 2.9, etc etc oh well)
    Oct 25, 2021
  4. Tachikoma
    No, not cold sounding, it just isn't as involving as vintage Staxen like the SR-5. Its fine as a daily driver, but I will usually switch to something else if I really want to feel the music.

    Better (more powerful) amplification did help, but that "boringness" is a part of its nature.
    Oct 26, 2021
  5. Vtory
    Oh, now I see. I heard that "boring" thing a bit although they did several things well if I recall correctly.
    Oct 26, 2021