Comments on Profile Post by crazychile

  1. zonto
    I've wanted to move from silver to black for a long time, but it's just hard to stomach.
    Nov 9, 2022
    crazychile likes this.
  2. Claritas
    @zonto I had a black Yggdrasil. It was a dust magnet. I'd never liked silver equipment till then.
    Nov 9, 2022
    RestoredSparda likes this.
  3. crazychile
    For me some reasons to make color change to black are that future purchases are cheaper in black. Loki Max is available in black only , and visually the contrast of the front panels might make it easier to see from across the room.
    Nov 10, 2022
    Claritas and RestoredSparda like this.
  4. MellowVelo
    Black sounds better. Always.
    Nov 10, 2022
  5. zonto
    @Claritas dust is just less visible on silver, same amount though. All my other gear is black now so the silver Yggdrasil sticks out like a sore thumb in the rack.
    Nov 10, 2022
  6. Claritas
    @crazychile The silver knobs (only knobs, not buttons though) on the black cases look ugly.
    Nov 10, 2022
  7. crazychile
    The black Schiit kind of reminds me of the 90's era Levinson
    Nov 10, 2022