Comments on Profile Post by wbass

  1. wbass
    I nearly went for the Carbon on Headfi, but 1) no info on the builder 2) can't send PayPal G&S to Ukraine, so no protection. I'm sure the seller is solid, but I didn't quite want to take the risk. Maybe I'll hold out for a used Mjolnir Audio?
    May 19, 2024
  2. Tachikoma
    Soren Brix?
    May 19, 2024
    wbass likes this.
  3. Riotvan
    You can get Tyll's old amp from Mjolnir?
    May 20, 2024
  4. wbass
    Great suggestions, thanks. Half tempted still to go with that cheap DIY amp from Ukraine. Still feel stung by getting scammed a few months back tho. Does your credit card back you up on a F&F purchase? Unsure if I want to take the risk.
    May 20, 2024
  5. Rthomas
    Do not go cheap , especially a no name diy build for a high voltage stat amp. Unknown reliability and customer service and almost impossible to resell. If you can’t stomach new prices get used Birgir or Soren built amp. They’ll always help as long as the amp hasn’t been modified by a third party and they’ll always be worth close to what you paid .
    May 20, 2024
    wbass likes this.
  6. wbass
    Great advice. Cheers. Definitely jibes with my hesitation. Turns out I have little sense of how hard/easy it is to f up these DIY amps.
    May 20, 2024
    Rthomas likes this.
  7. MellowVelo
    Although I haven't used an electrostatic amp, I bought a Dynalo from Birgir and had a very positive experience. We had a lengthy email exchange prior to purchase, and he took care of me a couple of years later when the volume pot started having issues. Birgir sells a bunch of used amps on his site, including Tyll's old amp, which @Rthomas mentioned. That might be a place to start without breaking the bank.
    May 21, 2024
    wbass likes this.
  8. wbass
    I visit Mjolnir's used amp page often and have been mighty tempted. Still a fair spend over there. I think I got starry-eyed visions of a cheap DIY Carbon and a used pair of 007 for under $3k, which has gotten me tempted again. In my big TOTL-ish audition last year, including a visit to HeadAmp in C-Ville, I ended up not being sure if stats are for me.
    May 21, 2024
    MellowVelo likes this.
  9. wbass
    But I do see plenty of reports that 007 and 009(S) properly amped hang in there with or beat the Sus. And the X9000, in a brief audition, were just a detail monster. Basically, in casting around for something "different," I've got curious about stats again.
    May 21, 2024