Comments on Profile Post by Inoculator

  1. EagleWings
    Which amp and speakers are on your radar to try next?
    Dec 1, 2021
  2. Inoculator
    @EagleWings This living room system is built around just a NAD M33 and turntable, so sticking with that unless I end up with serious synergy issues. Still deciding on the speaker front. The Graham LS6f are basically my perfect speaker, but they are a bit undersized for my room. Tempted to try other Graham offerings as their speakers clearly click for me, but dang do they get expensive.
    Dec 1, 2021
    EagleWings likes this.
  3. Inoculator
    I at one point consider Klipsch Forte IVs for this setup, as I really need speakers that can perform well-being positioned near the front wall...but after finding the Ohms to be too lively/in your face, I worry the Klipsch would be the same and not for me. I am just addicted to that BBC sensibility that prioritizes musicality and vocal accuracy above everything else.
    Dec 1, 2021
    EagleWings likes this.
  4. EagleWings
    The Grahams do go up in price real quick. But I hear their bigger models only get better. Perhaps the LS5/9F? The Klipsches are a very different sound. But I hear they can be tamed when you pair with an appropriate tube amp.
    Dec 1, 2021
    Inoculator likes this.
  5. EagleWings
    The time I demoed the Forte, it was being driven by a Roksan amp and it was quite aggressive. I do wish to try it again now that I have a DHT amp. I recall you mentioning that you plan on trying some pentode push-pulls. Do you have any in mind? A friend tells me the Conrad Johnson CAV-45 S2 is very impressive.
    Dec 1, 2021
    Inoculator likes this.
  6. Inoculator
    I want to get my ears on the LS5/9F, although it sounds like it is a bit less smooth/full than the LS6F. Bigger cabinet/drivers so might be the ticket. I also want to get my ears on the new LS8/1, although it is probably similar the LS6f. About same cabinet volume but 8" rather than 6" woofer. Wish I could afford the LS5/5, heard at local shop and it is stunning.
    Dec 1, 2021
    EagleWings likes this.
  7. Inoculator
    I am interested in the push-pull stuff for my reference nearfield LS3/5A setup, although since acquiring the Sugden A21SE my desire to try new amps has vanished. Would love to go more elaborate in the living room, but the BluOS setup and streamlined nature of the M33 has been just the ticket for my use case there.
    Dec 1, 2021
    EagleWings likes this.
  8. EagleWings
    Yea the tweeter on the 5/9 isn’t as smooth as the one on the 6. My friend regrets selling his 5/9 though. I wonder if the added low end on the F version would help offset the brightness. Oh you’ve heard the 5/5? Good to know it is very good. Would love to hear it someday. But the price makes it unobtanium.
    Dec 1, 2021
    Inoculator likes this.
  9. Inoculator
    I do bump the treble level +1 or sometimes +2 on my LS6f to liven them up in my room, so maybe the tweeter of the LS5/9 would not bug me comparatively. Does seem the extra oomph of the F could mean it would work out for me. Going to try to hear it first, spoiled living near the main US Graham shop. And yeah, $20k for the LS5/5 means never going to happen for me, favorite speaker I have heard though for sure.
    Dec 1, 2021
    EagleWings likes this.
  10. EagleWings
    My friend is getting a Sugden for a home demo and he is praying for it to work well with his Spendor 1/2. Because we don’t have that many good options here in India. Yea, I was eyeing the M33 for that very reason. A simple, all-in-one solution.
    Dec 1, 2021
    Inoculator likes this.
  11. Inoculator
    Yeah I need to eventually do a write up on the M33, I have been waiting to get my turntable in (yay COVID shipping delays) before I do a final write up. Is it perfect? No. Is it an incredible and versatile all-in-one? Yes. If someone needs a streamlined setup it has relatively few compromises and an overall musical pleasing presentation. Overall like it more than the Naim Uniti Nova.
    Dec 1, 2021
    EagleWings likes this.
  12. EagleWings
    Great. I look forward to your impressions. If time allows, please share some thoughts on the Grahams and the Sugden too. Hardly any reliable impressions of these gear out there.
    Dec 1, 2021
    JayC and Inoculator like this.